Creating Goals/Milestons?

Hey everyone!

I know that the signature feature was removed but thats where I saw a lot of people posting their weightloss goals w/ dates.
Im still in shock that I am actually/finally losing weight, but I want to start making weight loss milestones. Whats a good strategy to make them...and make them realistic! When I complete my food diary entry & it tells me how much I would weigh in 5 weeks, I dont believe it! Not only because it changes everyday, but because it always seems like a LOT of weight to lose! I want to make milestones so that I can feel successful in achieving them which will motivate me more!

Thanks in advance for the help!



  • I feel like its helpful to make goals that are going to mean something to you, ya know?! for example, i have a goal to be a certain weight by the time i host my christmas party..this way, I get motivation by thinking about how peopl will notice how much weight I lost and stuff like that. Also, write it down and put it somewhere that ya look at everyday..or think about it before every workout so it pushes you to exercise with that much more intensity! :) youu cann doo itttt

    & obviously..small realistic goals!
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    My milestones are every 5 pounds, and the goal date gives me 5 weeks to lose those 5 pounds. So far I am always ahead of the game, which makes me feel good, and its a steady and healthy rate per week, so I know that if I am doing the right things with my food choices and exercise I can meet the goal. Good luck!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I agree on the setting goals but I'm basing mine on the one pound a week goal I set originally, however, I am losing faster than that so the goals will be more quickly achieved. My goals are various weight milestones I passed on my way to 240 -(now 225) so now I want to pass those milestones on the way down. Like the weight I gained when I went back to college, or what i weighed after the last kid, etc. They are all smaller bites of the long range goal.