
blackbelterin Posts: 6
I feel like I am posting in the right area right?

I really need some insight from someone who has gone through this.

I've lost quite a few lbs before MFP, more after I started using it and then after starting a personal training regiment I have lost many inches!!! Woo hoo right? For some reason the past few months I have been just making HORRIBLE food choices. I set goals and quit on them food wise. Exercise? Yeah, totally got that under control! I workout 6 days a week alternating training and just love it!

Yet, for some reason I can pack my lunch and still go out to eat. Really, what is going on with me and why can't I seem to get off this track? You'd think seeing the results or lack there of would be a motivation but it just isn't. I haven't gained or lost any where. I know I know the dreaded plateau but why can't I control my eating? I just don't get it.

Has anyone ever gone through this or is going through this? Any motivational tips, goals or ANYTHING? I would love to hear it!



  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    I've been there and done that so many times. For example, at lunch I have stuffed my face at the buffet and felt horrible afterwards, my legs and ankles swollen and all draggy in the afternoon and knowing ahead of time I'd feel awful. I have even brought a healthy lunch to work only to just go out to eat and eat way too much. And I'm not a stupid person, I know I was slowly killing myself. But I think I have determined that the food was the only thing I could count on to make me feel better, even temporarily, about the pain lying below my surface. I don't have many friends in real life and it would take a lot to reach out to someone, i.e. the food is just "easier". And maybe that pain was subconsious or in my past or I am stressed out about something at work.

    Bottom line is, you just have to have something other than food to reach out to to soothe that craving for comfort that is there. For some people it is religion or spirituality, or maybe they have a lot of supportive friends, or MFP, whatever it is you have to find that.

    Sorry if that was rambling, I wish you the best on your journey!!
  • Erin,

    Especially with the winter coming, it's really hard to eat healthy.

    For example:
    Yesterday, I packed my lunch, spinach, low fat chicken salad (homemade), and some edamames. What did I eat? Soup and a slice of veggie pizza from the cafeteria.

    Today, I made my lunch (using ingredients from yesterday), ate half of it, got sick of it, and went for a bag of sunchips and a bottle of Mug Root Beer.

    Moral of the story, yes, it's really hard to stick to a healthy diet, when you're trying to stay warm, and want comfort food. My trick, make sure my breakfasts and dinner are healthy.

    Breakfast: I always have a packet instant oatmeal (with skim milk and 1 Tbs of Chia Seeds). This is usually 180 calories. If I'm still hungry, I go with fruit, or an extra serving of oatmeal.

    Dinner: I try to incorporate as many 'Super Foods' as possible, they might be higher in calories (Black Beans, Lentils, etc), but they are full of fiber, and keep me from over eating. I always make bean chili, or bean soup on the weekend to serve as the sides to my main course during the week.

    Lunch: Fair game. If I eat the lunch I brought 3x a week, that's exciting. When I go out, even if I want to 'splurge' on calories, I try to keep it healthier. If I want pizza, I'll go for a Veggie Pizza, sandwich, I'll try not to eat all the bread.

    Remember, when you work out, and strength train (if your PT is anything like mine), it is important to have a diet high in protein to allow your muscles to recover fully.

    Good luck, and don't sweat breaking your calories on your lunches.

  • Thanks guys!

    Yesterday I had bought my lunch at subway in the morning and had a meeting that ran LONG! So I got something else and planned on cutting my sub stuff up, tossing the bread and making a salad out of it (which I do a lot). Came time to eat and left the stuff in the fridge and went and got something else.

    It is mainly when I am out but at home I make fine choices.

    What a good thought about the comfort food and the time of year. I hadn't really thought of that but it makes sense. I wonder if for lunches maybe I should make some comfort food lunches with a healthier spin... What a good though!

    What am I going to do with myself?
  • Cans of soup are always a great choice! Especially because they are cheap, don't go bad, and a whole can of a 'healthy' one is less than 300 calories! I keep a variety at my desk, and a microwavable bowl that can fit a whole can.

    Check out they have great ways of 'healthifying' your every day food.

    Good luck :)
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