Help me grocery shop!

My Husband is out in the field for training (Army) so I am left to do the grocery shopping tonight with the little one, which is GREAT! I have a much harder time eating healthy with him around LOL

Can anyone make suggestions of things to pick up that are healthy and generally easy to use/prepare?

Thanks in advance :)


  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Chicken breast tenderloins
    Frozen veggies (Broc, Cauli, Green Beans, Blends...I avoid corn)
    Sweet potatoes
    Ground Turkey - Lean (makes wonderful meatloaf cupcakes)
    Salad fixings
  • Do you like to cook? I use a slow cooker which is super easy. All you need is chicken thighs/breasts no skin/no bone, a few carrots, celery, onions, garlic, green lentils and a jar of your favourite pasta sauce. I have a recipe that I added to the database if you are interested. I actually made it overnight in my slow cooker. It's comfort food, low in fat high in fibre and protein.

    I hope this helps.

    Have a great day!
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I always grab cooked turkey and other low fat deli meat, cottage cheese, loads of fruit and salad, fat free yogurts and sugar free jellies.
    I buy veggies and make lovely hearty soup. Ryvitas and wholemeal pittas, Chicken fillets, salmon fillets. Yummy low fat dressings. Potatoes for baking and new potatoes for boiling and salads and steam micro veg for conveiniance. I also grab weight watchers frozen meals for times when Im in a rush. Porridge oats, healthy cereals, Have fun and eat well xxx
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Fresh veggies
    ground turkey
  • This is by far the best list I've ever come across for "Approved Foods". And from a tried-and-true awesome fitness expert, too (Jamie Eason).
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Steel-cut oats
    Almond/peanut butter
    Soup, soup, soup!
    Celery/carrots with hummus
    Egg + frozen vegetable stir-fry (my favorite! And SO cheap!)
  • lalasmar
    lalasmar Posts: 18 Member
    I try to make sure that I always have a few staple items that I know I can make a quick meal out of :

    fruits and veggies (especially mixed bags of salads)
    skim milk
    chobani yogurt - i love the vanilla
    better oats oatmeal - quick and easy breakfast
    container of egg whites - also a very quick breakfast
    flatout bread - I use it for sandwiches
    whole wheat wraps
    turkey deli meat
    provolone cheese - i usually get sargento reduced fat
    chicken breast
    brown rice
    whole grain pasta
    beans - for soups,chili,put on top of salad
    tlc bars - for a quick snack
    94% fat free popcorn
    all fruit popsicles
    salsa - i love the packaged fresh salsa in the veg aisle

    These are some things that I try to alwys have on hand. It keeps me from getting hungry and grabbing something that is not as healthy.
  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    loads of FRESH fruit and veg, organic chicken (then you can make chicken and veg soup with the leftovers )
    fresh fish
    tinned tomatoes
    wholegrain pasta/bread
    low fat milk
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    A favourite of mine while I'm grocery shopping for just me and the little guy, is to grab a cooked roast chicken (I remove the skin). But then I can have chicken, add some into teriyaki sauce and stirfry, and then when the meat is all gone, throw the bones in the crockpot for a soup. I like getting the most bang for my buck :) haha.

    Sweet potatoes, asparagus, broccoli, quinoa (my fav, but hubby haaates it), yogurt, whole grains rice and bread (love a whole wheat pita stuffed with tuna and veggies for lunch!)
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    My Michelle <3 I love the whole chicken idea :)
  • nsanati
    nsanati Posts: 40 Member
    First I want to say that I can totally relate to what you said re: how its more difficult for you to eat healthy when you're shopping/cooking for your hubby! My b/f's metabolism is very high & he's a self-proclaimed chocoholic; it's so unfair, lol! :sad:
    I am a chocolate lover too, but I confine myself to either one (truly) single serving of ice cream (portion control!) or a little straight up dark or milk chocolate.

