Tried low calorie diet..



  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Talk to a doctor. See if he/she agrees with you netting 900 calories a day.

    Spoiler alert: they're not gonna.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Netting below 1200 calories isn't enough for your body to do normal functions like pumping blood and allowing you to breathe; it is extremely unhealthy. You will become sick, your body will literally shut down. If you care only about losing weight, go for it. If you want to be able to function normally, do it the healthy way.
    This can happen on any calorie level, diet or no diet.

    I stayed well below 1200 calories for seven months and lost 95 pounds. Extensive blood tests, physicals from two medical doctors, a stress EKG, and a VO2 uptake test reveal that I am in exceptional health.

    In the time that I was dieting, I exercised at least three times a week on an elliptical; I rode two "SaddleSore 1000" long distance motorcycle rides where I rode 1000 miles in 24 hours; and August, 2011, 8 months into my diet, I ran a half-marathon in San Diego, CA and then did another 1000 miles in 24 hour ride through the deserts of California and Arizona.

    There seems to be a disconnect between my real world results and your statement - "Netting below 1200 calories isn't enough for your body to do normal functions like pumping blood and allowing you to breathe; it is extremely unhealthy. You will become sick, your body will literally shut down."

    Further, the LIndora weigh loss clinic, which has been operating in Southern California for over 40 years, has helped hundreds of thousands of people lose weight. They put their patients on a diet of under 1 k cas/day and their patients do not experience the symptoms that you mention.

    A low calorie diet is nothing miraculous and it's nothing new. It's just a time proven way to lose weight. Try it — it might work well for you.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Were you able to eat only 900 calories, train like that w/o feeling hungry enough to eat a horse? No supplements to surpress hunger?
  • Thanks everyone but i was thinking maybe 900ncalories a day after exercise.. And only consuming that much for a period of one to two weeks and then taking it up to 1000 and then 1100 and then 1200 calories aday..

    *shrugs*, try it out. worse comes to worse, you get hungry after day 4, and you end up making yourself a sandwich. good luck, and report your findings for us, good or bad. :)
  • I haven't looked at a specific "900 calorie diet" but, for most people, there's nothing wrong with going on a 900 calorie diet. Well, except on MFP where folks think that if you eat less than 1200 calories, you will die an agonizing death!

    I ate 800 to 1000 net cals/day for seven months and lost 95 pounds.

    I'm in excellent physical shape — bloodwork, checkups, stress EKG, V02 max, etc. Did a half marathon in August and have another one coming up on December 4.

    There's nothing wrong with eating 1200 calories per day to lose weight. Lots of folks recommend that calorie level and I assume it's 'cause most people can eat that amount of food without getting too hungry and they will still gain weight. So, 1200 works. That does not mean that 1150 won't work and it doesn't mean that 1250 won't work.

    Is 900 safe? From a dietary perspective, yes.

    Why did I chose a low calorie diet when I wanted to lose weight?

    Because it has a track record as a safe way to lose weight.

    My GF runs a clinic for Lindora ( Lindora has helped hundreds of thousands of people lose weight in their 40+ year history. They have 39 clinics where their patients go on a low calorie diet and, if you follow the program, you're expected to lose 10% of your body weight in a 10 week program.

    The biggest thing that Lindora does, as I see it, is help people learn about food and nutrition and they help them to overcome years and decades of bad eating habits. So, you lose weight, quickly, and you are "lean for life", as they say.

    I've had great results from a diet of 800 to 1k cas/day and my GF works for a company that gets similar, excellent results thousands of people on any given day so I cannot possibly buy into the "you've got to eat 1200 calories a day or…" statements that so many folks make here on MFP>

    Will a 900 calorie diet work for you? I have no idea but I might suggest that you give it a try and see what happens.

    Like my web page that shows my weight results, my diary is open for review.

    Will you gain weight back if you lose weight quickly?
    That is completely up to you.

    Will you gain weight back if you lose weight slowly?
    That is completely up to you.

    A diet doesn't make people gain weight once they stop dieting - eating too much food makes people gain weight.

    If you don't change your relationship with food, you will end your diet and revert to your old, unhealthy eating habits but that's not a problem with the diet. It's a problem with the person but it's easier to blame the diet than accept responsibility, doncha think?

    900 calorie diet? Go for it!

    My preference was a low calorie diet because I had a lot of weight to lose and because they work.

    I tried it.

    It worked.
  • Netting below 1200 calories isn't enough for your body to do normal functions like pumping blood and allowing you to breathe; it is extremely unhealthy. You will become sick, your body will literally shut down. If you care only about losing weight, go for it. If you want to be able to function normally, do it the healthy way.
    This can happen on any calorie level, diet or no diet.

