Kinect - Your Shape Fitness Evolved

Has anybody got this game? I just got it this morning and it's such a good workout haha. I don't have much room to work with sideways but it's great it uses space very well and I did the warm up techniques and I was knackered O_O

Defo going to be playing this, also got the biggest loser workout game but haven't put that in yet. I know there's an option to add friends and go along on challenges together so if anyone has done that PM me and I will add you :D!



  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    I am currently looking at buying some games for the Kinect. Love to read reviews. BUMP!
  • I am currently looking at buying some games for the Kinect. Love to read reviews. BUMP!

    It's great from what I've seen so far!
  • emcupp
    emcupp Posts: 43
    I have it, and LOVE it. Even though I don't play as much as I should/want to. Do you have xbox live? I don't even know if it is possible to do a multiplayer or not, but that would be good motivation!
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    the 2012 version? just got it last week. it's amazing!
  • I dont have that game yet, but think I will be getting now =).... I use dance central cause it has a work out mode that clocks time and calories spent. Also i have the UFC training which I like. The Zumba game I got a bit frustraited with because it was difficult to tell what the movements are really suppossed to be.
  • Yeah, the one where u can see your body as opposed to a blob of goo!
  • cbrantl2
    cbrantl2 Posts: 1 Member
    I bought Your Shape when the Kinect first came out. A new version just came out, but I don't really know anything about it. While I haven't really been dedicated to my copy, I really like it. The workouts are great. It is also a good thing to have because you can work out at home. If you struggle getting the motivation/money to go outdoors or to the gym, you can compromise by just popping in Your Shape. This way, you're still being active while overcoming your reasons for not wanting to leave. Also, it's kind of like using a workout DVD because you have a routine to folllow and new exercises to learn without fumbling with a magazine/website or taking the time to plan a workout. It also has different workouts based on your goals so you can have a variety of workouts. It features some classes like boxing & yoga. They're small additions to the game. I'd really like to see a yoga-based game & am a little shocked there hasn't been news of one yet.

    The major downside of it is the amount of time the workouts take. Because it has to show you each move, it can take a while to complete a workout, whereas it may be more time efficient to do something else that will burn more calories in a smaller time frame. Another obstacle, for me, is that I share a house with 3 people. I'm not really comfortable working out in the living room, which is the only place with enough space for Kinect play. I know it's really not a big deal, but I'm not comfortable with it. It is very hard to get a timeframe during which I'm pretty positive that no one will need to walk through the living room & watch me.

    Unforntuantely, video games aren't cheap. So, I'd definiately consider the reality of you using the game and read some reviews of it before purchasing.

    Personally, I enjoy Kinect Sports 1. KS Season 2 is pretty neat, but I like the sports featured in the first one best. I also have Dance Central 1 & 2. To me, DC1 has better songs, but DC2 has better multiplayer because you compete simultaneously instead of alternating like on DC1. If you're into Zumba, the Zumba game is pretty neat. Zumba is fun & challenging to me, so I like to play it (when no one is home for sure! I look like a doofus). However, my friend is super-awesome at Zumba and she gets frustrated with the game because it makes you do the "easy" things before moving on to the harder things. The easy is perfectly challenging to me, however! haha.
  • I bought Your Shape when the Kinect first came out. A new version just came out, but I don't really know anything about it. While I haven't really been dedicated to my copy, I really like it. The workouts are great. It is also a good thing to have because you can work out at home. If you struggle getting the motivation/money to go outdoors or to the gym, you can compromise by just popping in Your Shape. This way, you're still being active while overcoming your reasons for not wanting to leave. Also, it's kind of like using a workout DVD because you have a routine to folllow and new exercises to learn without fumbling with a magazine/website or taking the time to plan a workout. It also has different workouts based on your goals so you can have a variety of workouts. It features some classes like boxing & yoga. They're small additions to the game. I'd really like to see a yoga-based game & am a little shocked there hasn't been news of one yet.

    The major downside of it is the amount of time the workouts take. Because it has to show you each move, it can take a while to complete a workout, whereas it may be more time efficient to do something else that will burn more calories in a smaller time frame. Another obstacle, for me, is that I share a house with 3 people. I'm not really comfortable working out in the living room, which is the only place with enough space for Kinect play. I know it's really not a big deal, but I'm not comfortable with it. It is very hard to get a timeframe during which I'm pretty positive that no one will need to walk through the living room & watch me.

    Unforntuantely, video games aren't cheap. So, I'd definiately consider the reality of you using the game and read some reviews of it before purchasing.

    Personally, I enjoy Kinect Sports 1. KS Season 2 is pretty neat, but I like the sports featured in the first one best. I also have Dance Central 1 & 2. To me, DC1 has better songs, but DC2 has better multiplayer because you compete simultaneously instead of alternating like on DC1. If you're into Zumba, the Zumba game is pretty neat. Zumba is fun & challenging to me, so I like to play it (when no one is home for sure! I look like a doofus). However, my friend is super-awesome at Zumba and she gets frustrated with the game because it makes you do the "easy" things before moving on to the harder things. The easy is perfectly challenging to me, however! haha.

