Naughty yesterday - how do I make up for it today?

So, yesterday a friend came round for lunch: cheese and cake was eaten. How can I carry out damage limitation today - but without starving myself as I am breastfeeding and need the energy? Any low calorie high energy tips?

I'm just glad I came back on here this morning and didn't decide to throw the towel in. Thank you


  • dont get down on yourself about it.. just pick back up the next day with your healthy habits!
  • dp341
    dp341 Posts: 9
    Don't worry about it - it happened. Stick to your normal calories intake now, a very occasional blip won't make any real difference.

    If you try and go short today, and beat yourself up about yesterday - you'll end up hungry and miserable and in my experience that's when I pig out on unhealthy evening snacks when my self control is at its lowest.
  • Just move on! :) I feel better if I do a bit of exercise too.
  • Yesterday is gone done and dusted, dont beat yourself up about it. Concentrate on today and enjoy making better choices x
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    Take a line from Scarlett O'Hara -- Tomorrow is another day.

    You can't "fix" past damage by overcompensating today. The fix is to just resume healthier habits (ESPECIALLY important if you're breastfeeding!) and let your body work itself out.
  • kayelrick
    kayelrick Posts: 31 Member
    Alpen Light Summer Fruit Bars always do the trick for me . . . .
  • Don't worry about it, everyone has a blip occasionally. :) Basically, if you ate loads of cake, cheese, fried goods, etc every day of the week except one, where you ate healthily, you'd still be unhealthy, right? It wouldn't make much difference. So in this case, the same is true, but in reverse; if you're mostly eating healthily and exercising, one day in which you're a bit naughty won't make too much of a difference.
  • _JPH_
    _JPH_ Posts: 25
    I think you get what everyone is saying. Forget yesterday and focus on today. One day didn't get us to join this site. Just keep truckin'!:drinker:
  • I tend to focus more on my weekly calorie goal. If I am still below that then all is good. That way if I eat & drink more one day I know I will have to balance that out later in the the week. For example last Wednesday I ate a whole pizza all to myself. 2300 calories in that one pizza!! So on Thursday & Friday I reduced my calorie intake to balance that out, and I managed so lose 2 lbs last week.
    I could have gone to the gym, but i'm lazy.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Make friends with exercise :-)
  • MFP is set up for a daily calorie deficit which creates the impression that we blew it when in truth, it was only a fluke. I weigh-in weekly so I look at the week's calories deficit. If I go off the rails one day, I up my exercise until the next weigh-in, reduce fat calories for the next few days and increase complex carbs and no harm done. I wouldn't curtail my calories if I was breastfeeding. A quick way to reduce excess calorie consumption WITHOUT lowering intake is complex carbs. If you eat 100 extra fat calories, 97 are converted to bodyfat (they're already triglycerides). But if you eat 100 extra carb calories, it takes 40 caloies to convert them to bodyfat. So only 60 get converted. So I don't sweat the occasional birthday cake or special dinner.
  • Thanks all!
  • Thanks all!