advice needed please.

Hi there, my name is Heather and i have only been using this site for 2 weeks now, i am following all my calorie, carbs fat etc intake, in fact i am below my calorie intake on most days yet i am not losing weight, in fact i weighed myself today and have gained 1lb, im getting so disheartened, does anyone have any advice on what i may be doing wrong, help please, thankyou for reading and any help greatly appreciated x


  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 138 Member
    Need to view your food diary.
  • You sound a lot like me, i'm just trying to push through it and hope to come out on the other side with numbers i'd much rather see
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Hi! My question to you is....are you exercising, drinking water, and how much sodium are you taking in? Without seeing what you are consuming, it makes it a little difficult to give you advice or tips.
  • when i started this and doing what my doctor told me to do. i avoided the scales for 3 months. i don't know what your calorie intake is but i would get with your doctor and ask him what your calorie intake should be. don't loose hope it will come off.
  • melelana
    melelana Posts: 122 Member
    You shouldn't be under 1200 calories. It puts your body in "starvation mode" (as stated by MFP when you finish the day under 1200.) Up your calories, maybe shoot for between 1200 and 1300 and you'll most likely get better results.
  • The main question I would ask is, Are you exercising and if you are you should see inches come off and clothes feeling loser. If this is happening then the weight will start to fall off quickly once you build a little muscle.
  • I am a super slow loser. I was on 1200 calories a day and not losing fast. i bumped it up to 1400 calories and i lose about 1-2 lbs a week. i am never anywhere near my carb intake and way over my protein every day. Please don't give up. Just try to tweek some things.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Hi there, my name is Heather and i have only been using this site for 2 weeks now, i am following all my calorie, carbs fat etc intake, in fact i am below my calorie intake on most days yet i am not losing weight, in fact i weighed myself today and have gained 1lb, im getting so disheartened, does anyone have any advice on what i may be doing wrong, help please, thankyou for reading and any help greatly appreciated x

    ]Are you drinking at least half your body weight in water? That is one of the biggest mistakes people make and easy to fix!
  • you may have shocked your body into starvation mode... you have to keep up with the calories not strive to go below... watch your salt... it causes bloating and can tip the scale. Also, you never mentioned exercise... you should log in some walking time, cleaning, etc. You gotta get movin' ! Good luck honey !
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Make sure you are drinking a lot of water...fat comes out of our body through our urine make sure you eat some of your execise calories back. If you are just modifying your food intake then it will probably take a bit longer for you to see results on the scale. Adding exercise will help speed it up a bit.

    And I'll tell you it wasn't until the end of two weeks, of really long hard workouts, that I started losing, you'll notice inches going first and that's more important.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Everyone is different in how their body responds to diet and exercise. I take in 1061 calories daily and do NOT eat back any burned calories. Inches did come off first for me too. Hang in there find your triggers and tweak things to work for you!
  • I was getting frustrated at the end of my first week. I switched from drinking diet Mt. Dew to water and it seemed like I dropped weight over night. Walking and drinking water will help flush the toxins and fat out. Good luck, don't give up!
  • Hi thanks for your reply, i excersise once a week for an hour at aqua fit, there is only so much i can do because of hip problems, i have increased my water intake, and not sure about sodium levels, i do not have a lot of salt with my meals, a typical day for me is cereal (special k) for breakfast, a cup of slim a soup and a piece of fruit for lunch, and a balanced meal for dinner eg chicken breast and veg x or pasta and tuna that kind of stuff x
  • ok thank you so much, i will try increasing my water, i am drinking on average about 3 to 4 cups of water a day, will keep you updated, good luck with your weight loss and in everything you do, thanks again heather x
  • thanks so much for your advice, i feel better now, i wont give up, will keep you updated and good luck with yours heather x
  • oh ok thank you for your advice, i only do 1 hour excersise a week at aqua fit because of hip problems but i do walk, (probably not enough) but i will try to increase that too, thanks again and good luck to you too heather
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    you're probably not eating enough. you need fuel, and you need to come in as close as possible to the calorie goal that MFP gives you. go see a nutritionist, and get a food scale.
  • I have hip problems as well and also cannot do any strenuous exercise. I bought a yoga cd and only do 10 minutes of stretching each day. It has made a tremendous difference in my hips. At first I could hardly do anything even for the stretching but as you can see I am not as young as I once was. However, after making the commitment to the 10 minutes EVERY day, I noticed a huge difference and even lost inches. I agree with all the others too, the calories and going under is not a good idea. You will not lose weight. I ate any exercise calories and even went over a few times off and on and still lost weight. It actually shocked me to see how much the scale went down! This is the yoga cd if you are interested. It has five 10 min segments. I only do the last two and alternate them for variety.

    Best to you on your journey and feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • hi thanks for your advice, i excersise for 1 hour a week at aqua fit, there are only certain things i can do due to hip problems but i do walk, (probably not enough) but i will increase that too thanks again heather, oh and good luck to you too
  • oh that sounds good i will definately try that thank you, i am new to this site so just finding my way around it, so when i figure out how to add friends i will, thanks again and good luck to you heather