Should You Really Log Housework?



  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171
    Every one or two weeks I"ll skip working out to do a few hours of more thorough housecleaning and I log it. It feels great to forego the intense exercise for a day of cleaning. I do a half hour or an hour of some sort of cleaning a day and I don't log that.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I don't usually log it as it is just part of life. However, last Friday I was off work and cleaned for 4 hours. I mean the good stuff, moving furniture, vaccuming, shampooing carpets, on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor (because sometimes mopping just isn't good enough). I did wear my HRM and I counted it because it was way out of the norm for me as I usually would be sitting at a desk in front of a computer at work.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    It depends on how you have your account set. Since I have a desk job and enjoy many sedentary activities at home, I have my profile set for sedentary. That does not account for anything I'd consider housework. (I'm not talking about something like a couple minutes spend loading the dishwasher, but something like sweeping the downstairs.)

    I used to be a bit skeptical about logging such things. But now that I have a Bodybugg it shows me how much I actually burn doing things like housework. It can really add up. My biggest burn day ever, TDEE of 2800 calories, did not include any deliberate exercise. I spent a few hours sweeping, mopping, and cooking for a party. If I hadn't logged any of those calories and only eaten my base of 1280, I'd have had a deficit of nearly 1500 calories. That's way too much since I only need to lose 15 to 20 more pounds. At the stage I'm at now it's important to not have too big of a deficit on a regular basis. So now I log such things more often to keep me on track with a 500 calorie deficit per day.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I don't log my own housework. However, my 2nd job is a 3 day a week very physical cleaning etc,I add a portion of that 3 days a week, only the part that's non-stop movement 30 mins.I am there longer, but that timeframe is continous,so I log it:-)
  • shelby623
    shelby623 Posts: 55 Member
    I got fat doing housework, didn't I? It's not suddenly going to make me skinny just because I'm logging it. It's part of your normal routine. The only way you should log this kind of thing, in my opinion, is if you set your daily burn as zero and also log exercises such as breathing and digesting.

    Wow! This post hits the nail right on the head as to why I don't log housework or other activities. I only log an activity if it requires me to put on a sports bra lol. If you look up fishing while sitting on a boat, it calculates me at 600 calories burned for 3 hours of sitting on my duff my bf does this every weekend and his belly says otherwise.
  • tmm01
    tmm01 Posts: 137
    I think it depends on your activity level logged. if you have put sedentary, then any activity above normal should be logged. I also think it very much depends on the physical level of the housework, washing a few dishes, shouldn't necessarily be logged, where as heavy lifting etc could be. Until recently I had a calorie intake of 1000 per day, so I used to log a lot, now I have upped by calories to 1200, I don't tend to log as much, as I feel it could take me over. it's very much a personal thing and of course judgement. However if you're losing and it's working for you - it's your mfp use it as you feel fit.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I think if you want to track it with a HRM just to see what it burns or something, that's fine, but to log it with the plan to eat the calories back, it seems like you'd be cheating yourself. As others said, its part of your normal routine, and something you'd be doing all along.

    I only count exercise where I'm specifically doing something I consider a real work out! Did some heavy duty yardwork (trimming trees and dragging huge heavy branches across about an acre of yard to our fire pit) earlier this year, and I didn't even count that. I just thought of it as a bonus!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    When you sign up, you're supposed to choose your daily activity level. In my opinion, if you choose sedentary - then you log EVERYTHING you do because you aren't getting a calorie allowance for your daily stuff and you need those calories.

    I have my activity level set as "active". I don't count my normal housework, but I DO count anything that I might outside of my normal stuff. For example, if I am scrubbing floors on my hands and knees, steam cleaning or moving furniture I will count it. I may or may not eat the calories back, but I will count it. If my heart is pumping and sweat is pouring off me? It is working my body.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I logged it once, when we were moving the triplets from the nursery to the big room and spent the whole day carrying boxes taking downand putting up furniture and fending off 4 excited kids all by myself. I logged half the time it took and felt I deserved it but I did also workout that day!

    If I logged housework I'd feel like I was cheating. Its just stuff I do. Its stuff I've always done. My ironing takes 5-6 hours every sunday night and I don't log that either. What next? Office workers logging every walk to the bathroom during the day as miles walked?
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    A couple weekends ago, I didn't do a lick of what you might call intentional exercise. I did, however, spend 3 hours in, one day, vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, mopping, and cooking. During that time, I burned over 500 calories. I am certain I burned that many give or take 10% since I wear a BodyMedia/Bodybugg. For someone who is only aiming for a small deficit or trying to gain muscle, that is a significant 500 calories!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I would say 'why?"

    The ONLY reason I could see would be if you are desperate to complete your day under-calorie goal and you ABSOLUTELY cannot workout and the housework duties will get you to that goal.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I wouldn't personally. I figure it's already included in my daily activities. You can if you want. If you're not seeing the results you're expecting on an average weekly loss, then it might be a culprit. But if you're seeing the results you're expecting, then it's fine.
  • Once in a while I do log house work. But Im doing serious gone crazy cleaning like husband and kids want to go hide cleaning.. moving furniture and totally breaking a sweat
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I would say 'why?"

