No loss in 10 days. muscle weight??

Hi guys. I have my account set up to loose 2lbs per week. I've lost about 11# so far. It's been about 10 days, and the scale hasn't gone up or down.I have been working out daily (power-walking, butt bible, ab workouts), and staying under my calorie goal. I'm wondering, do any of you guys believe that if you start working out and making more muscle, that you are going to stay around the same weight for a while? My friend told me that I'm gaining muscle weight, and that once my body realizes that, it's going to kickstart into weight loss mode. Is this true?
I'm starting to feel discouraged :/ pleasse helllp!


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    First, don't get discouraged.

    It's possible that you're having some water retention and it's masking weight loss. It's not likely that you've gained any considerable amount of muscle.

    That being said, weight loss isn't linear and I'd give it another week or two before becoming concerned.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I have mine set to 2 lbs a week, and when I follow it religiously I have NEVER lost 2 lbs a week. Don't expect a 2 lb loss every week, especially as you get closer to goal. Also, the body will periodically have mini plateaus in weight loss as it is adjusting to new calorie levels. I wouldn't call it a plateau this soon, but it's completely normal to have little stalls in weight loss, and perfectly healthy. The body needs to catch up with all the new changes. I'm not sure about the muscle thing, I'll let the experts on here weigh in on that one.
  • Jmayhem69
    I'd guess that you are building muscle (which weighs almost twice as much as fat per mass) which is actually GREAT NEWS! Do you have a scale that measures body fat? They help inform you of what's really happ'nin inside you. Remember muscle burns fat...nothing else! So the more muscle you mass you have, the easier the fat will come off. I'd also suggest taking arm, neck, shoulder, waist hip and thigh measurements to mark progress as you will have these "plateaus" but will notice improvements in proportions! For any further advice we'd have to be able to see your diaries.

    Like the rest said, don't stop, stay positive, this is just the step that separates you from the failures.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi guys. I have my account set up to loose 2lbs per week. I've lost about 11# so far. It's been about 10 days, and the scale hasn't gone up or down.I have been working out daily (power-walking, butt bible, ab workouts), and staying under my calorie goal. I'm wondering, do any of you guys believe that if you start working out and making more muscle, that you are going to stay around the same weight for a while? My friend told me that I'm gaining muscle weight, and that once my body realizes that, it's going to kickstart into weight loss mode. Is this true?
    I'm starting to feel discouraged :/ pleasse helllp!

    You're not gaining muscle, but you may be retaining fluid in you muscles if you just started a new exercise routine.

    Do you wear a HRM to calculate your calorie burn? If you do, then eat all your calories back & don't leave more than 100 calories remaining.

    Are you exact on the actual calorie amounts you're eating? Are you weighing items?
    If you're nott doing any of the above, it could also have an effect.

    You need to be as exact about what you're eating as well as what you're burning.
  • Haleynb818
    No, I don't have a scale that measures body fat. I didn't know that such a thing was made! I changed my diary view so I think now it is public! Thank you guys for your help!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    You're not gaining muscle, but you may be retaining fluid in you muscles if you just started a new exercise routine.

    This. When you work out you tear you muscles. The body retains water to assist with the repairs and rebuilding. You're probably losing fat too, but that's being masked by this added water. Don't worry about it, and keep going!
  • Haleynb818
    Yes I know! I have a food scale on Christmas list! Because I know that can take a huge toll on weight loss! I do try to be as exact as I possibly can with the food measurments...although, I do sometimes guess on how much..say 2 ounces of turkey is.
    Also, another thing I am getting is the heart rate monitor for exact calories burned! Right now, I rely on my pedometer, which calculates calories burned by my amount of steps. I also have an app on my phone called Cardio Trainer, which has the same step-count calorie measurment as my pedometer. As for the calories burned, yes I do usually eat them back. I've has some issues going over my sugar goal listed on my goals. Ughh I know that can't be good!
  • klothingme
    klothingme Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Haleynb818--yes it is very possible you are putting on muscle, but really the only weigh you can be sure of that is if you do a body fat check. If possible it may be worth investing in a pair of fat calipers so that when you weigh yourself you see how much actual fat you are losing versus "lean body" weight.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    No, I don't have a scale that measures body fat. I didn't know that such a thing was made! I changed my diary view so I think now it is public! Thank you guys for your help!

    Yes.... I did have a quick skim of it.... I didn't look at whether you was following the 80/20 rule - 80% healthy vs 20% not so healthy foods...

    But I did see that you were mostly eating up to your calorie goal, give or take a couple of hundred calories.
    If you are using a heart rate monitor to calculate your calorie burn, then you should eat all of your calories.... if not, then you are ok

    looked at it again... I can't see anything majorly wrong... all I would suggest is you try to introduce more protein in your breakfast, and reduce the sugar-based treats/snacks (I know it's hard...!)..... because sugar will slow the weight loss....
  • Haleynb818
    I will definatly do that! Thank you so much for all your help!
    Thank you all for your support!