    I stayed well below 1200 calories for seven months and lost 95 pounds. Extensive blood tests, physicals from two medical doctors, a stress EKG, and a VO2 uptake test reveal that I am in exceptional health.

    In the time that I was dieting, I exercised at least three times a week on an elliptical; I rode two "SaddleSore 1000" long distance motorcycle rides where I rode 1000 miles in 24 hours; and August, 2011, 8 months into my diet, I ran a half-marathon in San Diego, CA and then did another 1000 miles in 24 hour ride through the deserts of California and Arizona.

    There seems to be a disconnect between my real world results and your statement - "Netting below 1200 calories isn't enough for your body to do normal functions like pumping blood and allowing you to breathe; it is extremely unhealthy. You will become sick, your body will literally shut down."

    Further, the LIndora weigh loss clinic, which has been operating in Southern California for over 40 years, has helped hundreds of thousands of people lose weight. They put their patients on a diet of under 1 k cas/day and their patients do not experience the symptoms that you mention.

    A low calorie diet is nothing miraculous and it's nothing new. It's just a time proven way to lose weight. Try it — it might work well for you.] Thankyou i will try the 900 calorie diet...
  • rbbeachchic
    rbbeachchic Posts: 2 Member
    In January of 2010, I went to my Dr. for help with weight loss. I had tried many things in the past. Including just a regular diet of 1500-2000 calorie diet and exercise and the weight just wasn't coming off. My Dr. put me on a specialized diet that for the first 4 weeks I was to only consume 800 calories, then 1000 for another month. Prior to going on this plan I was one of those that had read most of my life, that the body can't survive, and you will go into starvation mode or you will gain the weight right back. So at first I though she was nuts, but she had been my Dr. for more than 10 years so I decided to give it a shot. Long story short, I lost about 40 pounds in about 3 months, and none of the things happened that I had so often heard. I have since then for the most part only gained about 6 pounds in the last year and a half. I originally weighed 205 in January of 2010 and by may I was down to about 168. At my lowest I weighed 164. I now weigh 170. For the last couple months I had gotten back on to counting calories and for a few months I was trying the old fashion way of about 1600 calories a day and for me it just wasn't working. NOW, saying that this is not for everybody, and is not long term. It is also important that once you get off the plan to gradually increase your calorie intake.
  • Hi Rbbeachchic.. If you dont mind me asking, Are you still on the 10000 calories a day??
  • Oops i mean 1000 cal a day..:laugh:
  • ondogirl
    ondogirl Posts: 69 Member
    Bumping...great topic. :smile: :smile:

    My doctor recently put me on an 800 -1000 calorie diet. And I was instructed to do cardio and strength training. I believe it is only safe for those of us who have a lot of weight to over 50 pounds.
  • Mgrogers09
    Mgrogers09 Posts: 61 Member
    THANK YOU NIKKIMEE AND ATT!!!!! People act like a LCD (low calorie diet) is soooo terrible. Any personal trainer will tell you that the best diet is one that you can stick to. I think that people who rag on a 900 calorie diet are sore because they can do it. which is completely understandable- it can be uncomfortable.

    I know that I wanted to lose weight quickly- becuase if i did not see results quickly i would be more likely to stop doing it. so i started a LCD and take in about 900 -1200 calories a day when my recommended is 2700. and geuss what?!?!?!? My body has not shut down!!! All my lifts and gone up, my bloodwork is BETTER, and have lost 25 pounds in two and a half months. People should know that there is a right way and wrong way to do LCD. if you eat 900 calories worth of twinkies that will be unhealthy- if you eat a clean 900 calories is just as healthy as anything else
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    I haven't looked at a specific "900 calorie diet" but, for most people, there's nothing wrong with going on a 900 calorie diet. Well, except on MFP where folks think that if you eat less than 1200 calories, you will die an agonizing death!

    I ate 800 to 1000 net cals/day for seven months and lost 95 pounds.

    I'm in excellent physical shape — bloodwork, checkups, stress EKG, V02 max, etc. Did a half marathon in August and have another one coming up on December 4.

    There's nothing wrong with eating 1200 calories per day to lose weight. Lots of folks recommend that calorie level and I assume it's 'cause most people can eat that amount of food without getting too hungry and they will still gain weight. So, 1200 works. That does not mean that 1150 won't work and it doesn't mean that 1250 won't work.

    Is 900 safe? From a dietary perspective, yes.

    Why did I chose a low calorie diet when I wanted to lose weight?

    Because it has a track record as a safe way to lose weight.

    Will a 900 calorie diet work for you? I have no idea but I might suggest that you give it a try and see what happens.

    Like my web page that shows my weight results, my diary is open for review.

    Will you gain weight back if you lose weight quickly?
    That is completely up to you.

    Will you gain weight back if you lose weight slowly?
    That is completely up to you.

    A diet doesn't make people gain weight once they stop dieting - eating too much food makes people gain weight.

