Will i ever be a healthy weight??

Feeling really down at the moment I started this journey in February and know I have come a long way since then but i went to the drs Monday only to be told im still overweight and even though I pointed out how I had lost so much they told me I was still unhealthy. I am 5"4 and 148lb which is 25.7bmi I think so not far off healthy but still not there.

I just feel like my whole life from going to the school nurse to being pregnant and even now all i get is lectures about my weight I just want for once in my life for them not to mention it! I feel like I will never get there.

Sorry for the rant but its really getting me down


  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Please don't be so hard on yourself. 148 lbs. and 5'4" is not that obese! You've been doing a great job losing weight and you just have to shrug that off. Keep up the good work! :smile:
  • hold up ! first off you have to tell yourself " I WILL GET THERE" :) haters gunna hate bro.. soo let them keep @ it... you got this and yest you will be at a healthy weight if you keep going and give it your all.. cut out some foods like soda or sweets to one time a week or 2 make little changes at a time :) but member "I WILL GET THERE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • i really really dont like doctors!!! its like you go to one, they tell you all this *kitten* thats wrong with you and then you worry yourself over it... im kind of an anti-doctor person lol... as long as you continue to work out and eat healthy, not just for weight loss but for a healthy heart, you are most def a hell of a lot better then what you started at!!! DONT WORRY YOURSELF!!!
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    You have lost 59 pounds!! Be very proud of yourself. Plus you are not obese. I think the doctor should have congratulated you. I am 29.9 BMI and so grateful I finally slipped below obesity. I would be dancing if I had your numbers. Keep up the good work and don't let them get you down. You're doing fabulous!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Heck yeah you will look how far you have come there is no stopping you now!! Focus full speed ahead finish what you started! I would trade places with you in a heartbeat I am 5'4" and no where near 148!! Also, you know the last pounds are the hardest to get off so it may be time to shock your body to get things going again if you have stalled (e.g. change up workout routine, or change diet )
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    omg tell your docs to bugger off!
    my target is to get to a bmi of 26 (currently 29.9) so i have another stone and a half to lose. ok so my doctors will probably tell me to lose more but i dont want to. i will go to the weight I want and live with the body I am comfortable with.
    dont be so hard on yourself. you set the targets and stick to that. bmi can do one! i know many people that are personal trainers or in the military that are classed as obese because of their weight, but there isnt an ounce of fat on them!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I think you need a new doctor - one who's more supportive. I'm very close to where you are in height and weight and when I saw my doctor in October, he was thrilled at my weight loss and asked me how I did it. Weight loss is a journey, and a slow and steady weight loss is the best way to go. I don't think I like your doctor very much.
  • heatherdills
    heatherdills Posts: 53 Member
    Well I think you look great! All they do is look at a chart, not the person! Those charts were made back when people were built smaller. They also don't take into account bone structure or muscle mass. I don't even use the BMI on here because I will never be healthy on it. I am also built on a large frame, so even the high end of the BMI will be the low end for me. Make the doctor drag out the calipers and do measurements to really measure how fit you are! Keep up the great work you are doing!!!!
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I think you have done an amazing job! Personally, I can't stand the whole BMI tool just because it doesn't take into account frame type. I would rather go with percentage of body fat than that, but I guess BMI is the standard. Instead of focusing on that, look at your accomplishments, and how much healthier you are. Look at everything you can do now that you had difficulties with before. You CAN finish this out and hit your goal!
  • KayeRichards
    KayeRichards Posts: 19 Member
    You have done tremendously well! 59 lbs lost (27 kilos!!) is amazing. Keep it going. your almost there - you should be so proud of yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Personally, I suggest finding a new doctor that will look at you, rather than the number on the screen. BMI is a flawed measurement in any case, and you should be congratulated for losing so much. Encouraged to continue, perhaps, if that's right for you, but not lectured. A healthy weight for an individual is exactly that - individual. A formula that fails to account for variations in frame, muscle mass and physical condition is not going to tell you anything really, except what is 'average'. If it's any consolation, I will never be in the 'healthy' range on a BMI chart - on a very large frame and with a lot of muscle, I'll be doing damned well to be in 'overweight' rather than 'obese'. For me, BMI 'healthy' would be very very unhealthy indeed - skin and bones and not much more. This may not be the case for you, but remember that many very healthy professional athletes are classed as overweight or obese on the BMI scale, and also, that you are the customer when you go to the doctor. Ask them to do a body-fat percentage instead - that will give you a much better idea of how healthy you actually are than a number on the scale plugged into a formula. Chin up!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    You have done so well and look so terrific! Those of us at MFP know the hard work it took to get the progress you have made. Boo! to any doctor who can't recognize what you've done and encourage you in a positive way.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    My reply just vanished, so here I go again. First off, find a new doctor who will look at you, and not just the number on the screen. The BMI is a flawed measurement anyway, conceived in the aftermath of WW2 when large parts of the population were malnourished and significantly underweight, and a healthy weight for an individual is just that - individual. As others have said, many professional athletes - very healthy ones - are classed as obese or overweight by a scale that fails to account for variations of frame, muscle mass and physical condition. If it's any consolation, I will never be 'healthy' according to the BMI charts - in fact, I'll be doing damn well if I can maintain 'overweight' rather than 'obese'. On a very large frame and with a lot of muscle, 'healthy' according to BMI would actually mean very, very unhealthy for me - skin, bone and not much else.

