Fallen Warrior Seeks Friends/Comeptiton

Im a 30yo, 297lbs Male who fell off the band wagon and is looking for a little help to get back on... Most of my friends and family are overweight and "fine" with it, making it hard and tempting to acheive goals without a little outside motivation

I respond best to those "Biggest Loser" style challenges/competitions, and am hoping to join/form one... So if your running one, or in need of a "player" let me know before I fall again!!!

At the very least, please feel free to friend me and congratulate me success and yell are me if I miss a weigh-in =) Any help you can give is greatly appreciate, thanks!!!


  • Amanda_Fischer
    I love this site!!! So much support!!! It has helped keep me focused so far. My family and friends are fine with me the way I am to, and yes it does make it hard. This site gives you a lot of support because there are a lot of people out there doing the same thing.Trying to better them selves.
  • Iamachocaholic
    Hey there ~
    I'm so glad you're here ... you've just taken the first step to feeling better about yourself physically AND mentally! :)
    While I don't have the family issues you've described, I have myself to contend with, and sometimes I think that's worse ... LOL
    Feel free to friend me and I'll be happy to encourage you, motivate you, not to mention zap you an e-mail when I don't see you posting like you should be!
    Squeaky ~
  • akenesson
    akenesson Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you for the support... I look back on all the ways I've failed before, and almsot all of them can be attirbuted to a lack of support in one way or another... Peer pressue to "be a man and finish that sandwich" or social gatherings in holidays... One of the hardest parts of being overweight is surrounding yourself with people who understand...