The Daily estimate says I should weight less, but...

I love the button at the bottom of the diary that says "If you ate like this, you'd weigh ?? in 5 weeks". So, how come that number is always three to five pounds lower, but I either gain or stay the same? Getting really tired of this darn plateau I've hit.


  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I've noticed that the daily estimate is never accurate for me. I may lose but it's never the number that shows up by the 5 weeks. I just don't "complete" the diary anymore :)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    It only takes into account the number of calories consumed, and does not take into account the myriad other factors that could be affecting you.

    Check out the Unofficial FAQ Group for some insights as to what may be going on:
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    It is every single day was the same as that one you would weight X, cause your foods change daily and you exercise changes etc etc to many variables...... its always gonna be different, however if you had each day exactly the same it probs be right
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    Mines been almost bang on so far, i'm actually a little less. Maybe your eating bigger portions than you think/log? Or burning less calories than estimated? Also it's just an estimate based on the info given, it doesn't know your exact body info.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    It's based on the figures you've set in your guidelines. If your basal metabolism rate is x, then for every 3600kcal you eat under that rate you lose a pound. If you take your eating for that day, and it is say, 1100 kcal less for the day than your BMR, it's going to project that over 14 days and day you'd lose 4.3 pounds (1100x14/3600). Whether you do or not depends on whether you maintain that 1,100 calorie underage - and that can be affected by exercise, water retention, cheating, etc.

    It's rarely accurate - it's mostly there as an encouragement.... ;)
  • nikijohnson8
    nikijohnson8 Posts: 24 Member
    I do try to be as accurate as possible with both eating and exercise. I weigh my food, but I'm going to go pick up a digital scale instead. I'm pretty sure my other one isn't all that accurate. Exercise wise, I usually aim low. If I did a 30 minute Jillian Michaels video, I'll plug it in as either a 20 or 25 minute work out. My treadmill displays the speed and time, so I'm hoping that's accurate when I plug it in to my diary. I eat pretty healthy. I rarely go out for meals and I don't eat too much processed food.

    I try not to cheat as much as possible. I usually leave room to have an ice cream or cookie somewhere within my available points. :p

    Last time I hit a plateau it was because I wasn't eating my exercise points, which I do now. Would maybe only eating half my exercise points help?
  • Bluestar083
    It is every single day was the same as that one you would weight X, cause your foods change daily and you exercise changes etc etc to many variables...... its always gonna be different, however if you had each day exactly the same it probs be right
    nope. not if your already thin. It might be correct for bigger people but us already lean people don't find it accurate