2 Year Post Pregnancy Battle

stephmeling Posts: 2
Hello All - I'm new! :) I have been struggling with my weight since the birth of my daughter in late 2009.

I started when she was about 3 months old. I did really good for a while and then my results hit a wall. I got frustrated and quit. Then I tried P90X (I know, a little extreme) and that was a total bust. I did the first week and the DVD's have been sitting in my entertainment center since. I tried Hip Hop Abs and that too was a flop. Then I tried Insanity, and I did great. I started it up before 6 weeks before we went on vacation last summer and had amazing results I made all the way through the first 6 weeks and then stopped because of vacation and didnt finish the last 2 weeks. But...then like everything else I quit and have gained everything back plus 10 more pounds.

The hardest thing for me is the fact that I never struggled with my weight before I got pregnant. I never had to exersice or diet. I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted and I was fine. I maintained my weight without lifting a finger. Then I got pregnant and now everything has changed. I knew my body would never go back to normal, but I didnt expect everything else to change as well.

My hubs is a huge supporter. But it's hard for me when I have to work my butt off to lose even a couple pounds and he sits on the couch watching sports without gaining an ounce. I love him dearly but sometimes he really gets me lol. He is me pre-pregnancy. Eats anything he feels like and doesnt have to worry about feeling guilty afterwards. That's why I'm here. I need a support team. People going through the same thing I am!

Now, like I said, I know my body will never go back to "normal"...However, my goal is to at least TRY to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans again. I dont have to be able to fit into them, but I would like to get close to that size again!

I need all the support I can get, so feel free to add/request me as a friend!


  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    You'll get there. It's hard to deal with the fact of learning portion control and not doing fad diets and things, but life change is better than dieting. Every time I have taken the fast way out, I've gained more back.
  • Many have said that after baby 2, weight loss is tough. I feel your pain! Don't give up...
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    please feel free to add me...i started in jan 2008 3 months post partum with my daughter at 253.8 (highest was 263 after my son in 2004-2005)...it has been a steady progression for me and over the last 4 yrs i'm down just over 80lbs...i am the FITTEST i have ever been even though i'm not at my goal weight yet....i'd love to encourage and cheer you on...denise
  • I could have almost written this post. My body is totally different since I've had my son 21 months ago. I never thought losing the pounds would be such a struggle either. This has been a really rough journey, but it is getting better.

    MFP is really helping me stay on track (so far). I've been really good with my calories now that I actually admit what I'm eating. And, I've even been consistent with exercise.

    I'm pretty new too, and will send a friend request. We can get back in those jeans!!

    Good luck to you!
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    my daughter was also born in 2009...i am 5 foot tall and weighed 157...I was wearing size 14 pants...I let it go for a year but got sick of still wearing my maternity clothes ...so i went on MFP in Sept 2010 and have been on ever since, I weigh 136 and now fit into my pre prego jeans...size 10 but am still determined to lose another 17 pounds...I dont waste time on exercise programs..I just try to walk and do some Wii games here and there...I have done the exercise routines before and was never successful...I walk each day on my lunch and also try to get addtional walks on the treadmill, Leslie Sansone DVD's and Just Dance 2 etc every couple of nites...its hard doing anything with a 2 year old lol I will be you mfp and I will help to keep you on track!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I've been working my way back to pre-preggo size since my daughter was born 8 months ago. I've lost 65-ish pounds and have about 45 to go (yea, I got huge while pregnant). It's tough and it's fustrating and it's easier to give up than keep going. Sounds stupid but just to get yourself into a workout schedule, walking is great and then you get bored and you move onto something else but use that same time slot you've made for yourself.
    Don't give up and you will get there!
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    I have the same struggles! I also had a great metabolism when I was younger and after 3 kids (including a daughter in 2009 too!), I feel like I gain weight when I look at food. Luckily for me, my husband has the same struggle, so he gets to annoy me for other reasons. ;) I'd love to join your support group, so please feel free to add me!
  • dmbfan22
    dmbfan22 Posts: 20 Member
    Your story is very similar to mine...
    I start and quit all the time.
    I am trying to start with little things and work my way up.
    Today I started the 30 Day Shred for the umpteenth time.... But I am really going to focus on finishing this for the next 30 days. I usually try to all or nothing approach but not this time.
  • wawamoore
    wawamoore Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I had my baby in Oct 2009 and am going through the same struggles as you. I would always hear ladies talk about how hard it is to lose weight after having a baby, but I never truly understood it until now! Sometimes I will struggle all week and lose less than a pound, and it definitely doesn't seem worth the work and sacrifice I put in! :noway:

