let myself go big time :( :( :(

can't believe i have allowed myself to put on more weight. I have at least 50 pounds to loose and I can't get motivated at all. It is so depressing. I don't want to do anything and clothes look awful on me. I really need motivation and support or maybe just a kick up the backside. so angry with myself. If anybody can help me feel free to add me. thanks x


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You sound like you are disgusted with yourself. So do something about it! I felt the same way.
    No one can do it but you! Put the fork down and find a healthier you. Educate yourself on healthy eating and lifestyle. Make your health and yourself your hobby and stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it!
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    Don't despair!! The way you feel can be turned around (believe me, I have to tell myself this EVERY day!)...you have to find out what works best for you. Reading through other people's posts might help give you some helpful starting points. The first thing you have to do is get out of bed and off the sofa and do something you enjoy. Don't let that anger you have beat you down...use is as a tool to get you up and moving somehow.

    You have to do it for yourself...
    Please, please, please add me as a friend...we can help support each other when I feel the way you're feeling now.

  • HouseTargaryen
    Read LOTS of progress posts... They always motivate me!! I know it's really hard to start living healthier, but once you gain some momentum you won't ever want to stop!!

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • MissMollieD
    It starts with today!! You can't change everything, but you can change today. Take it one day at a time, set small achievable goals like going for a walk on your lunch hour. Baby steps, and you'll get there. Don't lose hope. :smile:
  • gracielee1
    gracielee1 Posts: 71 Member
    you just need to find your center again. Come back to the beginning and process what it is that got you started on this journey. We'll fall off every now and then, but that's because this is a life-long journey, not a crash-course because those never stick. Maybe it's time to find a new fitness regimen or change your dietary philosophy. If you weren't enjoying the system you were on, then it's unlikely you will stick to it or fall off sharply in terms of motivation and also lose the drive to keep going. I hope you find a diet/fitness program you LOVE. It's hard to fall out of something that really works for you and that you really enjoy. Fitness and diet is an act of self-love, it's not the military with a drill sargent shouting over your ear. I wish you all the best
  • Kimberlycc
    Motivation is an inward thing! You have to quit 'thinking' about it and 'just do it'. Take it day by day. If you slip up, don't give up, just start over and keep going. Logging your exercise and food is a great start. It helps you stay on track. I've fought the yoyo weight loss/gain all my life. I'm finally in control and don't want to go back. Don't do it for anyone else but YOU!
  • zingeber
    zingeber Posts: 124 Member
    Don't get angry! Or, better yet, get really angry and use that energy to start up again. Everybody screws up. Look back and see what your triggers were for putting on this weight... then work to avoid them this time. Feel free to add me. You can do this! Whatever you do, don't give up.
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    I remember feeling like you....I still have down days but I have been loggin on as much as I can. I get inspired by others. The motivation, encouragement & support friends on here give you will keep you going. Pay attention to your food log, it helps BIG time. you start to notice how much your eating or not. Get in the game, YOU CAN DO IT!!! just start moving more & lil by lil you will WANT to keep moving & more. This is definately a JOURNEY that is NO JOKE!!! HANG IN THERE!!!
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    Very good suggestions from everyone here.

    Don't see it as an impossible goal of 50lbs, take small steps as one post indicated.

    I suggest you set a realistic and modest goal of 1 pound per week.
    If you lose more, then this will add to your motivation !

    Track your calories closely, and keep the sodium tracked as well (to avoid water retention and better health, etc)
    For the calories goal, use one for sedentary. That way, whatever exercise you do will only help.

    Good luck and hope to see your progress !!
  • dragonfly1178
    dragonfly1178 Posts: 55 Member
    I was feeling the same way. It wasn't easy for me to get started but I started eating healthier, and forced myself to go to the gym. I started with walking on the treadmill for an hour at least 3-4 times a week. Then I met the trainer and took one of his free classes, made a friend in that class and now we work out together 5 days a week. We also work out with the trainer 1-2 times during the week. Now, I love going to the gym and freak out if I miss a day (it's my new addiction). Like I said, I know it's hard to get started but it's well worth it and you will feel so much better about yourself. Feel free to add me and you can get in touch with me anytime. Best of luck to you!
  • lacharp
    Aw, we have all been there. I have been trying to lose 50lbs all year and over the summer just got tired of caring and gained 10lbs back! It can definitely be discouraging but just remind yourself that this is a process of renewal - you're finding a healthier lifestyle and a healthier you. That doesn't happen overnight and it's natural to fall back a few steps in this process. Just imagine it like a road trip - you'll hit a few red lights and traffic jams along the way, but ultimately you'll arrive at your destination!
  • madubil
    madubil Posts: 131 Member
    So. How has being angry with yourself helped your situation? I would bet it hasn't- so how about you cut that out- and give yourself some slack.

