Hello *waves*

So, i have finally realised that i am not going to feel any better with myself untill i have lost some weight!

I feel so unfit, unhealthy and just ugly at the moment :sad: , It is my own fault, im too greedy!

Today is a new start for me, i look foward to sharing journeys together x

Im also looking for friends if anyone would like too add me


  • Arabian♥Breeze
    I'm feeling like crap myself. Losing 51 pounds is a lot but its not even half way where i need to be to even look like im not over weight. Im very motivated to lose weight but also very depressed

    hope you feel better xoxo
  • Jackie218
    Jackie218 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi there!!!!!! Uve come to the right place, the first step is always the hardest!! Ive come from a place where ive felt "ugly" too but that feeling will pass and ull never look back or feel that way again! I wish u the best on ur Journey and im sure ur going to love the MFP community everyone is so kind and encourging! feel free to add me and Good Luck!!!! :)
  • minkymink
    Wow, you have both ^^^ done so well, i know its a hard, ive struggled for a while, very down on myself...

    iI wish you much happiness x