Pregnant and wanting to work out

ok before I became preggers I was on here because like most of you I was on my "healthy" new life path. well as soon as I lost 30lbs I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant and became a hobit :( I have no energy for anything and felt like i could eat everything!! so i did.
I stopped working out other than a walk here or there and strolling through my work day.
No that Im six months I really really want to start working out !!
should i start now?
can i start now?
how much should i do ?


  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    First, talk to you doctor and see what you can do. Then if the doctor okays it do light exercise until the baby is done. Congrats on the baby!
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    Probably should start slow and build up - you're body and baby need to adjust. Talk to your doctor and get their recommendations.
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    You should really talk to your doctor about this, but I think doing walks would be ok
  • roseemb
    roseemb Posts: 85 Member
    Certainly talk to your doctor, but one of the things that helped me as soon as I got the ok from my OB was to get a heart rate monitor so that I always knew that I wasn't exerting more than was healthy for my little one!

    Good luck!
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    Definitely talk to your doc but you should be fine, start walking, build up speed/distance and go slowly. Don't be afraid though. I was 33weeks and hiking up to Manoa Falls and Diamondhead in Hawaii when I hadn't been working out much before getting pregnant and I wanted to try to stay healthy while I was pregnant. Go easy and listen to your body.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    DEFINITELY talk to your doctor first because they know your body better than we do.

    Secondly, I did see a girl at the gym doing an hour circuit 6 months pregnant..

    oh and then there was that runner (I mean marathon every weekend type of runner) that did a marathon 9 months pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby an hour later =)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    yes, first consult your Dr everybody has different situations.

    Deadly Dame there is a Fit & Faboulous Board on here if you would like to join. We all motivate e-other in some sort of way to keep active even if it is walking.
  • alissamoat
    alissamoat Posts: 15 Member
    I am in the same boat as you are...I am just starting my 6th month and had lost 50 pounds prior to becoming pregnant. I have tried to stay active with walking on a treadmill/outside. My doctor recommended that I watch my heartrate (keep it under 150) and listen to what my body is saying...if I need to slow down and what not. I do NOT want to gain the pregnancy weight however, have gained about 14-18 pounds depending on the day so far. I try and keep track of what I eat but still use the excuse every once in awhile that I am pregnant and can enjoy some chocolate if I want to. I think you could start walking and doing mild exercise...just take it easy for the beginning and listen to your body. Hope this helps and good luck!

    My doctor said that some mild weight lifting is ok as well. Talk to your doctor.:happy:
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    With my last pregnancy, I started walking my older girl to and from school ( about 2 miles total) at about 5 or 6 months. The first day my back was killing me. I didn't think I could do it. I kept it up, though and it got easier. It took a week or 2 to be easy for me. When I had to stop because of weather I could still do it without any pain and it was the best I had felt at the end of any of my 3 pregnancies. That was a really long say to say, absolutely you can start a light exercise routine, keep at it if it's hard at first but of course, talk to your doctor before you start. You will be so happy if you do.
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    wow thank u guys sooo much!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy. I loved being pregnant. I had a high risk pregnancy (triplets) and I enjoyed swimming to help me keep fit. Sadly I gained over 100lbs since they were born 3 years ago........doh!