Can't use the "I just had a baby" excuse anymore



  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    My little girl is 16 mos old, and when she turned 15 mos I decided it was time to do something about my excess flab! Have lost 9lbs and about 26 more to go (to get to goal weight). Feel free to add me!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    My guys are now 3 years old and 4 year old! I guess its time I stopped using the babyweight excuse too. Truth of the matter is, I weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant with the trips. Infact I have gained more than they have since they were born COMBINED!!!! Working hard at getting it off and being a good example to my girls. I started exactly 1 month ago tomorrow and I've lost 15lbs so far.
  • ical50
    ical50 Posts: 61
    Would love to support and encourage you along the way!
  • ical50
    ical50 Posts: 61
    My guys are now 3 years old and 4 year old! I guess its time I stopped using the babyweight excuse too. Truth of the matter is, I weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant with the trips. Infact I have gained more than they have since they were born COMBINED!!!! Working hard at getting it off and being a good example to my girls. I started exactly 1 month ago tomorrow and I've lost 15lbs so far.

    AWESOME! Keep it up!
  • ical50
    ical50 Posts: 61
    Yep! I hear ya ladies! My babies are almost 10 months and 2 1/2 years. After reaching my heaviest weight after baby # 2, I said, um no, no! No more of this! So here I am! Very thankful for MFP!
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    Hey! lol My daughter will be 4 in February and i didnt start loosing weight till last year so i hung on to that " baby weight" for 3 years! (very depressing 4 me) but at least ur here making an effort to better yourself and your child so keep ur head up and keep fighting for what u want and never give up! I always tell people- when ur truely ready and willing thats when the change will happen, u gotta ask urself how bad to u want it? ive tried for years to diet but it didnt work cuz i gave up and didnt really want it that bad but here i am almost a year later and im down 76lbs! So Dont give up!! And use ur baby as ur inspiration as well! add me if ud like! And good luck on ur Journey!

    Great job on the weight loss! That's a huge inspiration!

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  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    My youngest "baby" is 17 years old, a 6 ft tall high school senior...

    Are you telling me that I 'CAN'T' say it's my "baby weight" anymore? Why that's unbelievable! Whatever will I blame it on? I had no idea "that" excuse had an expiration date!



    HAHA!!!!! My mom still says "well I had 3 kids" and my youngest sister is 20! I don't want to be like that!

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  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    My guys are now 3 years old and 4 year old! I guess its time I stopped using the babyweight excuse too. Truth of the matter is, I weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant with the trips. Infact I have gained more than they have since they were born COMBINED!!!! Working hard at getting it off and being a good example to my girls. I started exactly 1 month ago tomorrow and I've lost 15lbs so far.

    Wow! Great job!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Thanks. As much as I love them, when the triplets arrived I thought my life was over. Not a usual new Mum feeling but suddenly my house had 4 daughters in it who were not independant, were at home 24/7 and I had no family in the same country to help me out. I felt alone and isolated and I ate to fill the gap where the active, sociable, energetic, outgoing person used to be. I have overcome my first few years and we survived! Now I need to get me back so that my children can see what people are capable of in teh face of diversity. I have over 100lbs to lose but i will get there. Just baby steps.
  • Cysso
    Cysso Posts: 68 Member
    My little one is 9.5 months and after I had her I stopped losing at around 200 lbs (from 260ish when I was 9months). I finally said enough is enough at the begining of the month and started to lose this weight! I have about 55 lbs to lose before I'm at the lowest I've been since high school. Then I'll reevaluate and see if that's where I want to be. My family is the same way. When I try to lose weight/get healthier is when they decide to bring out the sugary goodness and all the yummy foods I can't ignore. When I go home next I'm bringing my food scale and floor scale to keep me on track! We can do this!
  • claudia778
    Hahaha I just put that in my profile!!! I have 30 lbs to lose I have a 2 1/2 and a 1 year old, I'm 44 years old and a stay at home mom. I need motivation.
  • laurenrenee1025
    I used to be the skinny girl too! and i'm still using my baby excuse from 10 months ago!! its a long road, but its worth it, you can do it!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    My daughters weigh 25lbs, 24.5lbs, 24.5lbs and 31lbs. I have to lose them combined! I'm trying to lose Kate (the naughty triplet) first! so 24.5lbs here I come!
  • majain74
    Ha Ha, sounds like me! I have a 5 and 1/2 month old, 6 and 8 year old and it's just time to lose the weight. I actually lose weight when pregnant (about 10 kgs) so I end up lighter than pre-pregnancy, but am still carrying the same 20 kgs around for the last 15 years. As for the saboteurs (?), don't tell anyone you are 'dieting' just make healthier choices. When some people know you are trying to improve yourself it makes them feel left-out or bad about their own situation, so they need to bring you down by offering you all your fave foods. It's hard, but you have to be the boss, just say no (she says, secretly hoping her husband offers her some chocolate ;-).
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  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member

    im charlotte 21 with 2 kids daughter whos 4 and son whos almost 6 weeks and i need to get myself back on track as i have put on 2 stone in the past nearly 2 years since meeting my partner! so started yesterday on getting my weight down :bigsmile: and my plan is to loose atleast 30lb

    i find everyone trys to feed me if i say im trying to eat healthy go round to my mums have dinner which is fine then anything left she puts onto my pate!!!!! :grumble: not even my older brothers plate who could do with some fat on him. my bloody plate! my partner yesterday decided to buy me 2 bags of sweets the tonite says we are going to watch film with loads of snacks :grumble:

