Ways to keep exercise interesting and burn calories faster

I've been going to the gym for a couple of months now and I usually spend around an hour and 20 mins on the treadmill and elliptical trainer. I do get pretty bored after a while. I also don't burn calories as fast as I would like - I think because I lack stamina when running. What do you do to keep yourself motivated and interested in exercise? and how to push myself to the next level where I can burn more calories faster? I would love to enjoy doing it but it is now something I dread at the end of the day!


  • Dancing burns a lot of calories fast.
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    I had the same problem and I switched to the stationary bike. It feels like I started over so I really enjoy the exercise now. I also switched up almost every other exercise too. I was doing quite a few machines but switched to floor work and the boredom really did go away. Good Luck!!
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    I put on my ipod and play some groovy 80's music and that gets me going. When my stamina is super low, I tune into some heavier music like rock. It works for me!
  • Kickboxing and swimming
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    try a group class and make friends. it's easier when you feel part of a group.
  • I have a treadmill at home so what I do to get through a workout and not really think about the time i have left is to watch a new epidsode of one of my favorite tv shows. It makes time fly by. Plus I increase the incline at different times during the workout and wear a weight vest and hand weights. It pushes me harder and makes me feel great.
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    On Sunday mornings I go to a class for women only that is held at a local martial arts school. there is a trainer and we take turns boxing with him. He has the hand pads and calls out combo punches for us. It's 2 minutes and you work really, really hard in those 2 minutes. Then someone else goes, etc. for an hour. I can burn over 400 cals boxing with him 6-8 times at 2 mins each!!! I have also taken that to my health club. They have hanging bags on the back side of the track and I walk 1x around the track then box the bag for 2 minutes, then walk 1x fast around the track, then box the bag. i will usually do this for an hour and burn 550 cals. It is not boring at all and I look forward to it. i can't do the treadmill or elliptical anymore, too boring. Boxing is where it's at. you should try it,.
  • montiy
    montiy Posts: 32 Member
    Try interval training (going from moderate speed for a good chunk of time, to as fast as you can go for a short period, then back to moderate speed for a longer time, then back to as fast as you can do for a short time, etc)...this really burns most effectively! You can do interval training on a variety of different things -- walking / jogging, biking, elliptical, and just about anything else. You can vary the times and speeds, etc -- keeps your routine from getting too, er...routine.
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    I use an app for my i-touch called lolo beatburn. Gives me a great workout and gradually increases the intensity.

    Check it out if you can use an app at:
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    the trick is to find something you really like to do and then you will stick at it.I love music so as I am older joined aqua aerobics and excercise to music in the water.Also walking my dog in the park and playing the sports games on my wii.
    Its not really important what you choose as at least your more active than you were before you started with MFP,( I was a couch potatoe with a sit down job...still got the job but I move a lot more now)

    Best of luck in finding your niche
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I dread exercise and will never like it. I force myself to exercise because I have to. We really don't have a choice if we want success with our weight loss. It has to be a regular part of our health and wellnesss for longevity. It will allow us to be the best we can be. I used to belong to a gym but never went so all the power to you. I use exercise DVD's and walk to Leslie Sansone. I definitely burn more calories doing aerobics than using machines at the gym. For some reason they didn't work for me. All the power to anybody who has the dedication to use the Elliptical machine for a long period of time. The best of luck to you. Just know you are doing real well taking c are of yourself as you exercise. Plus you will end up having more calories to eat at the end of the day. I don't eat most of my exercise calories however I like the cushion just in case I chose to eat a little more. Have a great night!! :flowerforyou:
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Group classes are way more interesting than the treadmill and eliptical. I always go to a class if I can over using cardio machines.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Some good ideas on this thread. I've been working with a trainer 3x a week since last spring. I was a mess--no stamina, weak, barely able to walk. I started walking on the treadmill--maybe 10 minutes, slowly. That was followed by 30 minutes of weight training. Just baby steps. Gradually weights, reps and sets increased. Meanwhile, I added the recum. bike and then the elliptical to the mix, very gradually increasing speed and duration. Kinesis, the medicine ball and a step was added. Yesterday I mentioned that I was getting frustrated with my stamina on the elliptical, and my trainer advised me to break up my time on that, and also on the bike and treadmill, creating muscle confusion by rotating among the three two or three times every workout. The benefits are the same or better (!) and I was able to increase my overall time. I'm looking forward to adding different activities as my health continues to improve. Oh, and I'm a testament that exercise alone won't create a decent weight loss. It wasn't until the end of August that I was willing to chart and change what went in my mouth. Since then, I've been losing about 14 pounds/month. I'm sure a slow learner!
  • Do interval training... that works really good! Run at high speed for 2 min, walk for 1 min at 3.1-3.5, slowly increase your how long you "sprint" for and how fast. You can keep your "resting" walk at whatever is comfortable for you. This type of training really builds insurance and helps you not get bored since you are constantly changing your pace!
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    You need to find an exercise that you enjoy and that burns calories. I try all kinds of workouts but I love Turbo- which is a group exercise/home fitness DVD. I may try other forms of exercise but I always go back to it. You need to try other forms of exercise - which you should do anyway because your body gets adjusted to the workout - until you find things you also like. If you are bored you will eventually stop.

    I have a suggestion about the treadmill - I have seen people train for triatholon's in the gym by spending 10 minutes on the bike, 10 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the row machine. Maybe moving from one machine to another may also help.
  • I think working out with a buddy or doing alternative workouts like dancing and swimming are definitely helpful. However, as far as making the treadmill more interesting and burning more calories... its best to alternate your speed and incline often. High intensity workouts are what burn the most calories. So maybe start out at a brisk walk for 2 min, then increase your incline to 10 or so. After you feel warmed up, increase your speed to a level that is fairly intense for you and keep it there for 1 to 2 minutes depending on your endurance. Then lower your speed back down to like a 3 to rest for a minute or 2. But keep the incline! Its burns more calories, works more muscles, and is safer (as far as preventing injury).
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    Music definitely helps. Sometimes an audio book vs music even. I joined an aerobics class because I wanted to burn calories other than just walking.
  • lrucks1952
    lrucks1952 Posts: 10 Member
    I decided to increase the intensity and cut the time working out..I started out at the gym doing just 30 mintes per day on the treadmil at 3.0 MPH ..After a month or so and after I developed some stamina, I moved it up to 40 minutes per day at 3.5 MPH and I carry 8 pounds of weight in each hand..I now do 50 minutes per day with 10 lb weights while listening to my music or plugged in to the tvs..It has now become fun especially when I enter my results into my mobile MFP app!!!...and watch the weight come off!!!...Hopefully the shorter times and increased intensity will work for you!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I've been going to the gym for a couple of months now and I usually spend around an hour and 20 mins on the treadmill and elliptical trainer. I do get pretty bored after a while. I also don't burn calories as fast as I would like - I think because I lack stamina when running. What do you do to keep yourself motivated and interested in exercise? and how to push myself to the next level where I can burn more calories faster? I would love to enjoy doing it but it is now something I dread at the end of the day!
    Every 2 months you should change your routine for variety and because your body adapts to the repetition of the same daily exercise. And up the speed up .5 on the treadmill once a week.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I make some kick *kitten* playlists full of upbeat songs that I LOVE, and then ONLY let myself listen to them when I'm working out. Then I actually want to.