    What a great reply, thank you! And thanks to every1 in the thread, I'm loving the 2012 one at the moment! I'm going to use this to work out for a while and then do some running machine and weights ! Kinect was the best present I ever got ;p
  • Lupiemomma30
    Lupiemomma30 Posts: 140 Member
    Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 is the truth!!! Hubby got it for me tonight....he bought me Kinect yesterday and I'm already hooked. I'm going to LIVE on this game!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I love this so far. Had it a couple days, and there's a lot I can't do yet, but what I can do is really fun. Like Wall Breaker and dancing and kick boxing.

    I'm looking forward to being thin and fit enough to handle tai chi and yoga again, I klutz my way through those as a warm up or a slower paced workout, and then I remember how I used to be able to do most of the poses and movements without falling over my own feet (mostly, anyway I've always been clumsy!). So now one of my motivators for getting this weight off is to be able to do those workouts well!

    I was wondering if anyone could estimate the calorie burn on the wall breaker for a 232 pound woman, at as high speed as possible (not very, but it puts me on the floor at the end of a few rounds, I'm really trying!). I've been recording it as kick boxing, not sure if that's right, but can't think where else to put it.
  • goragon
    goragon Posts: 50 Member
    I've just started using this now, feel free to add me to your friends list my game tag is xGoragonxon xbox live
  • JJMS
    JJMS Posts: 42 Member
    I just got this last week and I am having fun with it, if you have Xbox live and want to compete in the challenges PM me and we can exchange gamertags :)
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I bought this game yesterday. I wasn't going to do an actual workout, I just wanted to check it out. Well, over an hour later I realized I had been "checking it out" for a long time. I must have tooled with it for nearly 2 hours. Today my legs are sore from doing the 'blow up balloons' squats and arm exercises. I look forward to going home and doing more "wall breaker'..that was awesome. Yep, I'm hooked.
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    I love the new version more than I loved the first and that was a lot.
  • pinkydemon
    pinkydemon Posts: 135 Member
    I do have the 2012 version and I am so hooked up to the Wall breaker that is just so much fun. The walking is good as well even though I thought when I read about the features that this would be something I wouldn't want to do in my room.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have the original one, and I love it.

    I haven't used it in a while because I feel guilty taking control of the TV and XBox from my fiance, but it was what I was using for exercise when I first started losing weight. It really toned my stomach and legs quite quickly, and I went down a dress size not long after I started.

    I walk now, plan on getting into cycling starting next week, and though I still lose weight I've also lost the toning that Your Shape gave me.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    I have been thinking of trying this. I am missing my left arm from 2 inches below the elbow. Could I do these exercises? Thank you!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    If Kinect can easily recognise the shape of your body (and I'm sure it could, I don't think it's specific enough to look for a whole body, more just certain points), then the main exercises shouldn't be too much of a problem.

    There are fitness sessions including yoga, kickboxing and aerobic/toning workouts that you should be able to manage - even if it can't recognise you on a few moves, you'll still be doing them and receiving the benefits. None of the exercises I remember doing involved two full arms - no planking or anything (the Biggest Loser game has a lot of that!).

    However, you might struggle a little with the more game-like parts, including the wall smashing and balancing games. They require you to hold your arm out, punch across your body or reach up to a certain target on the screen, so you'll probably struggle to play them. I certainly think it would be worth it for the rest.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you! I think I will try it. Most of the kinect games I have tried worked pretty well. I think this will be a better fit for me than the Biggest Loser game.

  • I have recently picked up Your Shape, and man does it kick *kitten*. I swim about 1.25km two to four times a week, and do a combo walk jog on the treadmill. Still when I got this game for my xbox I decided to ask it to set up an objective for someone who is a 'couch potato' glad I did! I know I'm not super fit, but goodness I thought this would give me a gentle introduction to figure out the routines and then progress. Nope, this is a challenge for me. I love it! I think due to the various routines I'm exercising muscles that I haven't in ages. First thing this morning I did a warm up, a run, the wallbreaker and started on a routine for toning my the arms routine really got me. I took a breather after the fourth routine before carrying on. I mean the lunges and press ups really winded me. I love that it maximises your calorie burning by using interval training.

    Being a cheapskate at the moment, so not on xbox live at the moment, but may do this later on when I feel competitive.

    My only gripe is that when I did the yoga it didn't seem to register that I was mimicking the trainer ...perhaps just too poorly, I don't know. All the other routines seem to work great, especially the dance routines. The calories burned though feel kind of low for the way I feel afterwards, but I'm just happy to have found something with so many different activities.