Can't use the "I just had a baby" excuse anymore


I am a 28 year old mother of a now 14 month old and I've finally gotten serious about losing weight, but need online support! I'm just moved in with family and noticed that as soon as I say I'm eating healthy everyone loves to shove food in my face even more. Does anyone else have that problem??? What's with that? Anyway, I used to be the "skinny girl" in high school and have just slowly been gaining more and more since graduation. Then I had a baby and lost a little bit of the weight, but the number on the scale has been creeping back up. I'm am 5'3" and 165 lbs... no, not horrible to some standards, but it is at the uncomfortable point for me. I want to lose about 35 lbs. Please help!



  • trlyblssd79
    trlyblssd79 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Erica! I'd love to support you and I need to lose around the same too. I have a 20 month old and actually GAINED weight after him
  • jofromnz
    jofromnz Posts: 82 Member
    You are speaking my language!!! My son is now almost 9 months and I am the same!!! I am the biggest I have ever been although since being on here for the last two weeks I am finally shrinking!!! I want to lose 15 kilos (and have already shed 2.2 kilos - yay!. Good on you for making a change :)
  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 184 Member
    Happens to me all the time. My mom always gets me my favorite junk food when I tell her I'm trying to be more healthy. My solution? This time around I didn't tell her. :)
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    Yep, my neighbors do that to me everytime I start eating healthy again. With this site I learned I can eat anything in moderation so I gladly take their goods now, lol.
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Erica! I'd love to support you and I need to lose around the same too. I have a 20 month old and actually GAINED weight after him

    Hi Sara! I was just about to reply to your earlier intro post. It would be great to support each other! Add me, or I will in a few :)

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  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    You are speaking my language!!! My son is now almost 9 months and I am the same!!! I am the biggest I have ever been although since being on here for the last two weeks I am finally shrinking!!! I want to lose 15 kilos (and have already shed 2.2 kilos - yay!. Good on you for making a change :)

    I'm the biggest I've ever been too! So frustrating! Hopefully I'll see some shrinkage soon...

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  • mommyjeans
    I hear you! I have an almost 6 month old and I am 5'2"/155lbs and trying to lose the baby weight. I just want my old clothes to fit again because with a baby, I can't afford to go out and buy new clothing to accommodate my extra healthy hips :)
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    Happens to me all the time. My mom always gets me my favorite junk food when I tell her I'm trying to be more healthy. My solution? This time around I didn't tell her. :)

    I told her this time because I was excited about my phone app, but then I came home from boyfriend's house to brownies with butterscotch chips in them!!!! Oh em gee! lol...

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  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    i just sent you a FR. Im 5'2" have a 15 month old and im sitting at 174. Im in a bit of a slump though, and have been for the past month. I started off at 200 right after birth.
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    Yep, my neighbors do that to me everytime I start eating healthy again. With this site I learned I can eat anything in moderation so I gladly take their goods now, lol.

    lol the moderation part is what I'm trying to learn. Smaller portion sizes and do I really NEED that soda or is a bottle of water ok. I'm doing ok so far at the bottle of water instead thing.

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  • stemen2011
    stemen2011 Posts: 35 Member

    I am a mother of 2 (3 years and 1 year) so I know the "i just had a baby" excuse! haha, I would love to support you also! I will add you :)
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    I hear you! I have an almost 6 month old and I am 5'2"/155lbs and trying to lose the baby weight. I just want my old clothes to fit again because with a baby, I can't afford to go out and buy new clothing to accommodate my extra healthy hips :)

    Me too!!! I have tons of size 8 clothes that I want to fit into again. I'm not trying to be a size 2, I just want my 8's again!!!

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  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Feel free to friend me for some motivation - I am 29 years old, 5'4" and started this whole weightloss thing at 165 lbs. I have a 4 year old and a 19 month old. I've been doing this for 3.5 months and I'm down 25 lbs (just under 140), trying to ultimately get down to 125. You can totally DO this. I was so skeptical at first that I didn't even officially join the site until I'd already lost 10 lbs (that's why you see me saying 3.5 months but I haven't been a member that long - I was so scared I wouldn't be able to do it or that it wouldn't work). This is totally doable if you just keep at it.
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    i just sent you a FR. Im 5'2" have a 15 month old and im sitting at 174. Im in a bit of a slump though, and have been for the past month. I started off at 200 right after birth.

    We can help each other :) I'm about to go accept the FR right now.