    Secondly, don't forget that you are the customer, not just the patient, when you visit your doctor. You should be being congratulated for how far you've come, and encouraged, if that is right for you, to keep on going, but certainly not lectured. It sounds like this medical professional needs a lesson in amateur psychology and human relations! Next time, ask them to do a body-fat percentage test, as that will tell you much more about how healthy you are than a number from the scale, plugged into a formula that can only ever tell you where you are in relation to the average, rather than what is healthy for you personally.

    By the way, you look great in your photo - congratulations!
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    You have done absolutely amazing and your BMI isnt far off being healthy. People like your doctor dont realise what a negative effect they can have on someone's weight loss journey. Keep at it girl you are doing fantastic. :flowerforyou:
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    Feeling really down at the moment I started this journey in February and know I have come a long way since then but i went to the drs Monday only to be told im still overweight and even though I pointed out how I had lost so much they told me I was still unhealthy. I am 5"4 and 148lb which is 25.7bmi I think so not far off healthy but still not there.

    I just feel like my whole life from going to the school nurse to being pregnant and even now all i get is lectures about my weight I just want for once in my life for them not to mention it! I feel like I will never get there.

    Sorry for the rant but its really getting me down

    Hun, you've lost a TON of weight! That's an incredible accomplishment that you should be proud of, despite what any idiot doctor says. I do agree with heatherdills in regards to BMI. The BMI doesn't take into account body frame size. I have a large body frame, and if I went along with the biased BMI plan that's out there, I would be "healthy" under 140, and on my body frame, I'd look anorexic. A long time ago, my doctor said that I should be 150 (I would be healthy at that weight). I'm trying to get down to 145.
    You will get to a healthy weight. I suggest finding another doctor. The doctor you have now sounds like a real jerk. Doctors are supposed to be supportive when it comes to health.
    Keep up the great work you're doing with your weight loss. You are doing an amazing job and you are an inspiration! Make the jerk doctor eat his words!
  • I think you need a new doctor - one who's more supportive. I'm very close to where you are in height and weight and when I saw my doctor in October, he was thrilled at my weight loss and asked me how I did it. Weight loss is a journey, and a slow and steady weight loss is the best way to go. I don't think I like your doctor very much.

    Well said! I could not agree more. OP, you look incredible. I know how it feels to have a great feeling go away by someone else. Honestly, your doctor was exaggerating a wee bit. As the others mentioned,you are NOT obese. In fact, I'm looking at the chart and you are right on the cusp with healthy weight and overweight. You should be incredibly proud of yourself!
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Thank you everyone I can always rely on people here to put things in perspective. I was already feeling a bit down as I haven't been able to exercise for the last few weeks since having surgery so was happy I hadn't gained up until then. I've just got to learn to stop bring so ruled by numbers.

    As for the Dr I never seem to see the same one twice in my new surgery so hopefully won't see them again.

    Thanks again everyone :)
  • caroln3
    caroln3 Posts: 217
    Well I am very proud of you and happy for you, you look great, celebrate it! We have very similar goals. I am currently 168 lbs, I've lost about 24 lbs in 5 months and since I am 5'3" I still have another 30 lbs to be in the "healthy weight", sometimes it seems daunting but I will do it and I will see if I really want to be at that weight and depending on how I feel and look then I will adjust. You are almost there! Congratulations!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Feeling really down at the moment I started this journey in February and know I have come a long way since then but i went to the drs Monday only to be told im still overweight and even though I pointed out how I had lost so much they told me I was still unhealthy. I am 5"4 and 148lb which is 25.7bmi I think so not far off healthy but still not there.

    I just feel like my whole life from going to the school nurse to being pregnant and even now all i get is lectures about my weight I just want for once in my life for them not to mention it! I feel like I will never get there.

    Sorry for the rant but its really getting me down

    I'm sure others will say this but BMI is just a statistical measure, it does not in ANY way indicate that you are healthy or not healthy! plenty of people in the 'normal weight' BMI are very unhealthy and plenty of us overweight BMI people would destroy them in any kind of psychical activity or nutrition based weighing.

    An obese person who is active is healthier than a skinny person who is not.
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Keep your good work up! And soon they'll tell you that you are in the healthy range! Good luck!