Losing Steam and Need Support

I've been using MFP faithfully for almost 3 months. I lose weight when I use it correctly and follow my exercise and nutrition guidelines, but I don't have a big support system. Every couple of weeks I fall off the wagon and ruin the progress I made. Add me as a friend and let's support each other. I think I need some more positive reinforcement...or just to know that someone is watching or caring.


  • ahedrick99
    ahedrick99 Posts: 68 Member
    You got it! I need extra support too, weekends are so hard for me!
  • NicheGuy
    Added !! you can make it happen !!
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    Ok! I'll help you. I'm just in my second month, but still pretty motivated.
  • razorspells
    First, I believe you CAN DO it. Just look at the journey and small victories that you have accomplished. Next concentrate on the present and do baby steps so that you will not burn out easily. Again, you CAN DO it :happy:

    Good luck and more power to you! Add me as your friend if you wish!
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    Don't give up!
    Keep working.....Feel free to add me and we can support each other!

  • morgthom75
    morgthom75 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm watching and caring. You want me to be better at holding you accountable? I do that with Heidi and sometimes she gets mad at me. ;-) but for realsies, whatever help you need we'll do it.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    You're more than welcome to add me! I've been here since April, and kind of lost it for a bit. I decided to reset my ticker (to pretend I was new to weight loss. :D ), and start reading into the forums again.

    I had so much ore motivation when I was just starting, so I'm trying to get back into that mindset. :)
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member

    Hi Missy, I'm new here, but what has worked for me whenever I slip up or have something that keeps me from meeting my eating or exercising goals is to think about the fact that it's only one day, and I can try again tomorrow! For example, if I have a social engagement and I overeat, I remind myself that it's only one day, and I can get back on plan tomorrow. Or, if life throws me a curveball and I can't get in my planned exercise for the day, I try to do 10 min session of anything (walk, jump rope, do crunches - whatever) or just commit to getting back on plan the next day. Hope that helps!
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    Good luck. There are a lot of people that are willing to help you on here. You can add me if you like.
  • Heidi_Edgi
    Heidi_Edgi Posts: 65 Member
    This is such a good idea to post this Melissa! You've already got some great suggestions from everyone :-D
  • dandan1974
    I've been there. I actually am grateful that my 16 year old daughter is being a great support to me right now. I am just starting Week 4 of Couch to 5K and Eating Clean. I don't know that I could do it without her. I'm new here, but I would love to help someone else stay motivated. I'm sure there will come a time when I need a nudge!!!
  • lkfosnight
    lkfosnight Posts: 6 Member
    missymischief - I can totally relate to you. I am having the same problem. I had my husband and a few of my friends on here with me for a period of time but they all have bailed on me. It is so hard some days and when you don't have other people to help keep you accountable to your own goals, it makes it harder! I will be friend requesting you so we can encourage each other!!
  • snaptate
    snaptate Posts: 22 Member
    Find fun workouts to do every week, I am a certified trainer and have all my clients log on here to support each other and I drop recipes, workouts and challenges every week. Be happy to help ya!
  • panda742002
    panda742002 Posts: 68 Member

    You can add me if you want. I am the same way. I do well for a while and because I don't see Instant results I fall off the band wagon. I seriouly do not want to fail this time and I need just as much support as I can get.

    Good Luck on your adventure.

  • nonomkat
    nonomkat Posts: 3 Member
    I'm into my eighth week now and feeling the same way. Feel free to add me - I'm doing this all on my own IRL, so any online support would be much appreciated!
  • ChristophHewett
    ChristophHewett Posts: 51 Member
    Let me know if I can help. I've just started on MFP and brimming with enthusiasm as we're entering Summer in Australia. I've just retired form amateur basketball and am seeking out new activities to stay active and have fun.

    I've used similar sites before with success but felt like a change would do me well.

    Drop by and and say hey.
  • kantone999
    Feel free to add me. The best advice I have is 1) don't give up and 2) focus on what you're doing right. That would be 1) trying to lose weight 2) tracking your progress 3) losing when you stay with the plan 4) knowing what you're doing wrong 5) and reaching out for help when you need it. Remember, it takes about 28 days to establish a new neural circuit (the habit pathway in the brain) and about 90 days to make it permanent. Even so, during periods of stress, we tend to revert to older, more deeply engrained habits for a couple of years. It's not an instantaneous change. Be patient and you'll get there.
  • ceebs1980
    Feel free to add me too. I feel the exact same, I do well for a while then if I see no results fall off the wagon. I need some like minded suppport & am more than willing to help others reach their goals.
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    I just went through a two week period of old habits and bad eating. Gaiined three pounds and felt realy tired and sluggish. I got motivated again this week by walking a friends dog every morning and could feel the health returning. So hopefully this is a start. You can do it...find that motivations to move forward and nor backwards. Just when you are saying no to yourself think of doing something else.. a walk, and outing to your favorite place, even buying a special flower that says YOU COUNT...Good luck this week, take one day at a time and go for it.