New Person


I am looking for support on my journey. I must lose weight for health reasons. You would think that would be enough motivation to drop the weight but I am struggling!


  • Good Luck to you!! I love this website!!! It has helped me TONS!! Feel free to add me if you like!! :)
  • same here..this program works if u stick 2 it and do as love love the amazing/support friends surround you with as well..feel free 2 add me im alwys here:)
  • I have just begun this week, thanks to my fabulous office mate who helped me get started. I'm learning to navigate the site and add foods, and today I have been browsing the message boards. Any who would like to pal up, friend me. Thanks and good luck to all!
  • Erin959
    Erin959 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi and welcome. Congratulations on making the decision to change your life. It can be a bit hard at first, but in the end it'll be worth it. Just remember to not feel guilty if you slip up occasionally. Just get back on the horse the next day. Feel free to add me :-)
  • nathanacosta90
    nathanacosta90 Posts: 1 Member
    whats up guys ima noob lol! and i need to get into shape... i cant wait until i start to see results... im determined to loose this weight! any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) see you guys on the other side of the scale!
  • We can do it together! I'm new as well... Add me if you like....
  • welcome aboard, feel free to add me,
  • Good luck. Fitness Pal is awesome as the tools are so helpful. It really keeps me aware of my daily calorie intake. I lost 30 lbs using this program. Gained some back :( but am motivated to do it again. YOU can too!! :smile:
  • sarahsaca
    sarahsaca Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a newbie too!! Really like that I can use my blackberry to keep track of my food and exercise when I don't have easy access to the computer!! I've already lost a few pounds and am looking forward to getting to my goal!! Good luck to you!! :smile:
  • Becxox
    Becxox Posts: 52 Member
    Good luck everyone, Im kind of a newbie lol but I would love to join you guys!
  • new to site great journey, lots to do look forward to conversing with others
  • Apacheskicass
    Apacheskicass Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome Aboard!
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You're in the right place for exceptional tools and support!

    Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • u will meet your goal and you will have all the support you need here!!!!
  • Hi I am Nancy :D feel free too add me let's chat sometime!! Anyway I can help let me know!:happy:
  • You've already taken an important step by signing up and asking for support. I really like this site and am inspired by the posts that I read. I signed up for health reasons too but logging on and completing my food diary is a better motivator than my health,:ohwell:
  • Thank You so much everyone!
  • Add me I'm new ;))
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm new, too, add me if you like!
  • add if you wish:happy:

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