let myself go big time :( :( :(



  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    Very good suggestions from everyone here.

    Don't see it as an impossible goal of 50lbs, take small steps as one post indicated.

    I suggest you set a realistic and modest goal of 1 pound per week.
    If you lose more, then this will add to your motivation !


    Set up small goals that you know you can achieve. For example, if you have problem getting in your water intake--- just set up a goal to drink one more cup then usual and increase each week until you have develop a rountine.

    I remember that I was having issues with including my exercises in when I'm going to work and school, BUT I did it!!! I just simply said to myself in the mirror----"Hey you--- You need to get to the gym today. If not, you have to double it tomorrow!!!! "

    I also have a paper calendar of colorful boxes that symbolizes a day of great accomplishment. I have start a no soda challenge for myself on June 6th and Nov 6th was my 6 month mark for no soda.

    All in reality-- you just need to set your goal reasonable and just follow your heart. If you don't follow your heart, you won't do anything. You have to have will power and determination as well. Maybe you should have your family help you get started after all you can enjoy different things with them.

    If you want support, please feel free to add me!!
  • minigirl2
    minigirl2 Posts: 61 Member
    Don't let the impending holidays or winter become an excuse to put off change. It starts now with even the tiniest step, which I think could be your post. You cared enough to reach out and ask for help - that shows you are ready. Now gather up all the responses you go to your post, figure out what you can get started on right away (walking at lunch sounds reasonable or something along those lines) and try it for a few days. Hopefully, you will start to notice a difference that will make you want to keep going and expand your physical activity.

    The main thing is this: Don't give up! Never give up! You are worth it and you can change and feel better about yourself. You deserve it!

    We're pulling for ya! Keep us posted!
    : )
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I know how you feel. heres what you do (it helped me) I went from 195lbs last year to now 165lbs and continuing down.

    1- take off all your close and stand infront of a tall mirror
    2- Look at yourself, I mean really look at yourself and see what flaws you see
    3- now look at your good features, you must at least name 3
    4- for the flaws, do something about it. I started by just walkng more on a daily basis, small and simple..and I just built on that. starting with eating better and then going to the gym and walking even more. drinking water instead of soda, trying clothes from new stores I've never been too. Pushing my comfort zone by buying tighter close to force myself to lose the weight to look better in them. Adapting a I dont care if my gut hangs out attitude

    I look at myself in the mirror every day and I still sometimes get discusted with my body, but then I think of how good I feel after a workout or that look my boyfriend gives me and I realize im not discusting...im just a work in progress.

    be strong, *hugs*
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    Read the Success Stories. Nothing is more motivational than to read how people like you and I have been successful!
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Every morning get you coffee and read the post on MFP everyone has helped in one way or another!
    MFP is my morning news to get me going!
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I suggest not viewing progress by what weight you have lost but by what activity you have done thru out the week. Let's say like today you made a goal of walking down to the park a mile away. Tomorrow you could ride your bike for 30 mins. Stuff like that so it is viewed as fun and not as despairing if you don't lose weight that week. Also replace some of youir normal snacks with fruit and drinks atleast 34 oz of water a day and you will see a change not only in your body but the way you feel about yourself.
  • kylieloulou

    what would help...is to throw away ALL of your junkfood.. make your family eat foods like nutritional vegetables and delish fruits./
    Don't buy anymore junk food. only allow yourself to eat bad foods once a month. IF youre going out to eat instead of eating food from your house..try getting a cook book that has a good foods that you can make yourself. and instead of a chocolatey dessert..try a fruit salad or something that is delish..yet good for you too! personally i like to make like..fruit cabbobbs...resh pinapple, apple, watermelon, cantalope, kiwi...its so delishous!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    We've all been there. You didn't gain it over night and you won't loose it over night. Take small steps to getting to a better you. Slow and steady wins the race. You can do this.