I love to help

Hi Everyone!
My name is Lisa Friedrich, and I am a health and fitness coach with Team Beachbody. I am new to myfitnesspal, and am enjoying tracking my progress! I would love to engage with anyone who is looking for help, support and motovation...(we all need that occasionally, including me! :)
I began my journey at 200lbs., and am currently at 167...I love the journey that Im on and have made alot of great friends along the way! I am so thankful for my new life!
I look forward to getting to know some of you, and hearing about your journeys!
Many blessings~


  • jessermay
    I am always looking for support and motivation, I am looking to just maintain and loose a few more pounds. I am working on life style changes and have found that mfp is helping with tracking daily food intake. I have also reintroduced exersize into my life after 10+ years out of the loop and I love it, I feel so much better about myself on a daily basis!
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    Just sent you a request. Would love some help with incorporating strength training into my worikout. I have lost 16 pounds so far and would loved to be more toned.
  • WIN110
    I need all the help I can get! :) I'll add you and we can encourage one another
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    Hi Lisa, welcome to MFP. I found this site by accident mid-oct 2011. With MFP I lost 10 pounds in 30 days. Before MFP I was walking not sure how many calories I was burning and watching what I ate, but never really sure I as doing it right. Then I averaged 3-4 lb weight loss per month. I am so glad I found MFP.
  • etremoi53
    etremoi53 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Lisa and others,
    I sure could use more support. I am losing weight, but slowly. So far I have lost 4 pounds in just over two weeks. I always thought you lost more at the beginning. Mompanda--I am your age and gender. How are you losing so fast? The older you get, the harder it is!!!!I would like to talk to other women over 50 who are having the same issues of trying to eat a lot less. I also have arthritis so exercise is a bit of a challenge sometimes.
  • moleighsmom
    moleighsmom Posts: 59 Member
    Hi all,

    I am fairly new here too, just a week, but certainly not new to losing weight (and putting it back on). Always looking for motivation and new friends. Seems I can stay motivated for about 2 weeks then it kind of dwindles. I think having the community boards to keep checking on will help keep me going but I'm open to suggestion.
  • fitforlife31
    I can always use the help and support. Community is hard to come by in my situation, and it is nice to have people in the same boat. I love the Beachbody products too. I am trying to do P90X, my husband likes Insanity.
  • socallife805
    I would love to help and encourage you! ;)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Welcome to the site.
    I love meeting new beachbody coaches.

    I've always enjoyed paying a ridiculous amount of money for shakeology instead of buying whey protein and a good multivitamin.

    Good luck with your money making goals of 2011.
  • erinnhamil2n
    erinnhamil2n Posts: 28 Member

    We can all use the support! Feel free to add me as a friend.

    I started out a year and a half ago at 210. Today I am 144. Inching closer to my goal of 130 everyday. I find the MFP program to be very helpful keeping me honest with myself.
  • seeled
    seeled Posts: 93
    I've always enjoyed paying a ridiculous amount of money for shakeology instead of buying whey protein and a good multivitamin.

    Good luck with your money making goals of 2011.

    What do you mean by shakeology and whey protein? My husband had been trying to get me to use whey protein since I am not getting enough protein in my diet. I am afraid I would drink the whey shake and still eat the same amount of calories and not see any benefit.
  • coachLisaF
    coachLisaF Posts: 46 Member
    Sorry for the delay in responding, I just found out how to get back here! :) That is awesome, many of us wernt brought up to exercise, so getting "into it" can be quite a struggle! My biggest motovator is knowing that I have been lied to all these years. Gods word gives us 2 commands.."love God with all your heart. mind. and soul. and to love your neighbor "AS YOURSELF." The huge tactic of the devil is to keep us in self hatred, (even if we dont realize it) because if he can, we are unable to truly love anyone else, God or our neighbor,..and there he's got us! As long as he can keep us a "victim", we will never have the victory that Christ died to give us..And that my dear friends makes His death on the cross worthless...NOT GOOD.

    I am 48 years old, and have four grown children, and am just recently (April) coming to walk this out. I would LOVE to walk with anyone who wishes to join me!

    Be blessed!
  • coachLisaF
    coachLisaF Posts: 46 Member
    I am a Chalean Extreme Grad, and made it 1/2 way through P90X..My husband is just finishing it! He is awesome! I was in Dallas a couple of weeks ago, and got to work out with Shaun T personally! HE IS AWESOME! I will be purchasing Insanity soon!

    I LOVE Shakeology, it truly is the BEST nutrician in the world! I cant imagine my life without it! It reduces cravings and eliminates all the bad junk in your body and allows your body to run optimally..I saw that someone said that they spent a bunch of money on it, Its $120.00 a month, which averages out to $4.00 a day, and since you replace a meal with it, its cheaper then just about ANY healthy meal you can eat! Whey protien is great if youre only looking for more protien,,,Shakeology is not a protien drink, it PURE Nutrician..

    As far as Beachbody products, I Love them too, but since I have become a coach, I have become to understand the core mission of the company, and its not about selling products and making money, although that is part of it...the REAL mission is to help people take control of their lives physically, Emotionally and Spiritually!

    Some people sell Avon, sone Pampered Chef, some, Primeir Jewlery...these are great, but in my opinion, only "dress up" the outward apearance" and do nothing to change the heart...BB is into helping people change you from the "inside" out! <3

    I LOVE my Job because I LOVE people, and helping people break out of the prisons of their minds and move toward achieveing the dreams that they once had! :)

    Please feel free to message me anytime!

  • coachLisaF
    coachLisaF Posts: 46 Member
    To "I Love Dead Lifts" and "Seeled"

    I dont have any money making goals for 2011 or 2012... Thats NOT what this company is about! If you have ever met Carl, you will know its about helping people "lead healthy, fulfilling lives."
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Please add me as a friend. There is no so thing as too much support.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I am in the same situation as you are. It is much harder when we are older. Please add me as a friend.
  • coachLisaF
    coachLisaF Posts: 46 Member
    Also...last post! LOL I am so happy to hear about all of your successes! I love this site because of its calorie counting ability! It has helped me in watching what I eat.

    I began my journey in April at 189 I am now 166.5...heading to my recently changed goal of 155!

    I hope that you all have a terrific weekend!

    I am looking forward to visiting with you!
    If you would like to chat one on one..please message me..I kinda do better like that.

    Also, Im not much for adding folks...so feel free to add me! :)

    Talk soon~
