Totally bummed out...

copswife4148 Posts: 59
So yesterday was the 1st day that I went over my calorie limit. I didn't feel like cooking, so I took the kids and a friend out to lunch. We ordered pizza and I knew it was a bad idea, but I went for it anyway. I've also had an issue with working out for the last few days due to a problem with my iron level being low (I've been light-headed and dizzy off and on for the last few days). Needless to say, I'm really upset with myself right now. I don't feel like I've completely failed, but it worried me as to how easily I gave in yesterday. Maybe I'm just overreacting bcuz I wanted to succeed to much. Oh well, hopefully this week is a better week.


  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    dont worry about just try to get in more exercise and get right back on track. are you sure it is iron? I have hypoglycemia and the symptoms are the same.are you eating regularly?
  • MarleyCats
    MarleyCats Posts: 9 Member
    I have totally been where you are. I travel fairly often with teams that I coach and we usually wind up doing pizza or some other kind of fast food for dinner. They like it because it's cheap and easy, but I hate it because it makes it so hard to eat right! Most of the time, I'm good and have a salad or (at Wendy's) chili and a baked potato. But there are those days where I just give in and have the cheeseburger, fries, and milkshake! Afterwards, I feel pretty guilty, but I remember that as long as the majority of my days are healthy and on plan, I can still make it.

    Long story short, don't worry! One bad day WILL NOT wreak havoc on your weight loss plans. The fact that you are already looking ahead to the success you can have this week is proof positive that you can and will meet your weight loss goal!
  • We can't all have perfect days everyday. I know I've definitely had my fair share of days where I've gone over my calorie limit. Every once in a while it's not necessarily a bad thing to indulge in some food you've been restricting yourself from, otherwise you'll get bored with your new lifestyle change and you won't want to make healthy eating an important part of your life in the long term. As long as you eat healthily the majority of the time, a slip up every now and then won't derail you. You can do it!!
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Don't be bummed out! This is an excellent opportunity to test yourself! So you overindulged yesterday (everybody does it!) which means you now can work on either staying within your calorie limits for the rest of the week and/or adjusting them to make up for the overindulgence.

    You're doing great so don't get discouraged, just make a plan for what to do when this happens!

  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    We all fall off the wagon from time to time---it's not a total failure.
    I do understand how you feel but remember...
    today is a new day.
    I would only begin to worry or be mad at myself if it started becoming a daily thing.

    As far as your iron being low, do you have any iron supplements you could take?
    If not ask your doctor---they do sell them over the counter. (walmart & other stores with pharmacy)
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    We enjoy a healthy lifestyle 90% of the time, and can accept the 10% of the time when we enjoy life's other pleasures. You're normal and healthy -- and your healthy lifestyle is not a moral test.

    So don't beat yourself up for the occasional over-target day. I'm sure that over the course of the week...of the're doing just great, and that's what matters.
  • Don't stress too much over it. Sometimes these things happen...just get back into the game and continue to exercise.YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Wife, be your best friend and tell yourself it's ok and continue towards your goals. A moment of weakness is like a blip on the radar as long as you stay the course : )
  • "it worried me as to how easily I gave in yesterday"

    This is nothing to worry about. If you don't have weak days then you belong in a freak show. It's pretty much human nature to crave things that we don't have very often and lets face it, willpower isn't infinite.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Give yourself a break. Going out to eat occasionally with family or friends is enjoyable. And pizza isn't awful if you exercise portion control. What I like to do is have a slice with a nice side salad. If you ate more than you should've, then learn from it. Just move on. As far as the dizziness goes, I hope you have checked with your doctor about that & that you are taking care of it properly.
  • "it worried me as to how easily I gave in yesterday"

    This is nothing to worry about. If you don't have weak days then you belong in a freak show. It's pretty much human nature to crave things that we don't have very often and lets face it, willpower isn't infinite.

    I agree with this.

    It's hard not to cave into cravings and bad food decisions, due to time issues, money issues or travel situations. I substitute and I work in retail so it's very hard for me not go to a fast food joint in between because I don't feel like making anything.