    My mantra is "My will is stronger than my cravings." Sometimes this is true and sometimes not, but I keep saying it over and over to myself in hopes that it will soon stick!

    I know we can do this! Welcome!
  • lucyliar
    lucyliar Posts: 31 Member
    same with me, my second child born in dec 2009, after that i have reduced 12 kg from the weight after delivery, but now for past 6 months my weight is stuck. i feel tired if i donot eat and if i eat i gain more weight.
    many a days, when i am emotionally down, being a single working mother , it is hard to keep the momentum. but i can totally understand what u are going through. let us support and encourage each other and achieve victory on over common enemy -weight. any one can add me as friend , will be happy to be with people on the same boat.
  • I am also trying to lose my pregnancy weight (she was born Dec 2010). A few years ago, I lost nearly 100lbs, gained 20 back, got pregnant and gained another 85!!! AAAHHH! I then lost 40lbs going back to normal living after having my daughter and have lots to go!

    I also enjoy the support I get online because my support system isn't so great in my house! My husband is a skinny rail who has never had to worry about his weight. He eats whatever, whenever. I buy him a carton of ice cream and it's gone in a day! get my drift?! He doesn't quite understand the struggle I go through - so that's why I'm here!!!

    Looking forward to supporting eachother!
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    Feel free to add me. My 3rd (and last) child was born in June 2009. I've lost about 22lbs but am still about 10lbs from goal....it's a constant struggle - doesn't help I'm 5'1". Good luck!
  • :happy: Feel free to add me!!!! I had my little girl in April of 2009, I weighed 148 lbs when I found out i was preggo, I ended up weighing 233 lbs at the end of it. She is now 2 1/2 years old and I now weigh 207. I just started this a couple of months ago. I need to get me back. I have lost my self confidence and all. I am slowly getting it back. The more weight I lose, the better I feel about it and myself. I want to be healthy for my baby girl. Hope you do good!!!
  • peacheshka
    peacheshka Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me Two years in Feb since I had my twins and the weight hasnt budged until I started this. just reading everyone's stories makes it so much easier to keep that will power! I am the same way I will try the latest diet or the " ab circle" to get quick results and I never stay with it. I am only 5 ft ;( my husband is supportive but not quite helpful! Id rather jus sit and hang out with him then workout! Time for change we can do this! Good luck
  • I am happy and encouraged to read that there are others out there in the same boat I am. I just had my 3 child 8 weeks ago! My second was in Dec 2009 and I hadn't lost all my weight from that one before #3 came along :frown: I heard about this from a friend of mine and thought I would give it a try. I have also done WW and it did work, but have realized that getting to meetings with 3 kids and inbetween work just isn't going to work. I bought a pair of what I call "fancy butt jeans" when I was in Vegas for my 30th birthday and shortly after got pregnant with #3. I have yet to wear these jeans, but have them hanging on display in my closet as a reminder everyday to keep going (with exercise and calorie-counting). They are my goal pants!!!! I am hoping to lose 20-25 lbs to feel better about myself. I have realized that your body doesn't go back to "normal" after having babies, but I want to get it back as close as I can!!!:smile:

    Feel free, any of you post-pregnancy mommies, to friend me. Can use all the support I can get! :happy:
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