Friend or Routine

Hi Everyone
Tomorrow I've been invited to visit a friend to enjoy tea and catch up. One of my favie friends.. Like a Sister! and if I go it will disturb my exercise routine. I might be able to do it in afternoon but nervous I wont'. Not sure I want to wake up and do it early. What to do? Has anyone encountered this?


  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    Let's put it this way...what if something were to happen to her next week? Would you kick yourself for not spending time with her over working out?
    There is your answer...
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    This is a lifestyle - surely you shouldnt let your friendships suffer because of a new hobby?
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    Go see your friend. Who knows, maybe you can go for a walk together after tea.
  • javajunkee
    When was the last time you hung out with your friend? If it has been awhile then I say invest in your friendship tomorrow and squeeze in whatever exercise you can get.
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    Yeah, I would definitely not pass up the opportunity to see a close friend like that. If it were me, I would suck it up and work out early. :)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Getting fit is about improving your life not sacrificing it.

    All about living the life you want and balance and learning how to deal with surprises.
  • jlewis121186
    just make sure you go before or after your tea. i go at different times. mon, wed, fri i do an hour from 12-1 and then an hour in the afternoon, tue thu i do 2 hours in the evening. sunday i do 1-1.5 hours at 3pm, and sat i go when i have the time lol
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Try pushing yourself and wake up and do it! Think about how good you'll feel all day that you 1. accomplished your goal to exercise, 2. are finished early for the day, and 3. still get to see your friend! Just try it for a change and see if you like it or not ;)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Like my routines and now schedule around my favorites. Wouldn't blame you for looking for a more suitable time to get together. Ultimately up to you
  • javajunkee
    Go see your friend. Who knows, maybe you can go for a walk together after tea.
    Great idea. Sometimes my friends and I catch up while power walking. Is that a possibility for you two?
  • Agito
    Agito Posts: 45 Member
    I'd go. Do what you can to get in some exercise later. Since I noticed you said "won't" and not "can't", remind yourself that exercise is important enough that you were worried about missing it.
  • radlosing
    see your friend, and walk later like a post above mentioned. walking is perfect for catching up.

    also, make sure you're not getting any sugary lattes/chais/etc--you don't want to forfeit good eating/drinking habits, too. :)
  • gretchensdoll
    Thanks so much-variety in my routine and getting to see my Friend- sounds like two great accomplishments :)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Go! Enjoy yourself, and get water if needed.
  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    I lost a really good friend in high school, hours after we hung out. Don't miss an opportunity to see your friend!