ALWAYS hungry

I'm trying very hard to eat better and within my calorie limit. I'm just always hungry! I finished my breakfast and felt good about it. An hour later, I'm hungry again! I'm drinking my water hoping to fill up my belly, but that only helps so much. Any suggestions?


  • I constantly want to eat! Hungry or not. LOL You're doing good with the water but try spreading out your meals? My breakfast was banana and oatmeal. banana I ate around 9am, and am just now eating my oatmeal at 10:30. Lunch of a casserole will be around 12 or so, and I'll eat my side salad probably around 1 or snack of a peach will be around 3 or so, etc etc. Try eating a bunch of smaller things all day, and you'll feel more satisfied. And of course upping your fiber and protein will be helpful! Hope this helps, good luck!
  • I have found that instead of eating three main meals every day, eating a lot of small snacks or small meals throughout the day works for me. I am also hungry often but eating often is OK as long as your net calorie intake by the day's end is under your goal :)
  • dvusk
    dvusk Posts: 21
    Low Cal snacks. Veggies, popcorn, that kind of thing. Carrots and popcorn are my favorites.

    Supposedly, if you're eating a little bit every 2-3 hours, it'll speed up your metabolism, too.
  • What are you eating for breakfast? Try a smoothie or a protein bar for a snack. Add some fiber in that will keep you more full. Good Luck!!
  • Set a time for you to eat. Like 7 am full breakfast. 10 am snack of oatmeal or a fruit or something around 150 calories.. Than 1:00 lunch and so on. You should try to eat every 3 hours at least as that is when your stomach becomes empty. If you give yourself exact times you can eat than waiting may become a little easier.
  • Try eating more will help curb your hunger.
  • I eat much smaller portions, and I find that the less I pig out the less hungry I feel... I guess you'd call it "Stomach shrink" so it gets used to smaller portions and feels full with less food in it. After about 2 weeks of MFP I was no longer outrageously hungry all of the time.
  • ahni77
    ahni77 Posts: 75
    snack on fruits and veggies.. or boiled eggs... or a couple crackers with the laughing cow cheeses. Yummy!!!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Try eating more will help curb your hunger.
    If you've just started and are used to eating a lot of junk, this feeling will pass after you get a good week or two of healthy eating under your belt. Your body is adjusting to getting smaller portions and lower calorie foods.
  • For breakfast today I had:
    1 small pear
    1 thin sliced multi grain bagel w/ 1 tbs of cream cheesse
    1 cup of coffee w/ 3 splendas
    That was at 8:30am
    By 10am, I was hungry all over again
    I've already had one bottle of water

    Thanks for all the tips. I will start breaking it up and see how that goes.
  • Gunff
    Gunff Posts: 47
    It is kinda silly, but I've noticed that I can eat more for breakfast and be hungry by 10:00, and other days I can eat somewhat little and not be hungry until 11 or noon so I did some research.

    Cinnamon (And there are other foods as well) makes you feel more full for longer. So I still eat the same whole wheat english muffin for breakfast, but now I put a little cinnamon on it and it makes me able to last until lunch. I know some protien does the same thing, but try looking for foods that make you feel full longer and it'll help you stay in your calorie count.
  • roboresa
    roboresa Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, fiber. Read this article- Maybe it'll help. I found it interesting.
  • Good morning,

    I have a few suggestions. I am a Holistic Nutritionist. Have lean protein with EVERY meal. Try 5 mini meals every day, and have protein with every meal you consume. Here are some suggestions and this is my typical diet on a daily basis:

    Breakfast: 1/2 cup cooked steel cut oats, 1/2 cup egg whites with onions, 1/2 grapefruit.
    2nd meal: 1/2 to 1 cup low fat cottage cheese with fresh or frozen berries and a few almonds/walnuts
    Lunch: Sautéed Kale, grilled boneless/skinless chicken breast 1/2 cup brown rice or quinoa
    4th meal: Protein shake- Whey Protein 1 scoop + 1/2 cup frozen berries
    Dinner: Salmon oven baked or BBQ, steamed broccoli or rapine, sweet potato or squash, or large salad
    After dinner if needed: Almond butter on celery

    I hope this helps. I find the protein really helps keep hunger at bay and blood sugar stable.

    Have a great day.
  • I've cut my carbs down and instead eat more protein at breakfast and that really helps. When I used to eat cereal for breakfast I would definitely be hungry an hour or so later. Carbs did nothing but make me hungry.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Exercise to "earn" more calories. That's the only way I can lose weight. I can't live happily on the calories it takes to maintain a healthy weight without exercise because I'm hungry too often. I hate being hungry.
  • Thank you for all the suggestions everyone!! This is exactly why I came to MFP :smile:
  • adiesilver
    adiesilver Posts: 13 Member
    For breakfast today I had:
    1 small pear
    1 thin sliced multi grain bagel w/ 1 tbs of cream cheesse
    1 cup of coffee w/ 3 splendas
    That was at 8:30am
    By 10am, I was hungry all over again
    I've already had one bottle of water

    Thanks for all the tips. I will start breaking it up and see how that goes.

    This breakfast wouldn't fill me up at all! I can see why you're hungry. I love bagels, so I tried to make them work for breakfast but they just don't last. The best breakfasts I've found are ones that are high in fiber and protein. Usually I go for eggs of some sort (a fried egg or an egg white omelet with veggies) w/ a slice of whole wheat toast. Oatmeal does the trick as well, but I prefer the eggs and toast. If I eat breakfast at 7:45/8:00, that will last me until at least 11 (and I eat lunch at noon). I'd save the pear for a morning snack if I need it (I usually have apples at my desk).
  • I love eggs, so that will be easy for me. I like them fried, hard boiled, poached, whatever. Love me some eggs! All we have in my house is whole wheat bread, so that should work also. I'll try eating more fiber, maybe a cup of oatmeal as suggested.
  • Gunff
    Gunff Posts: 47
    I love eggs too but they take so long to make. look at egg substitute, since it is ready to just pour in the pan and cook. It is also lower in calories, and really does taste the same.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    protein, protein, protein.

    If I eat a veggie and cheese omelet with some turkey bacon for breakfast, I'm full til lunch... If I have a bowl of cereal, I'm ready for lunch 30 minutes later. It makes a huge difference for me.