Now I'm 50 it's really hard to lose weight

:smile: I have learned this year that since turning 50 I just can't get rid of unwanted kilos very quickly at all. Then if I think of the medications I'm on since cancer in 2006 that goes against me as well. But the positive is I'M ALIVE AND WELL! And now thanks to this site I feel I have information with me wherever I go. It also keeps me accountable. Just started this week but liking this very much.


  • mbond6
    mbond6 Posts: 27 Member
    I have to tell myself the same things, and I think back to times I was very skinny and very sick and very unhappy! So ill take 40, plump and working on it anyday! Best of luck!
  • jan115
    jan115 Posts: 21 Member
    I totally understand. I am in your age bracket, and I find the pounds just don't melt away like they used to. I am new here, too, and Love this site - such a great resource and wonderful support. You will find lots of help and support here, as well. You can do it!