Self Conscious Spot

Muffin top. Love handles. Inner Tube. Beer Belly.

Those, my friends, are just a few of the ways society has labeled extra weight around the stomach. I myself have been known to call mine a "deflated tire", however, there are times when it can be inflated. Seriously, how sad is that?! If I were to pick an area I'm MOST self-conscious about, it would be my stomach area. The main reason I wear stretchy, empire waist clothes: to hide my stomach. How I long to wear a dress without having to wear a sweater to cover my sides, or a t-shirt with jeans. Sadly, I haven't done either of these in years, mainly because I can't stand to see the sight of the "flab".

After doing a lot of research, it looks like this area is one of the last places most people lose weight. Lovely. Did you know that there is a systematical way that fat is lost? Yeah, I didn't either. According to most research, the first place you gain weight is the last place you'll lose the weight. Guess I'm gonna have to be patient....

My question for you today: What is YOUR self-conscious spot?


  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    my im not pregnant im just fat belly =)

    but im starting to just not care anymore if it shows...I sometimes want to be sexy and I will do it and not care that there is a little bump under my waist belt. I have boobs and a nice *kitten* wont be looking at my stomach.
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I think mine would be the hip/saddle bag region. :grumble: It is definitely the first place I gain weight, and therefore is going to take a long time to lose it from there!
    Luckily I have a wonderful man in my life who loves my curves and it has helped to make me feel a little more comfortable in my own skin. :heart:
    But don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to see the fat just melt away from my hips and be gone forever! :tongue:
  • Don't we all just wish we could love our fat rolls, I think with the support of our MFP friends I think that its going to be much easier than doing this all alone that's for sure. Even though it might take forever in the long run we will have one another. ^_^
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Mine is my belly. I call it my pooch. I think part of it was that I have had a child, but my mom has always been trim and she has a pooch, too so genetics probably plays in it, too. I am sure I notice it more than anyone else, but I am very self conscious about it.
  • So in agreeance with you my mother had 3 children and I have had 2 children and we have the same pooch as one another I am thinking its genetic as well. Some women are lucky and after having a child they are as flat as can be but not me that's for sure 3 years after having my child I still have that pooch, sometimes I wonder if it can even be worked off?
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Mine's my butt-- or more particularly, the "spare tire" that seems to rest on the TOP of my butt.

    It looks for all the world like I've got an 1980s fanny pack shaped like an inner tub spanning across my entire back side in line with the top of my pelvic bone.

    From the front and the sides-- not visible. Just normal sort of hippy-ness and poochiness. But from the back-- EWWWW.

    And it's the first place I gain and the last place I lose.
  • Just some inspiring words for you, you are beautiful no matter what... You remind me of my aunt the way she used to talk about herself, I always told her she was the most beautiful person I knew, not just because I loved her but because it was the truth. She was beautiful from the inside out, and so are you. I can just tell from the way you talk...
  • Isrn2
    Isrn2 Posts: 160
    Mine is my legs. I'm not one of those women who was blessed with gaining weight in their mid-section and hips and still maintained beautiful legs. Nope ... my weight distributes itself pretty evenly all over my body including my cankles. Even when I was younger and looked fabulous I still had large calves, so it's pretty bad now.

    I can't wear any of the cute skirts that are out there. I only wear long skirts and maxi dresses so I can hide the elephant legs. I hope that one day I'll get some shapely legs back!
  • Well I think we are all here for a reason, and my reason now is to support you in loving yourself. I think that we can all work out and have a wonderful perfect body that we all dream of but I think it really counts whats on the inside.
  • lizzie82088
    lizzie82088 Posts: 12
    Im so self conscious about my pooch, upper arms and FACE. does anyone else gain weight in their face? I tend to get a double chin kinda or i look like a chipmunk. It looks awful in pictures and I have to hide from cameras. I dont think i'm fat per se, i just get a little chunk in certain places and it makes me feel really sad. I think the places I gain are the typical "woman" spots. Men just seem to get a belly.
  • Ssicaaa
    Ssicaaa Posts: 15
    My stomach. A few people have asked me if I was pregnant when I was like fifteen.