Recoverd Bulimic wanting to lose weight the healthy way - he

Hi my name is Kelsey and I am 23 from Manchester.
I have joined this site because I want to lose 20lbs. I am currently 142lbs and 5ft 6in so my goal weight is 122lbs which is where I feel most comfortable and healthy.
I used to be bulimic but I am now fully recovered which is an amazing achievement for me but now I want to get back fit and healthy and lose weight the right way this time and show girls that you can lose weight the right way and you don't have to be stick thin to look amazing and to appreciate yourself more. Its more about giving your body the goodness and nutrients it needs to live a long and happy life rather than just losing weight and being the thinnest you can be.

I just wanted a few pointers and if anyone else used to have an Eating Disorder and is in the same boat as me I would appreciate your help and friendship on here.

thanks Kels x


  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Hi, I'm 27, from Buckinghamshire and a recoverING anorexic/bulimic. Also trying to be healthy but not pretending to be perfect. Feel free to add me though.
  • AppleJuiceMoney
    I'm about 5'6 too and I used to have a few bulimic tendencies. I was never diagnosed with anything but I certainly had a pretty unhealthy outlook on food for a while.
    Welcome and would love to help you out :)
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Congratulations for realizing bulimia wasn't healthy for you and overcoming it. That is huge! Judging from your stats it sounds as though you are already thin so my advice to you is to just be realistic. You don't have a lot to lose so it's not going to fall off super quickly. Just do as you said, eat healthy foods to fuel your body. Love yourself, be patient with yourself and it will happen! Good luck to you!
  • odettedancing
    odettedancing Posts: 18 Member
    I started off at 155pounds I'm now down to 147. 125 is my goal, I remember feeling healthy back when I was at that weight! I have struggled with body image but somehow managed to snap out of it, I still struggle at times I'm just more aware of what sets me off on a downhill journey! It's tough but I'm finding MFP to be a really good tool as you can monitor ur intake of calories as well as nutrients! I hope MFP works for you as it works for many out there!
  • sarahkbarnes
    Hello and welcome! Congratulations on getting yourself healthy! I've never struggled myself with an eating disorder, but I'm happy to help/support you on your way if you're looking for some friends! I also keep my diary public if your looking fro some healthy good ideas :)
  • kelseyessex
    Thank you all for your help and advice. I have added all of you as friends.
  • FitSid
    FitSid Posts: 117 Member
  • wendix
    wendix Posts: 74 Member
    i'm a recovered bulimic, also doing this the healthy way now :) feel free to add me.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Recovered anorexic/bulimic here (last symptoms in 2005!), have lost my weight slowly/healthily. It can be done!

    With all cautiousness, respect, and compassion: It might be healthy to also add friends who have NOT had eating disorders/tendencies and have a longer history of healthier relationships with food/exercise. Not that those of us who have had them are bad, evil, or wrong in any way shape or form, but if you're not terribly distanced from your disorder, you do want to be wary of triggers. The last thing you want is to make your symptoms *worse.*

    Best of luck to you!!
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    It is difficult to find a healthy balance after a history with an eating disorder. It is nice to know there are others that have found it, I think it is just another journey in life. Good luck and feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Hi, I joined MFP today and am also someone who has struggled with bulimic and anorexic tendencies in the past, and I still struggle with overeating as well.

    I am nervous to start food-tracking again, but my ultimate goal is to lose 80-100lbs the *healthy* way this time, and I know that counting calories is the way to go. Glad to know there are others on here with similar concerns.
  • CaitlinFrost
    Hello, My name is Caitlin and I am a recovered bulimic/obsessive eater.

    I have also made the decision to lose the weight the healthy way.

    I won't lie, for me, it has been difficult. I've only been at this for the past 5/6weeks and there are times where I just want to purge and such. But something that makes it worth while is when I stand on the scale each week and see that I have lost weight through proper eating and true dedication to my exercise. To see that, well, proper and healthy just seem like the way to go.

    You can add me if you like, I shall accept. :)
    and if you don't, I still wish you the best. :)
  • steamingcoffee
    steamingcoffee Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, we are the same height and have very similar stories. I struggled with bulimia since I was 12 years old, and am recovered now and trying to lose weight and be healthy
    It is definitely a struggle many days but I feel so much better now than I have for most of my life
    You can definitely do this!
  • reckless99
    Hi there, glad to hear that you are trying to do things the right way. I'm 5'5"1/2 and I've also had a history of bulimia since I was a teen. I did stop for a while but the B&P cycle was an easy way out for me so I got back into it but am now trying to lose weight and maintain my ideal weight long term by taking steps to stop the binging.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • shan_welch
    shan_welch Posts: 24 Member
    Hey! I'm 23 from New Zealand. Did struggle with bulimia a bit on and off for a few years from the age of 18, haven't actually really told anyone that before except for my partner. I'm living the healthy way now and actually studying to be a personal trainer.Would love to be ur friend if u wanna add me :)
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    hey guys.

    im sam, 24 from brisbane aussieland..

    im a recovered anorexic and exercise addict. ive only started this a week ago after balloning since my recovery date in 2006. im now 85kg and scared of myself.

    not really sure how to do this healthy because in the past i restricted myself so severely that i damaged my gut and liver and now live with some massive food allergies. if anyone has any help or guidelines id be glad to have a chat!!
  • thenutritionpath
    please visit my website
    i can help you -- i helped myself after many years.
    i promise!