    I hate that! So frustrating! Well just after writing this post yesterday, I've had tons of help and motivation from people. I hope you get the same! Send me a FR and we can help each other :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    i know its horrible its like the are trying to makeyou put on 2lbs instead of lossing it. and if i say oh i have lost x amount i get......were from your ears :ohwell: sent you a FR :)

    showed my partner all my calories etc my goals on here last nite very proud of myself as he has decided to help me (not loose anything himself tho) he went to the shop last nite and instead of buying sweets for me he came back with a bottle of ice tea awww :laugh: but he sat and ate a pick a mix to himself!
  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm sick of using this excuse. my children are 6 and 3 (well will be on jan 1). I've been holding onto this weight since my 6 year old was born and it just keeps gradually climbing. I'm grossed out by how i feel and how i look in the mirror. I've been using the excuse "this little bit wont hurt me". but guess is. a friend of mine and i went hiking the other day and i couldn't keep up. its really depressing because I danced for 15 years and was in great shape. I got pregnant with my oldest and everything "blew up". I'm trying to cut my sweet tea intake b/c that is one of my major weaknesses. I've found myself drinking it constantly. I really need some motivation to get going. i stand at 5'4 and i topped the scales the other day at 172. I've never ever been this big. I wanna get back into my size 12 jeans. I have a whole closet full hoping that one day i'll be able to get back into them comfortably. any help will be greatly appriecated.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Attention Fellow Mamas!

    If you are looking to lose the baby weight, come join Sexy Mamas. There's a different topic to post to every day of the week, including a weekly challenge, and lots of other Mamas to friend and cheer along the way. :-) welcome and come on down!
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    Ha Ha, sounds like me! I have a 5 and 1/2 month old, 6 and 8 year old and it's just time to lose the weight. I actually lose weight when pregnant (about 10 kgs) so I end up lighter than pre-pregnancy, but am still carrying the same 20 kgs around for the last 15 years. As for the saboteurs (?), don't tell anyone you are 'dieting' just make healthier choices. When some people know you are trying to improve yourself it makes them feel left-out or bad about their own situation, so they need to bring you down by offering you all your fave foods. It's hard, but you have to be the boss, just say no (she says, secretly hoping her husband offers her some chocolate ;-).
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    The topic of conversation in this house last night was fudge and different types of fudge.... grr...
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member

    im charlotte 21 with 2 kids daughter whos 4 and son whos almost 6 weeks and i need to get myself back on track as i have put on 2 stone in the past nearly 2 years since meeting my partner! so started yesterday on getting my weight down :bigsmile: and my plan is to loose atleast 30lb

    i find everyone trys to feed me if i say im trying to eat healthy go round to my mums have dinner which is fine then anything left she puts onto my pate!!!!! :grumble: not even my older brothers plate who could do with some fat on him. my bloody plate! my partner yesterday decided to buy me 2 bags of sweets the tonite says we are going to watch film with loads of snacks :grumble:

    I hate that! So frustrating! Well just after writing this post yesterday, I've had tons of help and motivation from people. I hope you get the same! Send me a FR and we can help each other :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    i know its horrible its like the are trying to makeyou put on 2lbs instead of lossing it. and if i say oh i have lost x amount i get......were from your ears :ohwell: sent you a FR :)

    showed my partner all my calories etc my goals on here last nite very proud of myself as he has decided to help me (not loose anything himself tho) he went to the shop last nite and instead of buying sweets for me he came back with a bottle of ice tea awww :laugh: but he sat and ate a pick a mix to himself!

    My honey has been really supportive too so that's awesome. This morning I told him I'm 1 oz away from losing another lb and he was super happy for me. He even said he wants to go on my walk with me tomorrow morning if he's home from work! :)!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • AmandaL2011
    AmandaL2011 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been using that exuse for 3 years. It's time for a change! I signed up here last week and it is easier than I thought to use! I can't believe how many calories and grams of fat that I ate not even noticing what I was putting in my mouth. It really hits home when you have to buy new clothes becuase nothing in your closet fits anymore!

    Enough- I'm ready for this! 40 lbs to self confidence back and a whole new life!