    I buy fresh fruit every few days b/c I read that our metabolism processes fruit's sugar more efficiently in the mornings. I like bananas, pears, apples, oranges, berries. I also like almonds, greek yogurt, oatmeal, cereal bars, little spicy V8's, string cheese, baby carrots, celery, fresh green beans, fresh red pepper, berries, cucumber, radishes ... I try to eat a baby spinach salad for lunch at least three times per week ~ my workplace has a salad bar everyday! Or I'll bring turkey slices and make a sandwhich w/two slices of cheese, tomato slices, lettuce, red onion & pickles. Oh & whole grain flatbreads w/seeds ... I'm still exploring these b/c there is a variety out there. I also like dried apples, animal crackers (again portion control!) sunflower seeds & pumpkin seeds ... Oh & WATER WATER WATER - it's ur friend!!!

    Recently I read that if you stick to the outer perimeter of a grocery store, you will find the most healthy foods (produce, bulk grains, etc) it's when you venture to the middle aisles that you get in to trouble. Interesting to think about ...

    Due to the fact that I have an athletic build, I've only lost two lbs so far, which I expected. But my legs feel really strong & I've lost a total of 1 1/2 inches off my waist!!! :happy:
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    Its nice to hear somebody else has a hard time because of their significant other (not that you have a hard time but that we are in the same boat).

    My Husband is very tall and thin. He also gets paid to workout daily! He can eat all the junk he wants (and he does) without having to worry one little bit!

    Thank you for your fantastic input and ideas. I had never heard about the perimeter of the store having healtier choices, but it does make sense when I picture our local Kroger in my mind!

    I'm going to add you as a friend if thats alright.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    it is difficult!! my bf is in the Marines and he's difficult to feed sometimes or even cook for. i just recently turned vegetarian and he is NOT happy with my choice!! hahah i avoid buying meat but i wll prepare it for him so he can eat, and healthy? unless its covered in cheese or has parts of animal in it, no go.

    but when i would eat meat i always kept chicken, turkey products (breakfast sausages, turkey patties, sausages) , flank steaks or roasts (pork but or london broil), whole wheat pastas, canned crushed tomatoes, itailan seasoning, soy sauce, peanut butters, curry paste, whole wheat flour, flaxseed, chia seeds, oatmeal, veggies as much as i could, lemon juice and lime juice, lots of onion and garlic, cumin, garlic powder, pepper....

    chicken is always fast and easy to make, you can roast a whole chicken with lots of garlic, lemon juice, pepper and a little oil
    chicken breast or roast chicken with cumin, vinegar, pepper and garlic (south american style)

    i make a marinara thats easy and versatile
    2 can crushed tomato
    2 celerry stalks, diced very small
    2 carrots, diced very small
    1 onion, finely chopped
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 tsp crushed peppers
    bay leaf
    italian seasoning
    kosher salt

    sautee onion and garlic until a fragrant, add in celery and carrots, cook until carrots are soft. once soft add in crushed tomatoe, bayleaf and italian seasonings. season with salt and pepper and cook afor about an hour. once everything is melded and flavor is to your liking, you can leave as is or i usually throw it in the blender and use for pasta, lasagna, shells...anything really.
  • 1hotbiscuit
    1hotbiscuit Posts: 10 Member
    My Husband is out in the field for training (Army) so I am left to do the grocery shopping tonight with the little one, which is GREAT! I have a much harder time eating healthy with him around LOL

    Can anyone make suggestions of things to pick up that are healthy and generally easy to use/prepare?

    Thanks in advance :)

    Make a list of meals for the whole week so you can grab the majority in one trip then have a "filler" trip for milk, fruit etc. I love keeping individual frozen fish patties (Ocean Eclipse Tilapia/Salmon) to make for myself if I'm home alone for lunch that you can steam or broil for a quick meal. Add some frozen veg and a piece of fruit. Done! Omlettes are another thing I do and easy to customize with whatever you have on hand. I'll admit I'm not a big make-at-home-salad person but that is something else that someone suggested that could work for you. Best of luck and thank you for being a proud Army wife! We salute you!
  • Kroger carries a couple of things I love.
    Canadian Bacon and
    Kroger Non-Fat Lite Yogurt.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    bump! i have the hardest time grocery shopping sometimes when i get tired of the same ol'.
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    I agree about chicken being easy.

    I also have a hard time because when my Husband IS home he tends to eat ALOT and eats all of MY healthy stuff along with his less healthy options =/ I might have to start hiding the healthy food!

    I love the steam fresh veggies, especially the broccili with a little sea salt and cracked pepper.