isagenix work?

xoDDC Posts: 33
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
getting the 9 day cleanse in a few days and i am wondering if anyone has tried this before and if while you where doing it you where able to workout or had the energy for it? i workout 6 times a week so i would hope to still be able to workout while doing this.


  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I tried it and gave up I need to eat food. My friend tried it that's why I started and she did lose weight, however she gain it all back. Good Luck.
  • xoDDC
    xoDDC Posts: 33
    ughh i keep hearing everyone gains it back i am hoping since i stay active and eat somewhat good i will keep it off...the no eating part is the one i am not really looking forward to :-/
  • Fit_Hip_Mama
    Fit_Hip_Mama Posts: 7 Member
    How did the 9-day cleanse go? I'm on it right now.
  • Total fail on my end. I turned into a ticking time bomb, then gained all of my weight back! :explode:

    Good luck, and good health!
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