3rd Times a Charm

Hello everyone, I was at my ideal weight, I gained it back lost it all and gained it back again. This time is going to last.
I have 30 pounds to loose and they are not coming back!
Anyone else a repeat offender.


  • deeannhill
    deeannhill Posts: 111 Member
    Guilty as charged! It's going down this time.
  • MendaraLynn
    MendaraLynn Posts: 4 Member
    I am a terrible cook with a bad restaurant habit, which makes it so hard to keep it under control.
    Watching calories in and calories burned definitely shows how not worth it the extra cheese is on my sandwich; when it takes an hour just to burn that one slice off at the gym I don't really want it anymore!
  • kakelly1974
    kakelly1974 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh my gosh, am I ever a repeat offender. My problem is I seem to have amnesia as to how I get to my high weights. Apparently, I think I can eat whatever I want to.
  • Myardley
    I am also a repeat offender. I hope to change my lifestyle to keep the weight off that I am loosing! Glad to know I am not the only one out there :)