Have you STOPPED using birth control??

Hi everyone... well, ladies in particular... haha :bigsmile: I'm hoping to hear about the experiences you may have had STOPPING birth control... I don't mean switching, I mean stopping entirely.

What side effects did you have while on birth control? And did they go away after you stopped?

I have tried two kinds of BC (NuvaRing and LoEstrin Fe), and I have experienced the same side effetcs with both-- weight gain that seems stuck & won't come off, emotional mood swings, an almost non-existent sex drive, and constant lethargy/fatigue. :ohwell:

I am thinking of stopping my BC entirely... I am sick of being full of weird hormones, and I want to feel like myself again! Plus, my husband and I are at a point where if I did become pregnant, it would not be catastrophic... we'll still try to avoid it for the time being, but if it happens we will be ready to handle it.

Just wondering if I can expect side effetcs to immediately stop, or if it will take some time... thanks in advance for your input!!


  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    My main side-effect from stopping the pill was pregnancy.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    My main side-effect from stopping the pill was pregnancy.

    hahahaha... yeah, I've heard that's a big one... lol!
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    LOL the above post made me laugh.

    I don't think there are any side effects. Some pills are supposed to help with the moodiness so I would recommend trying some different types of pills to find one that works better for you.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    It may just be another pill that you need. Some women go through 4 or 5 before they get it right.

    I take Loestrin FE 24 and have never had any of those side effects.. well can't comment on the sex drive, because I'm not sexually active, but the others like weight gain, mood swings and feeling lethargic, I've never experienced.

    I personally could never stop my B/C due to medical reasons even if I wanted to.
  • candj2009
    candj2009 Posts: 36 Member
    Yeah, mine too.....I hear women say all the time their bc is why they can't lose weight or gained weight.......think of how much you will gain pregnant. I can speak from experience, 2 times I said I wasn't going to gain more than recommended. 100 lbs gained with the first one and 40 with the second one. And trust me it don't come off easily.....not like it does in Hollywood and mom walks the red carpet 6 weeks after giving birth. In the real world, you leave the hospital still wearing maternity jeans.
  • snowpony
    snowpony Posts: 47 Member
    I did cos I had all the side effects you had. I was on it for 2 months and took a month to come back to normal.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    It may just be another pill that you need. Some women go through 4 or 5 before they get it right.

    I take Loestrin FE 24 and have never had any of those side effects.. well can't comment on the sex drive, because I'm not sexually active, but the others like weight gain, mood swings and feeling lethargic, I've never experienced.

    I personally could never stop my B/C due to medical reasons even if I wanted to.

    Same here-- it's really about finding the right one for you. I was previously on Seasonique and it was truly terrible. I spotted nonstop almost everyday, had raging emotional issues (which has NEVER ever been an issue for me), and gained 10 lbs. Just switched to loesterin FE, spotting is gone, emotionality is gone, and best of all, already 5 lbs down.
  • I used Ortho tricyclene LO which worked awesome for me with really no negative side effects at all. When I stopped my skin broke out a bit and my period behaved differently (cramping etc.), but those two things were under control from the BC to begin with. So I would say stopping wouldn't cause many problems for you.
    Ask your doc about Ortho Lo though. I switched from that and hated the alternative so I went right back to it. If not though, stopping shouldn't cause you many problems.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    Yeah, mine too.....I hear women say all the time their bc is why they can't lose weight or gained weight.......think of how much you will gain pregnant. I can speak from experience, 2 times I said I wasn't going to gain more than recommended. 100 lbs gained with the first one and 40 with the second one. And trust me it don't come off easily.....not like it does in Hollywood and mom walks the red carpet 6 weeks after giving birth. In the real world, you leave the hospital still wearing maternity jeans.

