A "real" introduction...with PICTURE!



  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Awwww thanks Amy!
    Thats my Beach Body Coach!!! She is great! Very nice and always responds to be quickly. I am grateful I have someone who is helping me reach my fitness goals!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Why thank you mam! =)
    you are truly amazing! an inspiration to us all....thanks for inspiring us to work hard.
  • ChristineZenk
    ChristineZenk Posts: 10 Member
    I also am 5'7 and have the horrible dimples in my thighs. I only weigh 142 currently but fit in a size 9-11 because I carry all my weight below. I am currently doing Zumba and will add in some Barry's bootcamp as soon as I get it back from a friend. My goals for doing this is to just be in better shape and hopefully start running races this summer. You look amazing and good job on sticking with it.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Thanks for sharing!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Well thank you! I would love to help in anyway possible!
    It's nice to hear a story where someone didn't start at a twig and just tone up. Those stories make it feel impossible to accomplish what I want to do. This is the first time that I have worked out to build muscle, I was always so scared I would bulk up so I would stay on the eliptical or treadmill for hours. Now I'm doing squats, lunges, etc and really targeting my trouble areas (butt/thighs). You are so inspiring and your positive attitude and motivating quotes really help get me through the rough days!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I do. I have them on my lower belly, hips, inner thighs and under my booty, LOL
    I was just wondering if you had any stretch marks from your pregnancy? I don't see any, but sometimes it is hard to see them on the pics. I do (faded now) and don't think my stomach will ever be able to look like yours.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Looking younger is always great!
    Amazing work! You not only look slimmer, but younger too!
  • hparke
    hparke Posts: 28 Member
    wow...you look fantastic! I'm doing Turbo Jam but haven't gone to the beachbody sight yet...can't wait to get to where you are.
  • Wow. You look absolutely amazing :) I just hope I can look like that one day!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Thank you. AND...you can!
    Wow. You look absolutely amazing :) I just hope I can look like that one day!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Well when you're ready to get on the BB site let me know. I can help guide you there =)
    wow...you look fantastic! I'm doing Turbo Jam but haven't gone to the beachbody sight yet...can't wait to get to where you are.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    I was just wondering if you had any stretch marks from your pregnancy? I don't see any, but sometimes it is hard to see them on the pics. I do (faded now) and don't think my stomach will ever be able to look like yours.

    I had twins... waist got up to 54"... delivered at 37 weeks. Boy 7lbs 7oz and Girl 6lbs 5oz... twin skin is not a myth. :(
    At this point I just want to look good in clothes. HA!
  • catwoodard
    catwoodard Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for sharing. Your pictures make me feel like I can actually get my body back. I am 5'7" and was also a little over 200lbs at delivery and have made it down to 150 currently. My goal is 135 and it seems so far, far away. But seeing you do it makes me know that I can as well. Thanks again!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! It will take time, but hey time is all we have =)
    Thanks for sharing. Your pictures make me feel like I can actually get my body back. I am 5'7" and was also a little over 200lbs at delivery and have made it down to 150 currently. My goal is 135 and it seems so far, far away. But seeing you do it makes me know that I can as well. Thanks again!
  • cindaboo1
    cindaboo1 Posts: 150 Member
    YES!!!! You look absolutely wonderful!! Congrats to you! BBL is an awesome workout and so is P90X I haven't finished either program because I too get bored EASILY so I'm always switching up between workout DVD's =) High 5!!!
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Wow I def gotta try this!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Great work!
  • loves2tap
    loves2tap Posts: 36 Member
    wow, congrats to you! love the pics and story...totalling inspiring and motivating...i gained a ton of weight from both of my pregnancies and its still here on me 8 years later. all 80 lbs of it. i hate wearing plus size clothes...tired of being fat and i'm sure people look at me and say wow she is fat. i want someone to look at me and say wow shes hot. lol it's so true, some days are challenging and some days you want to give up...but when i hear or see someone elses success stories or pics, i know it can work..thanks so much for sharing!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Awesome job! I wann abe where you are... Do you think Insanity will take me there? I'm doing it right now, first week... Fingers x'd!!! :bigsmile:
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