**Uggggh**... Office Annual Thanksgiving Potluck

OMG!!!! I did waaaaaaaay too much today. It was our company's Annual Thanksgiving Potluck. I was the chairman of the event and I totally went overboard. I made candied yams and my granny's famous Potato Salad. I didn't do like I normally do when while cooking my food, I was tasting and taking small plates full. I refrained from tasting while cooking so that part, I did good on. It was the luncheon it'self. I was ripping and running all day long, sweating like a hooker about to meet her pimp with no money... and so when I finally got a chance to sit down, rest, and get a bite to eat, I think I over did it. My coworkers said that I did good, but maybe I'm just being too hard on myself. I had 3 slices of ham, a 2 slices of turkey, a spoonful of cornbread dressing w/gravy, a teaspoon of cranberry relish, a spoonful of my yam and I didn't really get any dessert because I just knew that would be the end! *sigh*... Either way, I just feel horrible about messing up through the week like this. I wouldn't feel as bad if it were the weekend and my cheat day. Maybe I should just substitute today for my cheat day??? Hmmm...


  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    honey, you're beautiful. don't sweat a day!
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    "sweating like a hooker about to meet her pimp with no money" :laugh:

    It sounds like you did very well. If this is different than you normally would have had...then it was a success. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's done, its over with and it could have been worse!!!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    You worked hard to make a successful event, it does not sound like you went overboard. You were probably on your feet burning calories all day. Pat yourself on the back!
  • lorimarie92
    your post just made my night with the hooker pimp thing. but yeah if you feel you rly over did it workout tomm and have today a cheat day even my nutrition teacher says everyone needs a cheat day
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    No worries! Thanksgiving is going to come every year and I think you survived very well. Remember ham and turkey are both lean protiens! So bravo.
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    I agree i think you did a great job! And if it makes you feel better it wouldnt be a bad idea to sub your cheat day. Might also do a good job at tricking your matabalism if you always have the same cheat day. This is a life style change make it work for you! I usually use sundays as my rest day from working out but if i have something else going on a different day then i make that my rest day and work out on sundays. you did a great job and be proud of yourself!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Don't let the guilt creep in. Guilt is a sneaky thing. One minute I'm feeling guilty about one little slip up and the next I'm thinking "well, I've already screwed up, might as well have pizza for dinner". Then I'm skipping workouts and feeling bad about myself, and the cycle continues.

    So, don't worry about it. It was one meal. You may not have a deficit today but no way you ate enough calories to put on even half a pound with that one meal. Just pick up and have a great healthy dinner and do better tomorrow! :happy:
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    If this is different from what you would have done before you started your weightloss journey, you've done the right thing!
    It's all a lifestyle change, and if you're improving you're on the right track.

    Ok it might not have been the best compared to what you have been eating, but don't beat yourself up. If you've only gone over your limit by a little bit, still have your cheat day on the weekend. If you totally blew out, well ok that was your cheat day for the week/fortnight/month. (However often you have them).
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    I think you are being too hard on yourself! It was one special occasion, you maybe ate more than you wanted to but it doesn't sound too bad, you didn't kill the desserts and you probably burned off loads of calories 'sweating like a hooker'! :laugh:
  • candykoated
    candykoated Posts: 55 Member
    Don't let the guilt creep in. Guilt is a sneaky thing. One minute I'm feeling guilty about one little slip up and the next I'm thinking "well, I've already screwed up, might as well have pizza for dinner". Then I'm skipping workouts and feeling bad about myself, and the cycle continues.

    ...Good Lordy... that is soooooooooooooooooo me!!! I always do that when I slip up and it's all down hill after that. It's like, "welp, I've already had a bowl of ice cream, so I might as well finish off the tub so it's no longer there to temp me"... yeah friggin right!!!

    You guys are so awesome! Every single last one of you! Thank you for the kind encouraging words! :blushing:
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    That really doesn't sound like much...and even if it was, one day can't do that much damage.

    You'll be fine.