14lbs by christmas challange



  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    welcome to the challange
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    is everyone ready to report in tomorrow, hows you week gone so far
  • pamwilli14
    pamwilli14 Posts: 27 Member
    Do we post or weight here every week?
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    yes pam that will be brill.

    im now 207lb or 14st 11lb,

    i am getting myself confussed here swapping back and forth between the 2.but my goal is to get to 14st by xmas so i hope i am on the right track. 11lb to go
  • pamwilli14
    pamwilli14 Posts: 27 Member
    I am 172 as of Sunday Morning giving me a loss of 2lbs

    Let me know if I should type it different.
  • cmon288
    cmon288 Posts: 173 Member
    191.6 today!
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    well done the both of you, no in lbs is fine
  • FitFeden
    FitFeden Posts: 33 Member
    I'd also like to join!

    My name is Nick and I have around 40-50 pounds to lose. I've struggled off and on with weight all my life, but the last 3 years have really been the worst. I'm currently at 208 pounds, which is 2 off of my peak weight. My healthy weight tends to be between 160 & 170. So far my current goal weight is 185, because it's been around 3 years since I've been in the 180s and I think that would really motivate me to go the extra 15-20 pounds. I've always had an active lifestyle, but since I graduated from law school, got a job where I don't have the flexibility that school gave me, got married, and moved out of Center City Philadelphia, I've really lost my active habits. As a result, my eating (which has never been perfect) really got the better of me. I have a number of reasons for wanting to change things now. My wife and I are expecting a baby boy in less than 3 months. I really want to be healthy for him and her, and to have the energy needed to be an active participating parent. I don't want to always be tired and sluggish. I'm an avid tennis player, but I now find myself playing a level or two below my norm because of the extra weight and not enjoying the sport that I've played since I was a kid.

    I tracked calories for about a month, maybe 6 months ago, and I got myself down to 191.8, which felt incredible! When I stopped tracking my eating, I soon began to return to my old habits, and next thing you know- BAM- 208! That's almost 20 pounds back on in less than 6 months.

    I really need support to take this one day at a time, stick with it, and if I miss a day, get right back on track. I need people who are struggling like I am to hold me accountable, because only we know what a struggle this can be, but that we can overcome it with the proper motivations.

    The best Christmas gift I could receive would be to be back under 200 pounds by Christmas. If I am at 194 by then, that would be awesome!
  • dlara0107
    dlara0107 Posts: 5 Member
    IM IN :):smile:
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    you are both more that welcome, i weigh in here every sunday, but i do get weighed everyday, i find it helps to keep me on track. what sort of exercise plan are yous following at the mo
  • 21by21
    21by21 Posts: 12
    I would really like to join this! I turn 21 the day after Christmas and would really like to finish losing 21 lbs by then. I have about 15 to go and would like somewhere to check in with my weight once a week. I am terrible with counting calories, but I have started working out regularly and trying to replace my sweets with veggies. Fingers crossed I can survive the holiday season without too much damage.

    SW: 166
    CW: 160
    GW: 145
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    welcome along and weigh in on a sunday please. and friend request sent
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    how did everyone do this week.. i have hit my first sticking point and stayed the same, really down about it as i have been doing every so well and not overdoing things. (well till friday when i pigged out) but back on track now
    so still 207lb
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    how has everyone got on this week, i am pleased to say that i have now lost another 2lb after weeks of sticking. so now 205lb
  • caitylynn62
    caitylynn62 Posts: 99 Member
    Im in! sw 143
    goal weight 129
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    how as everyone got on this week, i am another 1lb down from last week, now 204lb

    Im not doing as good as i had thought i would, so far into the challange i have only lost 6lb, and with just 3 more weigh ins before Christmasi dont think i am going to do it, but its not the be all and end all, i have lost over a stone since i started my diet. which is better than not doing anything about my weight and putting it off till after xmas.
    I am enjoying cooking nice fresh healthy homecooked foods for my family and i am really getting into running, tho yesterday i found it was getting too cold to keep this up for now, so back to the wii for tonight
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    down to 201. almost there,

    how did evey one else do. only 2 weeks left to go now