I need some accountability!

I'm 28 years old and have been struggling with staying motivated to lose weight. I need to lose 25-30 pounds and get in better shape. I'm getting married next summer and I refuse to feel uncomfortable in my dress! I also want to run a 5k next summer. Getting enough exercise usually isn't my problem, it's food. Eating out too often, cooking hearty meals, snacking, etc... Does anyone else have this problem?


  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    Oh yeah! Had a baby 16 mos ago and that just added to the problem! I have 26 more lbs to lose to get to goal. Add me if you want :) Always in need of support!
  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    Its a simple "change". You simply need to have the moment when you've had enough and are ready to make the actual change. I always do this, and it took me awhile to realize that I need to step out of my comfort spot and do something about it. I used to eat out and say, well just this once. I finally was able to realize that I wanted it enough to step out of my comfort zone and i did just that. Make a plan, and stick to it, and stop making excuses. You have noone to appease but yourself. If you want it bad enough, go get it girl.
  • shakanda
    I feel your struggle, I am 34 looking to lose 25 lbs and I snack every night, whether its popcorn, cocktail, something happens to me around 9pm while watchingTV and snack....
  • ShrinkingChelle
    One thing I found that helped, because I have friends that love to eat out, is to find restaurants in town that have low calorie meals. As for snacking thats harder but just try and keep healthy snacks in the house. Hope these suggestions help
  • MandaPanda2011
    I have this problem every day. I'm always tempted to hit fast food joints on my way home from work. I'm also an emotional and bored eater, which means that anytime I'm not 100% happy and occupied I "think" I'm hungry and want food. I graze the fridge or pantry and ultimately feel really bad about it. MFP has kept me accountable for what I eat and it's been an eye opener. Add me if you'd like, I'm a good cheerleader :o)
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I have that [problem too. Everyday is not motivating. ESPECIALLY on the WEEKENDS. That's the hardest for me. You can do it though. I'm gonna add you.
  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    I have the same problem off and on. You can do it, we will do it together!
  • cnevills
    cnevills Posts: 13 Member
    This was my big problem. I always liked to cook huge hearty meals. Now, I have slowed down on cooking hearty meals on a daily basis and pay more attention to what I have been eating. If you feel like snacking while you are out, take along a sandwich bag full of veggies to curb your hunger until you get home. Always make sure you never run out of the healthy food you need to succeed. Otherwise, this will tempt you to just order a pizza. Welcome and good luck! Feel free to add me as well.
  • nursesarah13
    You can find some great people on here to help you be accountable!! I struggled too with snacking and eating out a lot. Since I have started on here I have been looking up the nutrition facts about any place I go to eat, and I was shocked to see the high caloric values of the things I thought were healthy choices. Very enlightening!! Feel free to add me, I'd love to help if I can :)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i started getting healthier last June and i am giving myself until august 2012 to get close to my goal. so during this time i am not allowing myself to cheat or take days off with any regularity. i think i have had 2 or 3 days since june where i went significantly over my calorie goal and that involved going to spanish restaurants. i will not eat any fast food, store bought candy, cakes etc.. i drank more than one beer for the first time yesterday and will not be making that a habit.

    i've been cheating the last 10 years and i figure i can be "good" for a little over a year. i'm almost 5 months in and it seems to be going great.

    obviously everyone goes about it differently but this is working for me.

    add me if u like.
  • andrea_marie3
    andrea_marie3 Posts: 39 Member
    I really appreciate all the encouragement! I think by having my weight loss goals on a public forum, I won't be able to have that false comfort of knowing no one will know if I cheat a little. That's what I need :) Thank you for all the great ideas!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Hey! We have pretty similar stories. I'm getting married next summer, too, and want to slim down by about 20-25 pounds (lost about 6 so far). I love cooking, and so does my fiance. We have scaled back a little bit but still like to make steaks and pastas and things once in a while. We love to go out to eat, too.

    I did find that switching to more vegetarian or just vegetable-heavy meals helps a lot. I've been making things like veggie curries, stirfry, and soups (made a delicious lentil soup last night!). I'm also trying to limit myself to one lunch and 1-2 dinners out each week. It sounds like a lot, but I would easily go out for every meal on Saturday and Sunday, as well as some weekdays.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Oh, also, you mentioned running...I was never a runner but I've been doing Couch to 5k, and I love it! It starts out really easy and in 9 weeks prepares you to run a 5k. If you are new-ish to running, give it a try! I'm running my first 5k next week!
  • Carrie704
    Food is also my problem. I have been gaining and losing the same 5-12 pounds for a year. feel free to add me.
    FABRICWOMAN Posts: 539 Member
    Hello. I find that if I plan ahead when I know when I am eating out. Many of the eaterys have their menus and nutritional information posted on the internet. I keep a copy of the fast food nutritional information in my car, just in case I end up there (not very often). Also, the food diary is a must. I notice that I do not lose as much if I don't keep track of what's going into my body. I wish you success and congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I think you will do just fine with the time frame. Also, don't be afraid to let your friends and family know that you need their support with losing weight. Let them know what your "red" foods are that you need to stay away from.
  • s29a45
    s29a45 Posts: 1 Member
    I know the feeling. I lost 25 pounds and kept it off for two years. Then I started "allowing" myself a really bad for me snack here and there - always saying "it's just this one, I can do better tomorrow". Eight months later I've gained 14 of those pounds back. Two things happened. I didn't allow myself any treats for so long that I binged the minute I tried one again. And two I felt so bad about it that I stopped taking care of myself. One day I just woke up and decided enough was enough and i was worth more than that. What worked for me.......make a list of all of the foods that get to you and their nutritional content. Don't remove them from your diet because then you want them even more. Find a portion size of each that is reasonable and allow yourself that portion once a week. Knowing that you can have it (just not today) helps and looking forward to the treat is motivational too. I've also found new snacks that fill the void but are healthier. Good luck.