    Well as I mentioned, I'm okay with getting pregnant, I do want kids within the next few years. I understand that pregnant women gain weight... lol!
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    I was on the pill for several years before I had my daughter 9 years ago, and it was great! But after I had her I went back on it, and tried several others, and it totally messed me up. :( I didn't have any side affects from stopping other then getting my body to be normal again cycle wise. I haven't taken anything in 7 years and considered it after my son was born a couple of months ago, but chose not to. You can still use condoms if you aren't ready to have a baby. They may not be 100%, but if you are married it could be a nice surprise (and they cut down on the risk if you aren't quite sure you are ready yet :)
  • FireMama_24
    FireMama_24 Posts: 169 Member
    I know I was super moody, no sex drive, tired all the time, weight gain that was hard to get off. I am now completely off it and not pregnant and feeling a 100X better.
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    I quit taking BC last year bc it was making me PSYCHO! I was so moody, had no sex drive, constantly fatigued, the weight I gained over the years was too stubborn to come off...so I just quit and we have stuck to condoms...yes they aren't 100% but we are adults and if it happens it happens. I would rather that then ruin my relationship bc I am so moody. Once I quit I experienced 1 thing I have never had a problem with in my life. ACNE! I am still struggling with it and I don't know what to do about it. But it is better than the mood swings. lol & the weight is coming off. I have a sex drive and I am my normal moody self haha
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I stopped taking mine because it was making my depression worse, and the water retention just wasn't worth it. I tried 4 different kinds before I said enough with it all ready. I recently talked to my dr about getting an IUD, not sure about it yet but I think that is my next route.
  • I went off BC three years ago and I've never been happier (and no, I did not get pregnant!) you just have to commit to using other reliable forms of BC (hello condoms!). My body has synced with itself, and it feels amazing to have my own hormones running the show. I personally enjoyed the decision.
    Weight gain wise- BC or not- its all about committing to healthy living- and as I have started my weight loss journey its only made me realize more how great healthy eating can make me feel- because my body responds way better without all those extra hormones running through my system.

    Just my experience :flowerforyou:
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    It may just be another pill that you need. Some women go through 4 or 5 before they get it right.

    Yeah, I know I could try another, but I'm just sort of annoyed with the whole process... I'm getting less and less comfortable with forcibly altering my hormones, and I'd really just prefer to deal with condoms at this point. I'm also afraid of switching to one with worse side effects... severe acne, or EXTREME depression, for instance...
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    My main side-effect from stopping the pill was pregnancy.


    good one!
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    I think they affect everyone differently.

    I did the shot from like 2000-2002 without any side effects, but I started it again in 2010 and gained a significant amount (not 100% sure on the cause, I was eating all the time though, I do blame the shot for some). I got off it around March - my appetite is back to normal now and I've been successfully able to lose some weight.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I went off BC three years ago and I've never been happier (and no, I did not get pregnant!) you just have to commit to using other reliable forms of BC (hello condoms!). My body has synced with itself, and it feels amazing to have my own hormones running the show. I personally enjoyed the decision.
    Weight gain wise- BC or not- its all about committing to healthy living- and as I have started my weight loss journey its only made me realize more how great healthy eating can make me feel- because my body responds way better without all those extra hormones running through my system.

    Just my experience :flowerforyou:

    Cool! Yeah, I think I'm in the same place as you were right about now... I'd like MY hormones back, please... haha :bigsmile:
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    i didn't have a ton of side effects with BCP but I hated not knowing if I was crying because I was really upset or it was the pill (I did the patch for a while and cried for 2 hours after watching Benny and Joon, that was DEFINITELY the patch) I went off of them and had MORE moood swings for a month or two but now I'm fantastic. Also it took about 3 months for my cycle to get normal, I had light flow one month, then super heavy, then super late, so it took while for my body to recalibrate but i'm real glad i'm not on them anymore
  • I ALWAYS had weird issues with BC, the mood swings, etc...I have tried them ALL LOL I am now on Beyaz. Ive never felt better. It has the least amount of weight gain side effects also!