I Heart Me @ 21

Hello :)

The short version : I need buddies!!

The long version :

I was born chubby (4.2kg's) and stayed that way my whole life. Last year September I found myself at a weight that nearly matched my 6ft tall father - that was my breaking point.
I managed to finally get a grip on this weight loss thing and lost 8 of my desired 18kgs. Christmas holidays came round & thats where my weight loss stopped. I was proud of myself though cause I kept it off for a whole year. In August I got into a relationship & it motivated me to get things rolling again & I lost another 2kgs before he left me ... for someone else. Skinner. Typical :/
Along with University starting, 'issues' with friends & family developments I fell to the emotional eating I had conquered for a whole year.

This morning I woke up & felt that same 'rock bottom' feeling I did when I had my breakthrough the first time. I got on the scale & was shocked that I had gained 6 of the 10kgs (that I had worked hard to loose and keep off) in just over 2 months.
I was in tears. All my friends are slimmer than me, id been left for another girl, im uncomfortable in my own skin ... but most of all I realised I didnt love myself enough.

So here I am. Ready to love myself & loose the last 12kgs ...
I know I cant do it alone though & I dont have friends that have ever battled with weight. Im not implying that they (along with my family) arent supportive, I just need people I can relate too & that knows what its like to have a 'difficult' day, so Im hoping there are a few of you out there with whom I can share my daily prides & struggles & want to do the same! :)

Take care xXx


  • jerseyprincess081
    you are beautiful. If a loser left you for a skinner girl, screw him, who cares!! You can do better!! I am a big framed girl and I was NEVER skinny.... I don't compare myself to my friends, because I carry weight differently and I am made differently. I only focus on what is RIGHT for me =)
  • iHeartMe21
    Thank you so much!

    He was/is a looser. I use to care, but not anymore - Its all about me now :D

    I also have a big frame so Im very realistic about the weight I want to achieve, & I know I shouldnt compare myself but I do. Not in the 'i want to be as skinny as them' type of way, more the 'im tired of being the one with the round face in the photos'.

    This is a learning process though & im sure as the train starts moving my views will change for the better & in a more loving light upon myself :)
  • shishi71
    shishi71 Posts: 4 Member
    I most definitely feel your pain. in 2001 I reached taht same rock bottom feeling you spoke of. I was just about to turn 30 (yuk) and I tipped the scales at 298 lbs! I recruited my 2 roomates and we started Weight watchers. We excercised 5 days a week. We all did very well as a team but I had the most to lose and after 18 months I had lost about 104 lbs. I felt great. Then things changed, we moved on to our own lives (we are still great friends, but it was time for our own places) And I took a break from WW or any form of counting calories. Throw in a few heartbreaks and celebrations along the way and 2 years later I woke up to see I had put on 60 of the 100 I lost. :-( I have struggled over the years but I am moving in the right direction. I am now up about 45 from my lowest weight and don't plan on turning back. I agree with you that it's time to love ourselves for who we are. That is the first step to becoming who we want to be. As i turn 40 (again yuk...) For me it is no longer about making other people see me. It's about my health and liking who I see in the mirror.

    So that was a long winded way of saying I feel your pain and would be happy to lend some support if you need it :-) Feel free to add me if you like. Either way, Good Luck. You are gorgeous and you can do this! Sounds like you already have your mind set on it!
  • gawahzee
    you are hot hot hot!!! beautiful eyes!! best wishes on your wieght loss journey and good luck in your BA program ;)
  • ami299
    ami299 Posts: 57
    I would love to be your friend. I'm telling you, I work in an office with mostly overweight people and they eat out every day and have sweets laying around all the time. They get irritated when I talk about the gym and weight loss and eating healthy, so this site is a GREAT outlet and it's filled with people all working towards the same things :) You are very beautiful! Never forget it!
  • iHeartMe21
    Firstly: NO AGE IS YUCK!! :heart: :)
    Secondly: Thank you for the support! We often think that at different ages you go through different things & generations cant relate. Its actually a comfort in a sense knowing that there is someone out there, with way more life experience, that i can relate too. Thank you for your story & the support! x

    Thank you!! I recently won one of those experience day photo shoots (hence the profile pic) & I decided that it would be the start of my change & then i would go for another once iv reached my goal :)
    Thanks for the luck - i love my course but its not always easy. All the best for you too!! x

    I look forward to being your friend :) I use to work in an office like that (the first time i started this journey) & i decided to channel all their 'negative' energy into motivation!! It became easier to say no to their sweets cause in the back of my mind i was going 'thank you for showing me where i dont want to be anymore' & if we went out id have salads or on a day i knew id possibly give in id go be alone. It wasnt long before they were asking me how id lost my weight. Id never tell them it was thanks to them (cause thatd be mean) - but i had to find a way & that was it.
    I have found this site very inspiring & the support - even in just 24 hours, has been amazing!! :) x