1 month to lose weight

Hi All

I want to lose weight for Christmas so have 5 weeks to do it! I weigh 173 at the moment and would like to lose 2 pounds a week - so 10 pounds in total in that time.

I am starting 30DS tonight and have a calorie limit of 1200 a day to stick to. Also going to try to do 30 tricep dips and push ups a day (on my knees sadly!).

I won't have time for any other exercise so I would love to hear you top 3 tips on how I can use my calories to maximise the weight loss in this month!

What would you recommend?



  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I think you have set an aggressive but achievable goal for yourself! Changing your eating habits is key. I dropped the most weight by changing my calories in (making sure you look at all the nutritional aspects, not just calories. Sure, a twinkie is 100 calories but not a wise food choice!) and adding exercise in gradually.

    I find the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred is a great way to get started (only a half hour) and if you could work in a twenty minute walk instead, I think you'd have more results more quickly than diet alone. And do those push ups... strength training builds muscle and burns more calories overall. Just my experience.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Losing 2 pounds a week at your current weight seems like a pretty high expectation. I dont know your current situation but working our, eating right, hitting your macros, drinking plenty of water, and not being dissapointed in yourself if you dont hit that super high goal.
  • aschoenen
    Good Luck on your weight loss goal! :) Healthy but small snacking and additional water really help. Cardio but you've stated you have little time for add'l exercise so keep it up. However, significant and quick weight loss can have negative impacts to your hair and nails so I'd suggest adding a protein shake / drink to your routine. :)
  • future_marathoner
    future_marathoner Posts: 170 Member
    I use this all natural pill to help me boost my metabolism and burn 3 times the amount of calories when i do work it. Its the one that Dr. Oz recommended- it has acai berry and Capsimax (hot pepper blend). It also gives you a ton of B12.
  • Happy_Taco
    Happy_Taco Posts: 48 Member
    Hi good luck! I have about 7 lbs I want to lose until Dec 10th, so we'll see!

    Here are 3 tips:
    1. Get rid of liquid calories (sodas, juices) - go for water or crystal light
    2. Make the dinner carbs come from veggies instead of breads (i.e. instead of a chicken sandwich do grilled chicken w/ veggies)
    3. Have a cheat meal every week.

    Hope it helps!
  • Mamarrycos
    Mamarrycos Posts: 143 Member
    I lost this amount once. Make sure your diet consits primarily of Fiber and Protein. Limit carbs as much as possible. Preferbably after 4 PM do not eat any "dry" carbs. Incorproate excersise everyday, something like Sunday- Light Walk, M- Cross Training, T- Cardio W- CT, TH- Cardio, F, Cross Training, S- Cardio (Long run 5+ Miles)

    With cardio on T, and TH you can limit it to 20 mintues at about moderate pace. With Cross training you should do full body excersies for about 30 mintues at least and incorporate interval runs e.g. 12 mintues on a treadmill 15-30 seconds of intense running followed by 45 seconds of light intensity (walking).

    Hope that helps. Good Luck.
  • Marlys101
    I think 2 pounds a week might be too much...maybe a compromise by picking 7 or 8 pounds to lose instead of the 10? It seems like your planning well. A lot of water plus walking are huge part of success. I am maintaining my weight after losing but haven't been working out or walking so notice I'm feeling pudgy and not as tone.
    Good Luck!
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I think that's feasible. Keep at it for 5 weeks religiously and see how it goes.
  • mrshickey
    im trying to lose the same amount, although when i posted about it most people said it wasnt acheiveable. im going to try anyway, i have 30 day shred and will be using my cross trainer every day if possible. the only thing im planning to do is stick to my 1200 calories, and maybe mix up my exercise, ie 30ds one day, x trainer another day, zumba the next day. im sure il lose something this way, and if i can get to ten pounds it will be a huge bonus.

    good luck
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    you can also google loose ___ in ___ weeks to get lots of help.

    i'd reccomend going in mean. example...jessica biel, my hero (body wise) eats slow carbs in morning then tapers off to none. just meat and veggies for dinner. usually fish. she eats oatmeal for breakfast, toast for a second breakfast/snack chicken salad lunch. i did that wacky. http://ifitandhealthy.com/jessica-biels-2007-diet-and-workout/

    best to try to burn. even if you dont want too. at least a twenty min walk. but 500 cals would be best.