    The ONLY reason I could see would be if you are desperate to complete your day under-calorie goal and you ABSOLUTELY cannot workout and the housework duties will get you to that goal.

    Some people are very heavy and can't move around very well. If they are counting their housework as exercise, it probably IS exercise to them. When you've been completely sedentary, even a little bit of housework goes a long way towards getting your body moving again.

    I guess I just feel like to each their own. If someone wants to count it as their daily exercise, who am *I* to judge? I don't live their life. For some people simple things that the rest of us take for granted are very difficult for them to achieve.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I would say 'why?"

    The ONLY reason I could see would be if you are desperate to complete your day under-calorie goal and you ABSOLUTELY cannot workout and the housework duties will get you to that goal.

    Some people are very heavy and can't move around very well. If they are counting their housework as exercise, it probably IS exercise to them. When you've been completely sedentary, even a little bit of housework goes a long way towards getting your body moving again.

    I guess I just feel like to each their own. If someone wants to count it as their daily exercise, who am *I* to judge? I don't live their life. For some people simple things that the rest of us take for granted are very difficult for them to achieve.

    So many people have said, why log something you do every day anyway? well personally I DON'T clean house every day or even every week. I have someone come in twice a month a do deep cleaning, otherwise it's just pick up the crap for me. So if I spend 2-3 hours deep cleaning my house at MY size, then h#ll yes I would log it.

    some of you need to realize that not everyone is in the same place in this journey as you. This conversation is very demeaning and demoralizing to those who feel a sense of accomplishment by being able to just get up and move around and push a vacuum or clean a toilet. Have some compassion.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    So many people have said, why log something you do every day anyway? well personally I DON'T clean house every day or even every week. I have someone come in twice a month a do deep cleaning, otherwise it's just pick up the crap for me. So if I spend 2-3 hours deep cleaning my house at MY size, then h#ll yes I would log it.

    some of you need to realize that not everyone is in the same place in this journey as you. This conversation is very demeaning and demoralizing to those who feel a sense of accomplishment by being able to just get up and move around and push a vacuum or clean a toilet. Have some compassion.
    Very good and valid point...I guess its just easier to assume when it comes to these things, that most people have been 'doing it all along".....when in fact, we really don't know that!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I would say 'why?"

    The ONLY reason I could see would be if you are desperate to complete your day under-calorie goal and you ABSOLUTELY cannot workout and the housework duties will get you to that goal.

    Some people are very heavy and can't move around very well. If they are counting their housework as exercise, it probably IS exercise to them. When you've been completely sedentary, even a little bit of housework goes a long way towards getting your body moving again.

    I guess I just feel like to each their own. If someone wants to count it as their daily exercise, who am *I* to judge? I don't live their life. For some people simple things that the rest of us take for granted are very difficult for them to achieve.

    So many people have said, why log something you do every day anyway? well personally I DON'T clean house every day or even every week. I have someone come in twice a month a do deep cleaning, otherwise it's just pick up the crap for me. So if I spend 2-3 hours deep cleaning my house at MY size, then h#ll yes I would log it.

    some of you need to realize that not everyone is in the same place in this journey as you. This conversation is very demeaning and demoralizing to those who feel a sense of accomplishment by being able to just get up and move around and push a vacuum or clean a toilet. Have some compassion.

    I agree 100%. You never know what is going on in someone else's life. Someone commented earlier in the thread that they did housework and got fat. Well, I know people who go to the gym and workout - yet they are still fat. They are fat because of their food choices. Plain and simple. Anyone will tell you that you can't "work out" a bad diet.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    My girl Chevy. ;)

    You can still get fat/be fat no matter what you call exercise if you don't change the way/amount of food you eat. That is definitely true for me the older I get. Ten, fifteen years ago I could walk around the block a couple times a week, eat grilled chicken for dinner a few nights and drop lbs like crazy. Now I have to work HARD for every pound, in the gym and in the kitchen.

    Sorry, I digressed....
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I wouldn't bother getting flaming mad over what someone else is doing. You can send them a polite message asking for their reasoning, or just unfriend them or hide their posts. No need to get your knickers in a twist! :)

    Exactly. I don't understand why people are so "annoyed" by what others log. I have friends who log 15 minute - 45 calorie burned walks and it doesn't annoy me in the least. I don't give them a "wtg!" like I would a 300 calorie burn, but I don't have a problem with them counting it either.

    As for me OP, I don't clean daily and if you do, that should be included in your activity level. I tidy up daily but I don't consider that cleaning, but when I do clean, it's usually for a few hours and I'll log it, for sure.
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I don't normally do housework, so if I did something, it would be above and beyond my normal daily activities and I would log it. I plan on steam cleaning the carpets soon and that usually takes several hours, so I'll definitely log that. I'd also log gardening, shovelling the walkway, stacking firewood, or handwashing a car because those are outside my everyday activity level.