Confessions of a Yo-Yo Dieter!

Hello everyone! I have been using this site off and on for quite a while now, but I am such a horrible yo-yo dieter! I've lost weight with the help of MFP, but I'd like to lose ALL the weight this time and KEEP it off! This is actually my first post on here. I'm hoping if this time I'm more open about my dieting and participate in the community section I might be able to actually succeed! I'm usually good by myself for a week or 2, and then I lose motivation and just give up! I am not a patient person and weight loss definitely takes patience! Anyways, I would love to have some friends on here to help encourage each other and stay motivated! Good luck to everyone!


  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    My whole life has been one big yo-yo diet! Feel free to add me.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    Getting involved in the MFP community is definitely a good thing to do!
  • I think at this point, Yo-Yo dieter is my middle name! :)
  • I think at this point, Yo-Yo dieter is my middle name! :)
  • HelenS00
    HelenS00 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine too, but determined that this is the last time. Feel free to add me.
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    I have been using MFP off and on since 2009. I usually stick with it for a few months, then something big happens in my life and I totally lose focus. OR, like last time, I lost 20 pounds, felt fantastic and decided it was too hard to keep trying...But my consequence is that I always gain it back! Sometimes plus some!

    So I'm dedicated to sticking with it this time, getting the weight off, and keeping it off.

    I think you'll find it supportive dabbling in the community section!
  • I'm not used to dieting, but I've seen my mom do the same thing over and over again. I'm obese now, and like you would like to lose the extra weight and keep it off! I think this site (and the community) would be great for ladies like us :) Good luck with your efforts!
  • grneyedgf
    grneyedgf Posts: 23 Member
    I have to fight urges to all out binge. I have my days, but I still put it all down. I has made me face how often I overeat, what my weakness is (pizza, wine, ect.) and face the reality of how many calories I was taking in - THE REAL REASON I COULDN'T LOSE WEIGHT! I have to face my hunger urges with a strong sense of TRUTH, and learn from it.
  • sublettc
    sublettc Posts: 2 Member
    I am such a yo-yo dieter, I've literally tried every diet and I'm barely 19! Any words of wisdom to send my way? This is my first time using an online tool, hopefully it will end the vicious cycle of the yo-yo dieting. Guess I'm not alone in my yo-yo ways!
  • sublettc
    sublettc Posts: 2 Member
    I have to fight urges to all out binge. I have my days, but I still put it all down. I has made me face how often I overeat, what my weakness is (pizza, wine, ect.) and face the reality of how many calories I was taking in - THE REAL REASON I COULDN'T LOSE WEIGHT! I have to face my hunger urges with a strong sense of TRUTH, and learn from it.

    Wow I'm really impressed at how you really sat down and faced every little calorie you were taking in! I barely take into account my weekend binges- figuring I'll just work it off during the week. Good job being tough on yourself!
  • I am with everyone on here about the YoYo diet thing, It sucks! I just started MFP and so far keeping track of what I am eating has been easy but sure is hard with realitity hitting you in the face when the calorie counter shows your total for the day. WOW.. I have met a few people in my Zumba class and that is the reason I am on here. Much easier to stick with it when you work out with people with the same goals as you. Holds you accountable...Maybe I can get it done this time! Good luck everyone! :tongue:
  • Same!!
    I have been using MFP off and on since 2009. I usually stick with it for a few months, then something big happens in my life and I totally lose focus. OR, like last time, I lost 20 pounds, felt fantastic and decided it was too hard to keep trying...But my consequence is that I always gain it back! Sometimes plus some!

    So I'm dedicated to sticking with it this time, getting the weight off, and keeping it off.

    I think you'll find it supportive dabbling in the community section!

    I'm with you there! "Something" always comes up in my life and I get off track! I need to really work on not letting "things" get in the way. If I get off track for a day (or week) I need to remember to just keep going! I think of all the days I've let myself go and how much progress I could have made by now if I had just kept going!
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    Can deffinately relate... i have a past of yo yo dieting but i know you can do this! It is very encouraging with the help of MFP friends and all the posts! Youve got this! Feel free to add :)
  • I have to fight urges to all out binge. I have my days, but I still put it all down. I has made me face how often I overeat, what my weakness is (pizza, wine, ect.) and face the reality of how many calories I was taking in - THE REAL REASON I COULDN'T LOSE WEIGHT! I have to face my hunger urges with a strong sense of TRUTH, and learn from it.

    I am right there with you on the binges. I usually don't write them down on here because I am too embarrassed to even admit them to myself, let alone others. This time I am determined to write EVERYTHING down! Every BLT, bite lick or taste!
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    I'm an extreme yo yo dieter & would love to help support and garner support from people like yourself that go threw the same thing, over the past 6 years I've gone from 182lbs to 320lbs on two occasions and dropped to 210lbs in the middle of that, it's kind of shocking really & I would love some stability in my life!!!! And not constantly worry that stuff that fit me one month wont the next!
  • lkfosnight
    lkfosnight Posts: 6 Member
    MrsVDDS - I feel like you are saying exactly what my situation has been with losing weight and being on this site. I too am fairly new to opening myself to the community. I am finding a positive thing and it is helping me stay motivated. I will say I wanted to cheat tonight but I feel like i am accountable to more than just myself and it is really helping me to stay motivated. I hope this helps!
  • MrsVDDS - I feel like you are saying exactly what my situation has been with losing weight and being on this site. I too am fairly new to opening myself to the community. I am finding a positive thing and it is helping me stay motivated. I will say I wanted to cheat tonight but I feel like i am accountable to more than just myself and it is really helping me to stay motivated. I hope this helps!

    This definitely helps! Very encouraging! I really don't have family or friends that can understand what I'm going through. But reading through the posts on here I realized there are a lot of people on here I can relate to!
  • You sound exactly like me! yo-yo dieter big time! I also have used this site on and off again, but am determined to stick with it this time!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I'd be happy to have you as a friend! I am really working my butt off trying to do this "healthy living" thing right!

    Good luck to you all :bigsmile:
  • I definitely know how you are feeling! This is the first time in my whole life they I have stayed consistent dieting for three months in a row! I would usually just throw in the towel after I started looking good and then I would gain back all the weight! I have kept the weight off for almost a month now and I feel so much better about myself! I still give myself a cheat day but I always try remember that it is not worth it to gain the weight back! I work far to hard to let it all come back now! Mind over matter! :)