Beginner Runner: Tips and Suggestions Please!

I have never been much of a runner, but over the last few months I have built up my endurance by running laps prior to my Krav Maga class. I would like to condition myself to run a 5k. I am not signing up for anything until I'm ready- so I have plenty of time to make sure that my body is ready for a longer distance run.

Any tips or suggestions?


  • brunzella92
    brunzella92 Posts: 46 Member
    I just downloaded the c25k app on my phone for the treadmill, that might be a good start as it has intervals of walking/jogging. Just a thought :) good luck with your future 5k
  • edauzat2
    edauzat2 Posts: 12 Member
    I am certainly no where close to being in condition to run(overweight and screws and plate in ankle), but I've ben "training" to run a 5K with the Couch to 5K app. The app is free on both Apple and Android phones. It alternates running and brisk walking and includes warm up & cool down periods. I could feel my endurance increase throughout the week until I got bronchitis and had to stop. I lost 2 pounds in 4 days and felt great. I also add 30 minutes of walking after and occasionally 20 minutes of elliptical. But anyway, the app is awesome and definitely worth a try. It's easy and FREE!
  • edauzat2
    edauzat2 Posts: 12 Member
    I am certainly no where close to being in condition to run(overweight and screws and plate in ankle), but I've ben "training" to run a 5K with the Couch to 5K app. The app is free on both Apple and Android phones. It alternates running and brisk walking and includes warm up & cool down periods. I could feel my endurance increase throughout the week until I got bronchitis and had to stop. I lost 2 pounds in 4 days and felt great. I also add 30 minutes of walking after and occasionally 20 minutes of elliptical. But anyway, the app is awesome and definitely worth a try. It's easy and FREE!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Thank you! I will download this on my iPhone!
  • djjones79
    djjones79 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, i started running 10 weeks ago, as my hubby is training for triathlons and I wanted to be able to do something with him.

    He started running using this training programme and found it fairly easy, so I have done the same, and surprisingly for someone who thought they would hate running, I'm loving it!

  • caseyp1122
    caseyp1122 Posts: 79 Member
    Invest in some Nike Free Run's, it will be the best money you ever spent!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I've never been a runner, even gong back to my high school soccer days. More power to you!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Get fitted for shoes.
  • djjones79
    djjones79 Posts: 2 Member
    Agree - get fitted with shoes, get loads of free advice at a decent running shop at the same time!
  • Gunff
    Gunff Posts: 47
    shoes, shoes, shoes. make sure you have good running shoes!
  • qkiley
    qkiley Posts: 65
    Definitely get fitted for a proper pair of running shoes. Went from hating running to loving it once I got my new pair of shoes. C25K is a great program. I could barely run a few minutes at the start of the year, now I entered a 5 mile race for next week. You can do it!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Thank you everyone!! Tomorrow marks day 1!
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Your body can run farther than you think and the more you push beyond your mind, the farther you can run!