Need help :(

Alrighty, so in my journey to lose 26 post-surgeries lbs I have lost 10. Then the weight loss stopped and fluctuated, but always evened out. I have tried calorie cycling, increasing my calories to maintenance then dropping by 400 cals after 3 weeks of maintaing. No luck. My muscle mass seems to be increasing but my body fat is staying the same.
I then though maybe I need to lower? So I lowered and saw no change in weight. I have started to lose fat somewhat but it always seems to come back. My body just keeps going back to its 10lb lost form!!!
This is very frustrating. I want to be healthy and fit, but I also want to be at a healthy weight and lower my body fat.
I notice that whenever I eat I get severely bloated and even if I drink water, I stay bloated. I watch my sodium intake and I don't exceed 2000 mg a day on most days. Sometimes I get an intense pain in my stomach after I eat. I don't know if that is related or not.
I've stayed consistent and I workout 5 times a week or more. I used to not workout as much, back when I was on crutches from my most recent surgery, I only worked out at physical therapy which was 3 times a week. I do a lot of weightlifting, also.

What could be the culprit of my non-weightloss?
Am I really gaining that much muscle that the scale isn't changing and my body looks the same if not bigger?
How can I fix this?
How much should I be eating?

BTW, I've been doing trial and error for the past 6 months, not just changing everything every week. Thanks in advance for the help! :)


    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Have you thought about consulting with a nutritionist to see if they could help you reach your final goal. Could be something you are missing in your diet to give the the proper push. They can be very helpful.
  • lorimarie92
    Hey! dont feel alone im a personal trainer and i've seen people go through this "HUMP" many many times. It's very hard but, my suggestion is if your only gaining muscle which is good, but not seeing weight loose results. CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO.. maybe keep at your weights at the same weight and do less reps add more cardio. cardio equals weight loose and you'll focus on becoming toned after you've lost all your weight. you'll be more pleased bc then you'll see your tone faster! so im not saying cut ur strength training out maybe just maintain or cut back a tad take that time for more CARDIO :)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    When you lower calories, how long do you give it before you've decided that there's "no weight change"?
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    This happened to me and then I figured out that when I eat too much dairy or any grains it causes severe bloating and stomach pains. I am now gluten free and I limit grains. Once I did this the weight just started falling off! Try to eliminate certain foods to see if something is bothering you.
  • erinmac0211
    erinmac0211 Posts: 37 Member
    @Clukis About a month
  • erinmac0211
    erinmac0211 Posts: 37 Member
    This happened to me and then I figured out that when I eat too much dairy or any grains it causes severe bloating and stomach pains. I am now gluten free and I limit grains. Once I did this the weight just started falling off! Try to eliminate certain foods to see if something is bothering you.

    I'll try eliminating dairy first, I eat loads of dairy, this may be the culprit! Also, are there gluten free breads?
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    @Clukis About a month

    If you're having severe water retention issues, you might have to give it even longer. I often advise women to compare month-to-month averages to get a clear idea of what's going on, because of the water retention around the menstrual cycle.
  • Jen_130
    There are lots of gluten free breads! They are always in the frozen section of your grocery store and say it right on them. Glutino, some Exekiel 4:9, Food For Life, ETC! Sounds like this is totally the culprit! Go on these sites too for ideas... I'm positive that you'll plow right through this plateau by eliminating grains!! Try the paleo diet perhaps!
  • erinmac0211
    erinmac0211 Posts: 37 Member
    @Clukis About a month

    If you're having severe water retention issues, you might have to give it even longer. I often advise women to compare month-to-month averages to get a clear idea of what's going on, because of the water retention around the menstrual cycle.

    I suffer from female athlete triad syndrome so I don't think that could be it.
    Will drinking more water help with water retention though?
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    @Clukis About a month

    If you're having severe water retention issues, you might have to give it even longer. I often advise women to compare month-to-month averages to get a clear idea of what's going on, because of the water retention around the menstrual cycle.

    I suffer from female athlete triad syndrome so I don't think that could be it.
    Will drinking more water help with water retention though?

    If you're not currently drinking enough, it might.