    It happens. Enjoy it, don't feel guilty and just do well the rest of the week. =)
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    There are days when it's easy to give in and sometimes it's the best thing to do. Don't kick yourself. Just get up, dust yourself off and get doing what you know you need to do to reach your goal. All of us have bad days. We all go over our daily calories. Well, I should say many of us do. I do. But I'm under more than over. And I'm sure you are too. You just had one day of making a bad decision. That's part of being human.
  • Sweetie don't let this get you down. I've had two cheeseburger with fries and soda two days in a row. There are temptations and sometimes we will give in due to our current situation but you know whats good about all this, its there at the forefront of your brain that this is not your lifestyle. NOw you just have to pick up the piece, regain some energy and burn those damn calories off girl.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    What's wrong with Pizza? I've successfully lost 50lbs while eating pizza once, sometimes twice, per week! Everything in Moderation.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    How long have you been using MFP? Your diary isn't open to all MFP members, so I can't see what your calorie intake is like. I am not a doctor, or a dietician, or a health care professional. But I can tell you this with certainty: you cannot fail a diet in one day. It is impossible. Diet failures require repeated behavior. Wait.. there is an exception to that. If you are deathly allergic to pine nuts and you eat pine nuts and die, then I guess that's failing your diet in one day. Otherwise, one day doesn't mean much.

    Bounce back. Stay focused. You get to decide if one day of eating over calories is the BEGINNING of failure or a blip on your path toward success. Don't get too hung up on specific foods. The only thing that will make you gain weight is calorie excess. Pizza is delicious. Just work it into your calorie goal and/or allow yourself a "Go Crazy!" meal/day once in awhile. Look at your calories (and weight loss) over periods of time - not day to day.

    I already like you because you have chosen a profile pic of one of the funniest, most awesome, beautiful, smart women ever.
  • I completely agree with kenneth, Ive lost 28 lbs so far. Once a week, I will prettymuch eat whatever i feel like. My weight still stays on track, and i still keep losing weight. Being healthier is the goal, but I know if i deprive myself from foods I love/crave every single day, I will eventually fall back into my old patterns, which is what I don't want to do
  • dont worry about just try to get in more exercise and get right back on track. are you sure it is iron? I have hypoglycemia and the symptoms are the same.are you eating regularly?

    Yep I'm sure, I've had a problem with anemia for quite some time now. Everytime I go in to get my blood checked (well to check my iron level), it's usually between 1/2-2 numbers lower than average. I went and got it checked at the end of last week and it was a little low. I went out and bought a multi-vitamin and iron pills, so hopefully that'll help.
  • We all fall off the wagon from time to time---it's not a total failure.
    I do understand how you feel but remember...
    today is a new day.
    I would only begin to worry or be mad at myself if it started becoming a daily thing.

    As far as your iron being low, do you have any iron supplements you could take?
    If not ask your doctor---they do sell them over the counter. (walmart & other stores with pharmacy)

    I just went and bought a multi-vitamin and iron pills this morning, so hopefully that helps!
  • There are days when it's easy to give in and sometimes it's the best thing to do. Don't kick yourself. Just get up, dust yourself off and get doing what you know you need to do to reach your goal. All of us have bad days. We all go over our daily calories. Well, I should say many of us do. I do. But I'm under more than over. And I'm sure you are too. You just had one day of making a bad decision. That's part of being human.

    I think that is exactly the reason why I'm so mad at myself. I've been under my calorie limit everyday and was so proud, so I think it's hitting me harder that not only did I not stay under the limit, but I went over it (by like 200 calories). But I'm going to try to stay as focused as possible, pretend like this past week didn't happen, and start new this week (my diet weeks start on Tuesdays). So since today is technically the last day of my week, I'm going to think of ways to stay motivated and kick some workout *kitten* tomorrow!
  • How long have you been using MFP? Your diary isn't open to all MFP members, so I can't see what your calorie intake is like. I am not a doctor, or a dietician, or a health care professional. But I can tell you this with certainty: you cannot fail a diet in one day. It is impossible. Diet failures require repeated behavior. Wait.. there is an exception to that. If you are deathly allergic to pine nuts and you eat pine nuts and die, then I guess that's failing your diet in one day. Otherwise, one day doesn't mean much.

    Bounce back. Stay focused. You get to decide if one day of eating over calories is the BEGINNING of failure or a blip on your path toward success. Don't get too hung up on specific foods. The only thing that will make you gain weight is calorie excess. Pizza is delicious. Just work it into your calorie goal and/or allow yourself a "Go Crazy!" meal/day once in awhile. Look at your calories (and weight loss) over periods of time - not day to day.

    I already like you because you have chosen a profile pic of one of the funniest, most awesome, beautiful, smart women ever.

    I joined a week or two ago and I'll look around to open up my profile to you all. As for Lucy...I love her!! It's so awesome to know there's other Lucy-lovers out there! Lol!
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