    Would you be angry with a friend for having to lose 50 pounds? a random stranger? a loved one? probably not- so wtf are you treating yourself worse than you'd treat a stranger. Knock it the hell off... ;) I bet if a friend of loved one had to lose 50 pounds- you;d be super supportive and understanding. Give yourself that same courtesy.

    Today is a lucky day for you- bc you have the chance to make a few changes in your life- one place to start is to forgive yourself, stop being mad and do something about it.

    Start with 5 pounds. Can you make changes in your life which will allow you to lose 5 pounds? I bet you can. And I mean that sincerely. Work on five pounds. Just five pounds. Do that. Then think about the next five- but for today, this week, this month, this year- think about that 5 pounds.

    And if you;re looking for a friend- go ahead and friend me- and if you're looking for an amazing woman- look under groups - and join the group - awesome in caps. you'll see more than one woman there who has lost over a hundred pounds- and at least one who has lost more than 200.

    Go on, you know you want to .
  • HouseTargaryen
    OH!! Also.. You'll want to work on your self-image.. That will take some time. One simple thing I did to help was to say something nice about myself when I looked in the mirror instead of something negative... At first it was halfhearted, but after some time (and working out, eating better, etc) even I believed it--and I'm my biggest critic!! :wink:

    Don't focus too much on your weight problem, focus more on the small choices you make everyday in food and activities, etc.. those are the changes that will add up to big success!! :drinker:
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I hope you find away out something that sticks with me when I feel un motivated or want to cheat is. You regret eating the junk, I never regret eating well. I hate myself when I dont go to the gym and whenever I have forced myself to go I have never regretted it. We all have stops and starts. The main thing is you recognise it and you have, Get back on track you can do it xxx
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    I have to agree with dls. The key to success is in understanding how food works with or against your health. READ READ READ posts from folks here, especially fitness trainers, those that have met their goals and are maintaining successfully, others that have medical background. Add to your knowledge base and adopt what works for you.
    Mostly you need to face each day as a new beginning. It doesn't matter what you did yesterday or last week or month. You can't control what has been. You can only move forward. Life doesn't have a rewind button and you will not make progress in anything you set your mind to if you live looking back with regret.
    Let backward slips educate you. When you learn what set you back you will recognize it if it resurfaces.
    This community is about supporting you and that is what we will do.
    Come on. 50# is like a kindergartener. Wouldn't you breathe and sleep better without sharing your clothes with a kindergartener? I certainly have been, because in 1 yrs time I have taken off #56. If I can do it you can do it.
    No looking back, only pressing on!
  • slingbladefan
    hun i am in the same boat as u! but on the plus side..weight u put on isn't permanent thank god lol i have 60lbs to lose...i am 4'8 and considered obese for my height...i could not believe i got myself to this point where i am 21 years old and cant go shopping with my friends for clothes or take a picture without deleting it cause one of my chins are showing...i got depressed and sat at home for days upon days without leaving the house...until someone snapped me back to reality. the quote that helps motivate me: Eat for the body you want, not the body u have! :) we can do this!
  • AmberHalvorson
    AmberHalvorson Posts: 14 Member
    I feel the same way!! I was doing so good for awhile there, but have hit a wall. I need to get back to logging in each day and doing some sort of physical activity each day. I haven't worked out in over two weeks.

    I need some motifvation myself so let's motivate each other!!

    We can make a deal with each other to log in and track our progress each day. And to get off our butts and stay active! And you know, I sleep better, I feel better and I smile more when I am on track...so really it should be a no brainer to do this!!

    LET"S GO !! We can do it!!! It starts TODAY!! And starting on a Wednesday is much better than a Monday...
  • adamcf
    adamcf Posts: 126
    I really love this Kaiser commercial. It says it all.


    just find your thing. once you find it, you won't want to stop doing it. You'll get addicted to it.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    only you can make a decision to get rolling. it takes something from within to make a commitment. its clear from your post that you hate certain things about your current lifestyle. write those things down. be brutally honest. if those reasons are powerful enough, it should help you find the mental toughness to go on a healthy lifestyle journey. for more, feel free to check out my profile...which has a link to my will power blog.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    From my experience, the feelings you are expressing---disgust, anger, sadness, embarassment, guilt---do nothing to motivate a healthy change.

    Try to change your mindset. You DESERVE a healthier body. You're only going to put good, nutritious foods in it, because that is what you deserve. You're going to give your body movement and exercise, because your body is great and it needs those things.

    Don't "punish" yourself, or the first chance you get, you'll relapse and chow down a whole pizza by yourself. Instead, do what you know is good for your body. After only about a week or two, those things will start to FEEL good, too.