    lots of water, sleep too.
    no sugar, no simple carbs, low fat
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    Your weight loss goal seems a bit high so dont beat yourself up if you dont make it but if you set your mind to it you CAN do it!!! I started 30DS last Monday and I made a group for us that are shredding our way through the holidays. Message me if you would like an invite. Anyways. Drink your water. The more the better. I eat a small breakfast, am snack, decent lunch, pm snack and decent dinner. Dinner is my big meal of the day. I usually eat a yougurt for breakfast, a fiber one bar for snack, a turkey sandwich and special k cracker chips for lunch and almonds for pm snack then whatever for supper. I try not to drink any soda. Anyways any questions ask. It's do able if you have the iwll power. I lost 4.4lbs this week :-) (I did gain 2.2 during the week but lost it all and another 3.2lbs)
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    im trying to lose the same amount, although when i posted about it most people said it wasnt acheiveable. im going to try anyway,

    You go girl you CAN do it!!!!
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    FYI I started my weight loss journey 1-3-11 starting at 180lbs. By 1-31-11 I weighted 168.2. That's 11.8lbs in a MONTH!!! You CAN do it!!!
  • helen_1980
    thanks all! am really going to go for it! (I also get married on 29th dec, which is my real target to be honest!) but would like to work to Christmas weekend and then relax a little! x

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'd honestly shoot for a pound a week... and then if more happens to come off great, but if it doesn't then don't be disappointed.

    You only have 16.5 pounds to lose.. which is not a lot.

    Try to eat as clean as possible, and drink a lot water. Doing 30DS and tricep dips and pushups are going to cause your muscles to retain water.. which won't show results on the scale even tho you are losing inches.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    thanks all! am really going to go for it! (I also get married on 29th dec, which is my real target to be honest!) but would like to work to Christmas weekend and then relax a little! x


    *squeals* go you! yay!

    I' have similar goals by dates. 29th is my 30TH BDAY! SCAREY! I'd like to enter my thirties at 130. But bad food budget ended up adding a cpl more lbs then i wanted it too. its really important to eat right. even 1500 you can gain if its carby/starchy sugars food. (cheaper food)

    planning on getting back to 130 by then. then on to my final goal in 2012. hopefully before summer. (final goal is to be 115 and look like biel, generally) I'm 5'4.

    good luck sweety! you totally can do it, you just got to be fierce!
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    Congrats on your wedding!

    I think it's achievable, but I highly recommend keeping your carb intake on the lower side. Try to get the majority of your carbs from veggies, and low-sugar fruits. Actually, maybe look into the 17 Day diet or South Beach. Or the Primal or Paleo lifestyle --- those are great, too.
  • andrea_marie3
    andrea_marie3 Posts: 39 Member
    Do you get a lunch hour? You might try walking during your lunch hour/breaks. Every little bit of cardio helps. Good luck!
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    Hi good luck! I have about 7 lbs I want to lose until Dec 10th, so we'll see!

    Here are 3 tips:
    1. Get rid of liquid calories (sodas, juices) - go for water or crystal light
    2. Make the dinner carbs come from veggies instead of breads (i.e. instead of a chicken sandwich do grilled chicken w/ veggies)
    3. Have a cheat meal every week.

    Hope it helps!

    This ^ (although i still eat carbs).
  • MommyMiles
    MommyMiles Posts: 34 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I just stared MFP about a week and a half ago. I lost 1.5 LBS the first week. I am eating my allotted calories a day and doing the 30 DS. I eat the same thing for bfast and lunch everyday. That way you don't have to think about it. I try and stay away from breads. Though, I have had a whole wheat tortilla with my dinner burrito a couple times. I just try and be VERY dilligent about logging what I eat. Every little bite counts.

    The best thing is after just about a week and half, I FEEL better. I know I have lost a bit of weight which no ones else can see ,but I can tell the difference. My pants aren't cutting into my stomach when I am sitting down as much as they did last week, I can make it through the Shred a little bit easier and I wake up feeling skinnier. For a bit there I was waking up feeling FAT, before eating anything. I am no where near my goal weight yet, but I feel better about myself. So hopefully, you will be able to stick to your plan, drop the most weight you can in the time you have, and FEEL better about the way you look, fit more comfortable in your dress, and feel more confidant on your wedding day!