Help! Feeling pressured by a friend...

Ugh, I've got that one friend who always insists that you eat when they eat and if you don't eat what they eat then you get "OMG YOU'RE STARVING YOURSELF" drummed into you.

I have one friend who ALWAYS does this. My best friend. I always feel pressured by him to eat whenever I'm with him. He knows about what has happened in my past with starving//binging/purging and he knows I haven't done this for three years, so I think he's still got it in his head that I still do that regularly and I can't help but to satisfy his worries by eating around him.

I always feel terrible :(


  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    You might show him what you're doing with MFP. Show him the calorie goal you have and how close you get to matching it. Maybe explain that you're trying to live healthier, which includes eating, just not too much and of the good stuff.

    If he doesn't respond to that, ignore him. (I know that may be hard, but you gotta do what you gotta do.)

    Good luck and keep on working at it!
  • mrsdauer
    mrsdauer Posts: 102
    your friend seems to have an issue not trusting you. but you should also have enough control within yourself to be able to say "NO", not hungry, etc....

    for a while in the past my family thought i had an eating disorder too, either i "ate like a bird" or because i had to pee after eating ( they thought i was barfing).

    you have to do what makes YOU happy, not do what shuts people up!

    glad to hear you have beat the past, and made it 3+ years, thats awesome!, dont let someone else's trust, ruin your plans and goals!

    good luck to ya
  • Akahime
    Akahime Posts: 35 Member
    I would tell him how you feel and invite him to look at your daily food log here if he's that worried. You have to be firm with him to make sure he understands.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Remind him that he is your best friend and that you rely on him for support then tell him exactly what you do and don't want him to do. Sometimes you need to be very explicit with people. He may think that he is supporting you so don't undermine him. Let him know that you need different support.
  • blacktallon
    Its not all bad news! Your friend obviously cares about you and is concerned about you even if his concerns are unwarented.
    As the others have said, showing him your diary may be good. If that does not satisfy him alone you will need to put your foot down. Just make sure he knows that you apreciate him being concerned, but that you are taking a healthier path then before.
  • gettingskinnysoon
    Thank so much everyone, it means a lot. My dad also does this so I guess I'll just have to be firm with them both as well as try to control myself.
