Anyone else looking to lose about 20 lbs?

Hi! I'm Madeline and I'm 20 years old. I've been reading a lot of posts, all with amazing and inspiring stories! But many of them are about girls and guys wanting to lose 50-100 lbs if not more, and while I will support them with all of my heart, I was wondering if there are any people out there who might be in the "healthy" BMI zone or so, but want to get leaner and maybe like me, lose about 20 lbs?

My current weight is about 145 lbs and I'm 5'8


  • CK1988
    Hi! I am 23 and weigh 138 lbs but I''m quite a bit shorter than you at 5'3''. I am also in the healthy bmi range but would like to lose around 15 lbs. What food/exericise are you planning on following? Let me know how you go, we can try and motivate each other!
  • CK1988
    Hi! I am 23 and weigh 138 lbs but I''m quite a bit shorter than you at 5'3''. I am also in the healthy bmi range but would like to lose around 15 lbs. What food/exericise are you planning on following? Let me know how you go, we can try and motivate each other!
  • moo_imma_pig
    moo_imma_pig Posts: 40 Member
    hi! i went from being obese to being a healthy weight!! id love to help ya out n anyway i can! :o) feel free to add me
  • Jedibeau
    I am currently 184 looking to get to 165. Not my "ideal" weight but aside from wanting to loss 10% body fat I am looking to gain 15 lbs of muscle. I am doing this by eating as clean as I can and working out 6 days a week. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • hollybugs
    hollybugs Posts: 15 Member
    I bet you are at a great weight for your body. Good luck if you want to lose but I am the same height and my goal is 145!
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Welcome to MFP! 20 is my goal as of now. We'll see how I feel when I get there!

    Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • Pcbcowboy
    Hello everyone... I am and been trying to lose at least 20 lbs but with my endo and fibermalgia, it is not going well at all. I diet and execrise and it is just so depressing. I am scheduled for surgery in December but until then, I am still going to keep tracking. good luck to everyone!

  • jheath123
    I am aiming to lose about 25 pounds myself I was at 193 and want to get at 168, then maybe a few pounds from there. I try to burn at least 300 calories a day and do some weight training and maintain my calories which MFP set me around 1400 a day which I usually fall under but I am above 1200 for the day. In about 3 weeks I have lost 10 pounds and I am starting to see muscle form too. I am taking it slow and I'm not the guy you hear in the background grunting all loud then hear weights bouncing off the ground lol. As slow and steady as I am taking it and seeing results it is much more motivating.
  • WRobare

    I to would like to loose 15- 20lbs. I have been vigoursly exercising but thought that eating cleaner and counting calories could help... I am looking forward to some results. Good Luck.
  • BlondieZee
    I am 24 years old and only 2 points away from a normal BMI. I am 154 lbs and looking to get down to 128-130! Feel free to add me :happy:
  • jerseyxsweet
    Hi! I'm Jessica and I am 20 years old as well. I am 5'2.5" and weight about 155, the heaviest I have been thus far, and want to get back to my weight at least 135. I have done Weight Watchers, Herbalife, diet pills, and nothing seems to have the lasting results so I'm trying this! Help me if you could with any tips! I look forward into getting to associated with everyone! Thanks!
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    i am 33 looking to lose 15-20 pounds... hard with my kid keeping me busy and always wanting to eat out.. my husband always wanting to have pizza, wings and beer.. i feel like i am at a stand still..
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    Hi, I'm 31 and weigh around 140 after havig 2 kids and am trying to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 120. So I'm in the same boat as you with just trying to lose 20 pounds. I just joined a few days ago and am excited to see if this helps.
  • tingtawn
    tingtawn Posts: 59 Member
    Hi my name is Tawni
    I'm 21 and 5'7 and about 153 currently and want to get to 135ish..feel free to add me for support and motivation :)
  • nc90
    nc90 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey! I'm Nicole, 21 years old, in college and looking to lose about 15-20lbs. Feel free to add - I'd be happy to provide and could use some motivation and support!
  • SimplyShy
    I'm 5'1 and weigh 156, the heaviest i've ever been in my life. I wanna get at least down to 125 but 115 would be nice as well. Honestly what I need is somebody to keep me on the path, and encourage me because no matter how I try it just seems to never work. So maybe we could help each other.
  • TrinaCaver
    Yes I am looking to loose abot 15-20 lbs. I am 28 and I weigh 155 and I want to be aboutr 135, with a flat stomach...
  • maaadde
    maaadde Posts: 90 Member
    It's great to hear that there are more people like me out there!
    What food/exericise are you planning on following? Let me know how you go, we can try and motivate each other!

    I'm gonna try to stay below 1400 kcal /day net, especially since I know that there will be days when I can't limit myself as much (I'm in college and I know it will happen more than once that I'll go out with my friends, once a week is more likely, so I will try to be more restricted during the other days). I try to work out at least 5 days a week, but not always cardio. While it's great for burning calories, more muscle mass requires more energy --> more calories burned every hour of the day :) How are you planning on doing the food/exercise thing?