    If you don't change your relationship with food, you will end your diet and revert to your old, unhealthy eating habits but that's not a problem with the diet. It's a problem with the person but it's easier to blame the diet than accept responsibility, doncha think?

    900 calorie diet? Go for it!

    My preference was a low calorie diet because I had a lot of weight to lose and because they work.

    I tried it.

    It worked.

    I absolutely agree. The Ideal Protein diet for example is about 800 calories per day and is primarily protein, very low fat and carbs. It's an excellent diet that many doctors recommend and you feel great on it and have no cravings. It is offered primarily in health care clinics, like chiropractors, and you are monitored weekly. But it is a no cheat diet. If you cheat, you will have cravings and you will have difficulty sticking with it.

    There is no wrong or right diet for everyone. Little tiny people who are very sedentary have much lower caloric needs to start with.
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Rbbeachchic.. If you dont mind me asking, Are you still on the 10000 calories a day??

    Okay that's the diet I want to be on! LOL Can you imagine? It might be hard to maintain.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    THANK YOU NIKKIMEE AND ATT!!!!! People act like a LCD (low calorie diet) is soooo terrible. Any personal trainer will tell you that the best diet is one that you can stick to. I think that people who rag on a 900 calorie diet are sore because they can do it. which is completely understandable- it can be uncomfortable.

    I know that I wanted to lose weight quickly- becuase if i did not see results quickly i would be more likely to stop doing it. so i started a LCD and take in about 900 -1200 calories a day when my recommended is 2700. and geuss what?!?!?!? My body has not shut down!!! All my lifts and gone up, my bloodwork is BETTER, and have lost 25 pounds in two and a half months. People should know that there is a right way and wrong way to do LCD. if you eat 900 calories worth of twinkies that will be unhealthy- if you eat a clean 900 calories is just as healthy as anything else

    I think the issue here is that when dealing with the general population of people needing to lose weight, many already do not have a great relationship with food. LCD/VLCD/PSMF/RFL diets are basically shortcuts and if you've got a specific protocol to follow and you're well educated on the topic, then they CAN work for those that are dedicated enough and have enough willpower to follow them.

    But the problem is, people come in here and post things like the above (no offense) and it gets people thinking about cutting calories very very low without the necessary knowledge on how to do it, including how to come out of the LCD and resume a normal deficit, and duration/macro intake/etc.

    I really think this does more harm than good as people would be much better suited to learn moderation and proper nutrition rather than focus on shortcuts.
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Just thought of something in defense of LCD. Last night I went to a presentation by a food scientist who works at a local health food store. He was telling us that a very LCD is the ONLY way that has been shown to slow aging. In fact, there's a whole movement out there of people who live on very LCD as a way to slow the aging process. It was a reminder for me because I had actually done a bunch of research on it before.

    Or, because I'm a libra and can argue all sides of an issue, perhaps it just FEELS like you're living longer because eating is just plain no fun anymore.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    THANK YOU NIKKIMEE AND ATT!!!!! People act like a LCD (low calorie diet) is soooo terrible. Any personal trainer will tell you that the best diet is one that you can stick to. I think that people who rag on a 900 calorie diet are sore because they can do it. which is completely understandable- it can be uncomfortable.

    I know that I wanted to lose weight quickly- becuase if i did not see results quickly i would be more likely to stop doing it. so i started a LCD and take in about 900 -1200 calories a day when my recommended is 2700. and geuss what?!?!?!? My body has not shut down!!! All my lifts and gone up, my bloodwork is BETTER, and have lost 25 pounds in two and a half months. People should know that there is a right way and wrong way to do LCD. if you eat 900 calories worth of twinkies that will be unhealthy- if you eat a clean 900 calories is just as healthy as anything else

    I think the issue here is that when dealing with the general population of people needing to lose weight, many already do not have a great relationship with food. LCD/VLCD/PSMF/RFL diets are basically shortcuts and if you've got a specific protocol to follow and you're well educated on the topic, then they CAN work for those that are dedicated enough and have enough willpower to follow them.

    But the problem is, people come in here and post things like the above (no offense) and it gets people thinking about cutting calories very very low without the necessary knowledge on how to do it, including how to come out of the LCD and resume a normal deficit, and duration/macro intake/etc.

    I really think this does more harm than good as people would be much better suited to learn moderation and proper nutrition rather than focus on shortcuts.

  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Sidesteal, what is PSMF/RFL

    I know LCD is low calorie diet and VLCD is very low calorie diet.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Sidesteal, what is PSMF/RFL

    I know LCD is low calorie diet and VLCD is very low calorie diet.

    Protein Sparing Modified Fast, Rapid Fat Loss. RFL (I believe) is Lyle McDonald's protocol for a VLCD.
  • bump
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