Morbidly Obese, I really need help!



  • alucard835
    alucard835 Posts: 13 Member
    You need to figure out what's causing you to eat. If you say that you "can't stop eating" there has to be something triggering that response. Food is an amazingly comforting emotional coping mechanism.

    Once you get to the bottom of those problems and start working on yourself and being comfortable and happy with who you are as a person, then the rest will start to fall into place naturally. Losing weight is simple, but it's not going to be easy.

    This is a great place to start and everyone here can be super supportive. They've met the same challenges that you will and will work with you to get you through any hardships.

    Keep your head up girl because it's going to take time but you can do this.
  • krysteegout
    krysteegout Posts: 2 Member
    The world is your playground, and you have taken the first step! Go do some things that you didn't think you could, and you will be amazed at your results. Just accomplishing it will mentally take you a long way! One day at a time.... it's all about choices. Look at all the people who are so proud of you already just for trying, and they don't even know you! Awesome!
  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 197 Member
    Everyone on here is extremely supportive. You can certainly add me as a friend if you like. Sometimes starting with small health goals is easiest. Substituting a soda for some water, parking further away to get more walking in. Slowly add healthier foods and exercise. Before you know it, you're entire menu will be healthy foods and you will be burning more calories than you ever thought. Logging everything (good and bad) really does help! Good Luck! I know you can do this if it's what you really want.:happy:
  • yes you can! add me- i would love to help and encourage you.
  • I would add, focus on things that are more real, like the kind of human you are, the kind of community you want around you, the kind of friend you want and want to be. Don't obsess about the food. Food will always be a part of your life and isn't the sole reason for the weight. It's just been your comfort choice.

    You have the rest of your life to eat food. Keep that in mind. You will eat ALL your life so there's no rush to eat all of the foods, ever, which is my stressor when I think about the deprivation of "dieting". So don't. Don't EVER diet.

    Your only job for this week...and I mean it, write down all the food you eat. The most important part, you are not entitled to judge it. Just write it. It's just food. You chose it because you need it for nourishment and because it brings you comfort.

    Next week, your brain will start to do things like "Do I want to write this down? I could have this other thing instead". In my case it's balanced out with...OMG, I can still have HOW MANY calories? WHEEE!!!!! (because I'm allowed 2000 calories in a day which may be similar to you as I started at 300lbs and aim to lose 1 lb per week). There's a LOT of food you can eat. And you need to remember that. It's not about how much food you can't eat, it's all about how you can eat all the worthwhile food in the world, you just need to balance it.

    And keep an eye out for cool combinations of foods..I love chicken and citrus so that means chicken with capers, chicken with wine and lemons, chicken with get the idea. Go on a chicken kick, lookup cool recipes, eat things that make you happy and that you can take pride in.

    (sorry, I blithered on a bit.) You are not alone. :)
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    You can do this!

    Slow and steady is what works.

    Also - and this was hard for me at first - if you look in the mirror every day and tell yourself "Ugh, you have SO far to go!" - it's going to be even harder. Try replacing it with "You can do this! You're worth it! Every day, all the way!"

    For me this has been a process of reshaping my body, taking care of my body, rather than equating my Self with the body it's housed in. (I know that sounds weird. Bear with me.) Basically what I mean is that my soul and my self-worth is NOT determined by my body's shape on any given day. I think it's really cool that I can do new things, eat differently, and work out to change the shape of my body, but I like myself no matter what size I am. Because even when I'm heavy I'm nice to people, funny, pretty damn good looking, and no slouch in the brains department. (I have my moments, at least. :wink: ) If I didn't like myself reasonably well, I wouldn't consider getting healthy worth the effort.

    Welcome to MFP - I wish you all the best!
  • You can totally do this! i'm not going to say there aren't going to be set backs, but if you keep changing your old patterns, each of these struggling times gets easier! don't be too hard on yourself, these things balance out. Sometimes it's ok to eat crap, think of all the days that you eat really well. sometimes its ok to skip your walk, gym or fitness video, cause sometimes we do more. it's all about re-training ourselves, and working hard.

    Make sure you have clear goals, and people to support you who love you. thats the key. i used to weigh over 450lbs at my heaviest, last time i weighed myself (which i don't tend to do much now, i like to watch the inches instead) i was 340. All that was was changing my way of thinking about food and just living my life. now that i've been working on what i eat, the weights been dropping off with walking and a possitive attitude added in!

    I know you can do it! every day you eat healthy and treat your body right is a day closer to your goal. remember 6 steps forward (good day) and one step back (bad day) is still a week with 5 steps forward! POSITIVE!!!!!

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've always been overweight. When I started I weighed 167kg at 5'6":embarassed: ....I'm now down to 114.9kg (still 5'6"...would like to find some height inches!!). :bigsmile: Its taken me two years, the last year being on MFP. This is totally do-able. Baby steps, celebrate all the little victories.
  • Yea for wanting the change! That's the first step. I'm in the same weight range and near the same age with similar goals. It's about wanting to change. Add me and the others on here MFP is a great tool with very supportive people who want to help you succeed.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I too am aiming to lose half my original weight. I am 54 and have gone from 267.5 pounds to 236 pounds in just over three months. I felt like I didn't have a support system either but once I started losing and was feeling and looking better my husband began to eat better and so did my daughter. My daughter even joined agym with me and we work out together. Jim has lost 25+ and Kim has lost nearly 20 and they started a month after I did. Losing while you are young is so much better tahn waiting until you are older. MFP is an amazing support system. I hope that you find friends and success here.
  • iamkylie
    iamkylie Posts: 43 Member
    Everyone on here is so nice. I am so happy I found this site. What are realistic goals that I can achieve before Xmas? I am so ready to lose this weight. As people have said I think I need to set small goals for myself because looking at how much weight I have to lose seems like an impossible task, but if I look it like I want to lose 5 kg before New Years seems so much easier to achieve. This might seem superficial, but what happens to the stretched skin?
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    before xmas? depends on your commitment, focus, diet and exercise.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Everyone on here is so nice. I am so happy I found this site. What are realistic goals that I can achieve before Xmas? I am so ready to lose this weight. As people have said I think I need to set small goals for myself because looking at how much weight I have to lose seems like an impossible task, but if I look it like I want to lose 5 kg before New Years seems so much easier to achieve. This might seem superficial, but what happens to the stretched skin?

    5 kg by new year is probably realistic - but more important is to start being aware of what you are eating and where those excess calories are coming from.
    Start by recording everything you eat. Whether its healthy or not, write it down. After a few days have a look at the patterns and you will soon see which foods are bringing you lots of cals and not many nutrients.
    Start small - you don't have to change everything at once. Maybe pick one meal per week and look for healthier options.
    Get moving anyway you can - walk, wii, dance, anything to get your body moving.
    Good luck!
  • george_ie_girl
    george_ie_girl Posts: 120 Member
    Yes 5 kg is definitely achievable by New Years - possibly more! Log everything you eat - it works and you'll lose weight. Be patient though - it seems hard at first but you'll get addicted and start loving it soon enough. Get excited girl! Your life is about to improve - in every way!

    Don't stress about loose skin - you're young and working out will help.