Please critique my daily food diary. Not seeing results.

Goal is weight loss first, regain muscle mass after.

Meals are listed publically my daily intake currently is set to 1812 calories (188.6 pounds, 28 yrs old).

I also workout pretty intensely 6 days a week. The weight just isn't coming off.


  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    Well you are going WAY over in sugars and sodium most days so that is probaly the problem. I've heard sodium makes you retain water. And we all know sugar is no bueno too. I'm sure others can give you better critiques and reasoning but those look like major problem areas. Try changing that and see if it works....

    and with that much sodium, drink lots and lots of water!
  • My critique.... watch your sodium and drink more water. Add fresh fruit and vegetables.

    It can get frustrating but just keep going, you can do this!! : )
  • ferb55
    ferb55 Posts: 45 Member
    The way I lose weight is by cutting my carb intake. I do not eat white flour and I only eat good carbs ( sweet potatoe, fruits,veggies) I cut out pasta, & bread. Everyone loses weight different, you just have to figure out whats best for you.

    Good luck :)
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I know the Insanity workout is very intense but how are you calculating the calories burned? Are you using a HRM or is it listed on the MFP website? I would make sure you're getting an accurate count on that because if it's off, with the numbers being so high, that could throw your whole thing off completely.
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    Way too much sodium. Cut back on sodium intake and increase water to almost double what your drinking now to flush all that sodium out then you should start seeing results.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Are you using the MFP database to track your calories burned or are you using a heart rate monitor? I find the MFP exercise database tends to overestimate calories burned.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    lol @starttomorrow, the tag on my page is 'sweat is fat crying', I love that saying!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    1800 net seems a bit high to be honest (granted, if you're tall this could be true). I'm 5'7, upper 160's and 22 and (to lose .5lbs/week) I'm set at about 1,400 net.

    I'm also curious about your burns. You're consistently burning over 1,000 calories. Is this coming from a heart rate monitor? How long is the duration of your workouts? If you're spending a lot of time at the gym (2 hours or more) you might want to factor in your BMR calories.

    Honestly, your nutrition looks good to me. I don't advocate cutting out carbs or sugar or anything as you'll probably just make yourself nuts. PM me if you want a little later. I'll be around and have some free time and can probably look further into it if you'd like =)
  • I know the Insanity workout is very intense but how are you calculating the calories burned? Are you using a HRM or is it listed on the MFP website? I would make sure you're getting an accurate count on that because if it's off, with the numbers being so high, that could throw your whole thing off completely.

  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    If your goal is to only drop body fat and retain muscle mass and strength you need to up your protein. You should be eating a gram of protein for pound of body weight and then adjust the rest of your calories off of that.

    Also looking through your meals your calories seem to always go over the 1800 calories. You might want to try a week of staying within that number plus or minus 200 cal. I know that MFP builds in calories based on workout but unless you have a HRM on while working out you cant really know how many calories you burned for sure.
  • 1800 net seems a bit high to be honest (granted, if you're tall this could be true). I'm 5'7, upper 160's and 22 and (to lose .5lbs/week) I'm set at about 1,400 net.

    I'm also curious about your burns. You're consistently burning over 1,000 calories. Is this coming from a heart rate monitor? How long is the duration of your workouts? If you're spending a lot of time at the gym (2 hours or more) you might want to factor in your BMR calories.

    Honestly, your nutrition looks good to me. I don't advocate cutting out carbs or sugar or anything as you'll probably just make yourself nuts. PM me if you want a little later. I'll be around and have some free time and can probably look further into it if you'd like =)

    Using a HRM, workout is usually 45 - 60 minutes.
  • If your goal is to only drop body fat and retain muscle mass and strength you need to up your protein. You should be eating a gram of protein for pound of body weight and then adjust the rest of your calories off of that.

    Also looking through your meals your calories seem to always go over the 1800 calories. You might want to try a week of staying within that number plus or minus 200 cal. I know that MFP builds in calories based on workout but unless you have a HRM on while working out you cant really know how many calories you burned for sure.

    Well I'm going over 1800 calories because I'm working out and burning 1000 more. So I'm eating some of those exercise calories to compensate.

    On days I don't workout I try to stay at or below 1800 calories.
  • Are you using the MFP database to track your calories burned or are you using a heart rate monitor? I find the MFP exercise database tends to overestimate calories burned.

    Using a HRM to track my calories I don't use MFP to track any exercise calories I burn.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    Are you using the MFP database to track your calories burned or are you using a heart rate monitor? I find the MFP exercise database tends to overestimate calories burned.

    Using a HRM to track my calories I don't use MFP to track any exercise calories I burn.

    Yeah what I am saying is just try and stay at the number even on days you workout. Give it a week and see if you lose any weight.

    There is no real trick to it just calories in vs. calories out.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Way to much sodium and sugar!!!!
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I know the Insanity workout is very intense but how are you calculating the calories burned? Are you using a HRM or is it listed on the MFP website? I would make sure you're getting an accurate count on that because if it's off, with the numbers being so high, that could throw your whole thing off completely.


    Do you mind if I ask your age, height, weigh (or how close you are to goal weight)?
  • I know the Insanity workout is very intense but how are you calculating the calories burned? Are you using a HRM or is it listed on the MFP website? I would make sure you're getting an accurate count on that because if it's off, with the numbers being so high, that could throw your whole thing off completely.


    Do you mind if I ask your age, height, weigh (or how close you are to goal weight)?

    Sure anything to help out!

    Age: 28
    Height: 5' 10"
    Weight: 188.6 lbs

    Goal weight is 170ish
  • annejuju
    annejuju Posts: 111 Member
    You should be eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. I think that replacing some of the sugars and sodium with fruits & vegetables would really help you. It also doesn't look like you need the protein drinks, that's another thing you can replace with fruits and vegetables.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Check your sodium. See if you can get it down below 2000mg per day. 1500mg would be better. (Rough, I know! It is what I struggle with every day)
    Also, drink lots of water!
    Lastly, it looks like you are logging lots of calories burned during strength exercises. These values might be overstated. A Heart rate monitor is the best way to log calories burned. (I need one as well!)

    Good luck and keep on working!
  • You should be eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. I think that replacing some of the sugars and sodium with fruits & vegetables would really help you. It also doesn't look like you need the protein drinks, that's another thing you can replace with fruits and vegetables.

    Eh I only drink a protein drink immediately after my workout. I really enjoy it and it definitely helps in my opinion. There's barely any sugar in the protein drink anyways, it's a natural whey drink that I just chug down.