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  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Man, I'm gonna ride that one 'til the wheels fall off.
    I "just" had a baby almost 12 years ago. uninvolved.gif

    What I mean is ....You can do it!
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to friend me for some motivation - I am 29 years old, 5'4" and started this whole weightloss thing at 165 lbs. I have a 4 year old and a 19 month old. I've been doing this for 3.5 months and I'm down 25 lbs (just under 140), trying to ultimately get down to 125. You can totally DO this. I was so skeptical at first that I didn't even officially join the site until I'd already lost 10 lbs (that's why you see me saying 3.5 months but I haven't been a member that long - I was so scared I wouldn't be able to do it or that it wouldn't work). This is totally doable if you just keep at it.

    WOW!!! That is a great amount for just 3.5 months! How are you doing it? How much do you work out and how many calories do you eat?

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  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Feel free to friend me for some motivation - I am 29 years old, 5'4" and started this whole weightloss thing at 165 lbs. I have a 4 year old and a 19 month old. I've been doing this for 3.5 months and I'm down 25 lbs (just under 140), trying to ultimately get down to 125. You can totally DO this. I was so skeptical at first that I didn't even officially join the site until I'd already lost 10 lbs (that's why you see me saying 3.5 months but I haven't been a member that long - I was so scared I wouldn't be able to do it or that it wouldn't work). This is totally doable if you just keep at it.

    WOW!!! That is a great amount for just 3.5 months! How are you doing it? How much do you work out and how many calories do you eat?

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    I have been sticking pretty close to what MFP tells me to do. I have my activity level set to 'sedentary' (b/c for real, some days I am LOL) - when I first started I set my goal to 2 lbs per week which gave me a 1200 calorie daily goal. For the first month or two I just ate between 1200-1400 calories per day, wasn't super-strict with myself, I mean I was eating more like 3000 calories per day before I started so it was a big change. Lots of learning about portion sizes and different choices that I could make so my 1200-1400 calories would stretch farther. Once I got a little weightloss under my belt LOL, I started exercising. Simple stuff - mostly walking on the treadmill (and pretending I could jog - was awful in the beginning and still not great, but it's a process). I bought a heart rate monitor so I could get a really accurate estimate of how many calories I burned when I worked out, and I always log my exercise calories on MFP and try to eat back a good portion of them. (when you log exercise, MFP tells you that you've 'earned' those calories back and ups your goal - so if you spend half an hour on the treadmill and burn 200 calories, if your daily goal is 1200 all of a sudden MFP tells you that you can eat 1400 that day). Sometimes I eat ALL of my extra exercise calories, sometimes I just eat part of them. Honestly half the reason I work out at all is so I can earn some extra snacks! LOL I'm just now getting into some other types of exercise - doing videos at home and using some small weights. It's hard but it makes you feel great to see how much you can do that you weren't able to do before. Just losing some weight gives you so much more energy. I can actually keep up with my crazy kids. LOL

    A month or two ago (can't remember) I re-set my goal here on MFP to be 1 lb per week, b/c I'd lost some weight and it generally is better to go a little slower the closer you get to your goal. Re-setting put me at 1210 calories. Not a big difference, but that's b/c I lost weight and don't need as many calories for my body to stay the same anymore. I try to get in enough exercise most days to earn at least 300 extra calories, I like to eat small meals (like 200-300 calories usually) and have several small snacks during the day - mainly b/c it keeps me from getting super-hungry at meal times. Some people prefer big meals and no snacks, it's all personal preference.

    Sometimes I actually lose faster than what MFP says even though I try not to skimp on the calories - I think it's b/c I'm trying to be more active with my kids now that I have more energy. But basically sticking with my MFP goals is what does the trick. I'm also still breastfeeding my 19 month old once or twice a day, but it's so little that I don't think I use very many calories doing that anymore, so I usually don't account for it. Sometimes if he nurses a bunch in a day I will eat an extra snack. LOL
  • DGSki
    DGSki Posts: 71 Member
    No kids here, just dogs :) But I will be great support for you! Feel free to add me! Anyone else out there looking for support feel free to add me as well!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    14 months is still totally young enough to use that excuse. I didn't start losing the baby weight until my youngest was 3.
  • Brelia09
    Hi!!! I'm new too!!! I am a mother of 2. One is almost 6 months and the other is almost 21 months. :) I just started today and I'm not that bad off, but I wanna get back to the size I was before baby #1. I gained 10lbs with each baby. (This is obviously after birth weight lol and a while afterwards right after was a lot more) I am 5'7" and around 146. My goal is mid 120's. I started because I was consistently 143 6 weeks after the baby was born, but I've been putting on more weight recently.