Recently lost 43 lbs!!! :D and did it in only 4 months!!! su



  • CateLouise
    CateLouise Posts: 60 Member
    well done =D
    that is such a great effort would love to lose that much in 4 weeks !!! =D
  • MsHilda
    lol.. :D well.. all i can say is that i definitely had to keep reminding myself to take it just a moment at a time! LOL.. :D thanks!! what r ur goals??
  • AngelsheriHackley
    AngelsheriHackley Posts: 67 Member
    How did you do it??
  • benedict91
    benedict91 Posts: 77 Member
    wow, great results...I would love to have those results. How are you doing it?
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    She is an Herbalife Wellness Coach. Enough said. Pants.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Lol total pants!

    She just joined and this was her first post.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
  • fisherv
    How'd you do it so fast?! That's great!
  • mrsvelasco
    WOW!! thats awesome, do you exercise? what is your food diary like, i love getting ideas of what other people are eating or doing to lose weight :happy:
  • lovelee79
    duh !! she's trying to sell it.
  • oceancity
    That is AMAZING! Congratulations! :D
  • MsHilda
    well.. i started a nutrition program that consisted of an herbal aloe drink which helped me with digestion.. an herbal tea that gave me awesome energy :D ..and a protein shake packed with all kinds of nutrients and minerals and all that good stuff! lol.. with extra protein :) soOo deelicious btw :9" lol.. it really helped to keep me satisfied & energized!! :D i drank all 8 cups of water everyday!! and excersised (the first month) lol.. for a minimum of 30minutes! :) i did that twice a day.. and had my one meal & snacks in between! :) Oh.. and took it just a moment at a time! :) hehe..
  • MsHilda
    @ lovelee79.. no.. not at all.. but i do recommend it! u dnt have to get anything from me.. but this is what worked for me.. :) nutrition & execise!!
  • MsHilda
    thank u girls!! u can all accomplish ur goals!!! the key is dicipline!!! that will get u there.. just a moment at a time :)
  • MsHilda
    congrats on ur weightloss :) lovelee79
  • MsHilda
    yes! definately!! it goes hand in hand with good nutrition :) and youve gots to drink ur H2o! lol..
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Are you here to sell your products?
    by the way you would have had that loss without herbalife, seeing as you were only having a protein shake, one meal and some small snacks
  • MsHilda
    no ma'am! i am here because its so easy to lose focus! ive struggled with staying motivated lately.. and im hoping to find me some friends who understand.. and ofcoarse i can do this without herbalife! anybody whos determined.. all it takes is a good nutrition & excersice! this is what has worked for me & its helped me feel awesome! of coarse i recommend it! their products are awesome! ..but thanks for ur concern :happy:
  • MsHilda
    ..and congrats on ur weightloss btw! :wink: well done! :bigsmile: