Looking for some friends/support

Hi I'm Brittany. I've been using MyFitnessPal off and on for a few months. Cant seem to get fully focused to hit my goal. Hoping to find some friends on here to help be my support. I am 25 and engaged. Wanting to lose about 20 pounds before my wedding 10.5 months from now. Can anyone help?


  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi Brittany! I need 20 more pounds to go to hit my goal. I have been married for 13 yrs and 2 kids later, I'm ready for my body to be back! I'm always looking for support too. Add me as a friend!!
  • nibeck508
    Hi Brittany. I'm always looking for extra support ... feel free to add me as a friend. Congrats on your engagement!

  • liz1732
    liz1732 Posts: 15 Member
    hey brittany im 25 and engaged myself... looking to lose 166 pounds... if u want add me im always here to help..
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    20 pounds in 10.5 months? MFP has all the tools you need including friends! :-) Feel free to add me as one. We've got this!

  • trill0042
    trill0042 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello Brittany! 20 pounds is totally possible! Using MFP I've lost almost 15 pounds in less than 2 months.
  • MandyJaneRose
    MandyJaneRose Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Brittany! I'm also 25, and I am in the process of losing about 20lbs. Down about 8 right now, with another 10 to go. I'll add you as a friend, I know the encouragement really helps!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    definitely doable goal! me too!add me! anyone!
  • faylenechung
    faylenechung Posts: 107 Member
    I am a 30 year old Mom looking for friends who understands what it is like to try to get in shape with a several children. I have children of all ages including a 2 a baby who will be 3 months old on next Monday.