Guilt-Free Thanksgiving Desserts

I am getting nervous about maintaining my improved eating habits during Thanksgiving time. I have very little self control when it comes to sugar. Does anyone have good dessert recipes without tons of sugar or fat? Please share. I will be so thankful.


  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    I need to know recipes too!!!!! Please share! Also, any ideas on sugar detoxing? lol
  • flodebbierida
    There was one on here yesterday for Pumpkin Muffins that I made a copy of. Should be in a post from yesterday..
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Life is too short to feel guilty about eating good food.
    Stuff yourself with turkey, veggies, and yummy fruit and enjoy yourself!

    On that note, I'll be posting some gluten free/low carb dessert recipes on my food blog next week :)
    The link is on my profile.
  • darkevix
    I don't know about desserts, but this is my first thanksgiving and some friends invited me to their house that day... I'm getting nervous about the food, is it gonna be a ton of things? I think I should bring some veggies to share and try to behave like a good girl on a diet :) any advise as to what to avoid?
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I made it through the holidays last year without gaining. I had all the same things I usually had...just less of them and I ate lighter the day before and after and got in more exercise. There are some things I'm not willing to give meals are one. I did make some changes...using skim milk in recipes instead of cream or half and half but again if it's important to you splurge (within reason) and make it up. I know people of normal weight still have holiday meals I think they do what I said...make it up lighter before and more exercise. Happy Thanksgiving all!
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    its just one day. u could try a little bit of everything. just dont gocrazy
  • Shaniceb88
    I say eat what you want but eat it to taste very very small portions thanksgiving is one of those holidays you have to cheat on remember its not what type of calories you consume its how many you consume. I myself is not really a sweets person but im pretty you will be fine jus workout a little harder the next day ;) lol
  • Devonanne
    Devonanne Posts: 102 Member
    Options has a whole section on lower-calorie pumpkin treats for Thanksgiving:

    I am going to try making their pumpkin spice latte! On another note, we've already had Thanksgiving in Canada (Oct 10), so I'm glad I joined MFP after it was over :P I'm really bad with treats as well..namely pumpkin pie!
  • LisaMariaCallow
    I do a lowfat cheesecake. It's the Philadelphia Cream Cheese recipe, I do it without a crust (you can do crushed raw almonds if you like) and I us lowfat cream cheese, fat free sour cream, plus I sub Splenda for the sugar. I'd have to log it in the recipes to see the exact calories but it's better than the original! I also do pumpkin pie with splenda & fat free evaporated milk.

    Good luck!
  • allymazz
    allymazz Posts: 2 Member

    i would highly recommend these pumpkin spice cupcakes! they're from hungry girl and they are incredible. my dad ate one and thought they were store bought! nice and pumpkin-y and cinnamon-y and perfect for thanksgiving. :)
  • rarou12
    Thanks for your advice. My problem is that I don't have a shut off. There is no moderation with sugars. It is all or nothing for me. I need to learn better self control.
  • IrinaKachalenko
    Hi hi,
    My survival tactic is to come prepared... there are a lot of seasonal deliciousness that's healthy and slimming that you can bring to the table. I'll be bringing healthy sides and stuffed apples to our Holiday table.
    I will be happy to share if you're interested in recipes so just email me!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thanks for your advice. My problem is that I don't have a shut off. There is no moderation with sugars. It is all or nothing for me. I need to learn better self control.

    Honestly, since you know this about yourself then you might be better off just skipping dessert this year altogether. Perhaps by next year you will have gained the self control you need. Don't feel guilty for skipping what you know to be trigger foods. If dessert is required in order to be thankful or enjoy the company of family and friends that is a bigger problem than declining select foods.