Should I log this?

It's been a week since I dropped any weight after losing at least 2 lbs a week for a month. This morning I weighed myself and was down almost 5 lbs! Yesterday I ate just under my calorie limit (I wasn't feeling great, usually I'm around a hundred over), but had lower sodium than usual. It was around 1000, usually is around 2000. So........does the 179 count or should I discount it and wait a week to see what it really is?

Also, I ate really clean yesterday. Often I eat the 1200 of "healthy foods", but a little more sugar. Would less sugar and sodium make that much of a difference? If I continue with less sodium will it stay lower? And finally, I've lost 15-20 lbs, depending on this question, and there is no difference in the way anything fits or with the measuring tape. ????????? I do 30 day shred 3-4 times a week and walk 4.0 mph almost every day for 30 minutes walking to the kids school.


  • Scarbu
    Scarbu Posts: 15
    I just wanted to add that you can ignore the sad shape my diary is in-everything is there, except walking every day I don't always log that :) But dinner is occasionally under breakfast-whoops!
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I weigh often, and always record lower weights (and never higher weights). It's great for motivation, and it is real! If you're dehydrated, you'll hold water weight - and you should weigh early in the morning when your stomach is empty, anyway. So, your lowest weight is real and counts! Record it, girl! Way to go!!! :D
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I would add it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i weigh myself nearly every day, but i only have one 'official' day where i record the loss (or gain).
  • curlyclo
    curlyclo Posts: 243 Member
    Record it! if it changes later then change it, if not great job!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I weigh often, and always record lower weights (and never higher weights). It's great for motivation, and it is real! If you're dehydrated, you'll hold water weight - and you should weigh early in the morning when your stomach is empty, anyway. So, your lowest weight is real and counts! Record it, girl! Way to go!!! :D

    This is how I do it, too.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Yes, sodium can make a big difference. If if makes you feel better, wait and weigh in again tomorrow and if its the same, then log it and OWN it!

    I weigh daily and usually make sure I see the same number 2 days in a row before I consider it mine to keep

    Congrats to you - your hard work is paying off! :drinker: