Am I eating Right?

I'm always under my caloric intake goal of 1250 calories. I exercise 4 days a week so I have to make up those calories on those days. It's hard for me to do because I struggle just making the 1250 cals on a daily basis.
Am I eating right?
I feel like I'm choosing healthy options but the healthy options are also low calories. How can I eat healthy that are a little more dense calorically?? Mostly for the days I work out?


  • foodeeee
    foodeeee Posts: 50 Member
    Almond butter and avocados solve everything :)
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    Am I eating right?

    Who can tell? Your diaries are private.
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    Not saying im doing it right but I dont eat my exercise calories. Im not going to stick food in my mouth when im not hungry, that's how I gained weight to begin with! :smile:
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    nuts,dried fruit,advocato,olive oil,butter,ect... there are lots of healthy things that are calorie dense (yes i am counting butter as a healthy thing, but it has to be real butter...real butter actually has alot of trace mineral that you need and are hard to find, and a little fat with your meal helps you absorb vitamins)
  • apeecaleb
    apeecaleb Posts: 58 Member
    I want to know what food your eating because I am always hungry and I try not to go over my cal goal;-)
  • wonca
    wonca Posts: 81
    It sounds like you're eating clean, just not enough of it.

    I ran into this just recently and was finding myself consistently under in both my carbs and fats (and as a result my works out were suffering). So I went ahead and added almonds as my "as needed" snack and my works out feel a lot better and I don't feel as sluggish.
  • tabilw
    tabilw Posts: 50 Member
    I didn't realize my diary was set as private. I have now changed it to Public. You all can take a look at what I'm eating.
    I like the idea of the almond butter and avacado. Maybe that will help.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    I think you need more real food. Not enough veggies or lean protein and no good fat. Your sodium might be high since there are some processed foods. Almond butter, olive oil, coconut oil and butters, real butter (I like Kerry gold) will fill you up.

    Instead of romaine have baby spinch, watch the sodium in soups.
  • tabilw
    tabilw Posts: 50 Member
    I have a salad almost everyday with peppers, cucumber, onion etc. I can't have too much spinach because my iron levels are so high naturally and too much iron makes me sick.
    What do you use almond butter for? To have on toast?
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Do you track sodium?

    a lot of the processed foods you are eating probably are quite high in sodium whcih can cause issues with loosing weight.

    I would also get rid of a lot of the carbs you are eating via processed food...the bars and cereals....I would also not eat as much fruit - swap some of that out for veggies - cucumber slices, pepper slices, etc...while fruit is good it still has a lot of sugars - which unless you are working out may not be good for your particular body.

    Add in some good for you fats - as a pp stated almond butter and avocados are great - packs some calories and has good fat that your body needs and will help you feel fuller longer
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Almond butter i put on waffles, ezekiel bread or dip apples into it. I put avocado in my salads all the time. Since you can't have spinach what about arugula, or a spring mix? I think you just need some more whole, naturally calorie dense foods. I agree with the poster that said too many carbs from processed foods, but I like to eat a whole food diet. I eat the greek yogurt too, but get plain and add my own fruit, additions like almonds, ground flaxseed and sometimes protein powder or coconut butter.

    What about oatmeal? I throw walnuts into that or almond butter or I put walnuts in my salads too.
  • nikka488
    nikka488 Posts: 8 Member
    There are so many conflicting 'guides' as to what to eat I find. I find myself generally in a calorie deficit most days due to my workout routines. I'm actually trying to gain more muscle, so I need to net 2500+ calories a day. I eat about 3000+ and find that incredible hard. (I eat as clean as possible). Lately I net between 1200-1600 a day on average. I spoke to a nutritionist and she suggested I add: almonds, sweet potatoes, avocado and quinoa. Even though I eat a ton of food a day I understand that because it's clean food (no processed junk) that the caloric content is much lower. Good luck. :-)